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An Anacybelish Quiz!

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lol Anacybiology. XD

Anyway, the answers! In spoiler tags, of course. You can check them here instead, Emerald. :)

1. B. Despite what a couple of you have said, I'm high functioning autistic and have Asperger's. I WAS misdiagnosed with ADHD first though. Anyway, I have a lot of characteristics of people with Asperger's, so it's certain I also have it. Social skill issues, sensitive ears, talkative, can go on and on about something I'm obsessed with, generally intelligent and talented, and other stuff.
2. A. Like some of you say, I'm VERY dedicated and devoted to what I like and I'm always very loyal to my friends. I've definitely made this quite known.
3. C. I do a lot of drawing and spriting, but I do even more writing. Trust me on this. I write a crapton between practice stuff and actual stories I intend to post publically.
4. C. I hate Sci-Fi. It usually bores me.
5. D. I enjoy all genres, generally. There isn't one I like more than the others. I'm not as into shooters as I am everything else though.
6. B. While my favorite pairing ever, IkexElincia, is indeed heroxprincess, most of my other preferred pairings are of the cavalier knightxPegasus knight type. KieranxMarcia, FrederickxCordelia, SainxFiora, KentxFlorina, KylexSyrene, and OscarxTanith. That's a lot. lol
7. C. I love muscles and dark hair on a tall guy! You guys should really know that by now since Ike and Frederick fit that category. XD (we never see Frederick's muscles, but the stuff he says at times screams muscular butler knight to me and he's clearly hunky and dark-haired)
8. D. Pretty much what Rando said.
9. B. I love all four options I put, but I REALLY love shrimp! Make it any way you like, I'll enjoy it! I haven't met a shrimp dish I haven't liked except for the overcooked batch I ate at Olive Garden the one time...
10. A. I had lots of Barbie dolls when I was a little kid, but I loved Nintendo, Disney, and Scooby Doo more. <3

I'll come up with the next ten questions when I get back from work tonight. :)

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5 out of 10, I guess that's not so bad.

I should've saw the Cavalier x Pegasus Knight one coming. I heavily based it on your most favourite pairing, and I couldn't really remember what format your other favourite pairings went in.

The shrimp one suprised me. I thought for sure your most favourite food would've been sweet and sugary, and you seem like the kind of person that isn't fond of the strong smell of seafood.

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5 out of 10, I guess that's not so bad.

I should've saw the Cavalier x Pegasus Knight one coming. I heavily based it on your most favourite pairing, and I couldn't really remember what format your other favourite pairings went in.

The shrimp one suprised me. I thought for sure your most favourite food would've been sweet and sugary, and you seem like the kind of person that isn't fond of the strong smell of seafood.

Heh, I see. I do like some sweet foods, but I don't have THAT much of a sweet tooth, to be honest. :P

Also, I realized I should add StahlxCordelia to that pairing list. lol

Anyway, I'll make the next set of questions asap!

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Okay, the next ten questions are finished! ^^

11. You already know I love berries. But which berry is my favorite?
A. Grape
B. Blueberry
C. Cherry
D. Blackberry

12. Which is my favorite color?
A. Aqua Green
B. Teal Blue
C. Turquoise
D. Sky Blue

13. You guys also know Disney partly defined my childhood. Which of their movies is my favorite?
A. The Lion King II: Simba's Pride
B. The Return of Jafar
C. National Treasure
D. Inspector Gadget

14. Some of you know I've lived in Europe. How many different European countries have I been to?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 3

15. Now try telling me how many US states I've been to.
A. 4
B. 12
C. 15
D. 7

16. You all also know I like Pokemon. Which one is my favorite?
A. Keldeo
B. Rapidash
C. Zebstrika
D. Luxray

17. You guys know I write a bunch of fanfiction, particularly for FE. Which FE land have I not written a story for?
A. Ylisse
B. Tellius
C. Elibe
D. Magvel

18. While we're on the topic of video games, which of these is not in my top five favorite games of all time?
A. Fire Emblem: Awakening
B. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
C. Super Mario Galaxy 2
D. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

19. Like everybody, I have fears. Which one of these is a phobia of mine?
A. Clowns
B. Heights
C. Water
D. Small enclosed areas

20. I love to travel! Which is my most ideal vacation spot?
A. A campground
B. A beach and hotel
C. A big city for sight-seeing
D. An amusement park and resort

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A little off topic, how does one make a Mario fan fic? I'm just confused as to what exactly you base it off of.


11. A

12. 3 of those colours are practically the same thing, so D

13. C for Cage

14. A

15. D

16. A

17. C

18. B

19. B

20. C

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All you do is take a few Mario characters and come up with a plot revolving around them. :D

And you only got a few right too, actually. But half of the questions have already been correctly answered!

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[/cracks knuckles] Let's do this thing. Note: Lots of guessing going on here.

11. You already know I love berries. But which berry is my favorite? Fuck, I forgot grapes were a fruit for a second... I'm so dead. DX
A. Grape
B. Blueberry
C. Cherry
D. Blackberry

12. Which is my favorite color? So many blues, ohmygod.
A. Aqua Green
B. Teal Blue
C. Turquoise
D. Sky Blue

13. You guys also know Disney partly defined my childhood. Which of their movies is my favorite? Heh. I got this one.
A. The Lion King II: Simba's Pride
B. The Return of Jafar
C. National Treasure
D. Inspector Gadget

14. Some of you know I've lived in Europe. How many different European countries have I been to? Oh, lucky. If I didn't love my country so much I'd be on the first plane to England, natch.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 3

15. Now try telling me how many US states I've been to. ... You seem to really like travelling SO...
A. 4
B. 12
C. 15
D. 7

16. You all also know I like Pokemon. Which one is my favorite?
A. Keldeo
B. Rapidash
C. Zebstrika
D. Luxray

17. You guys know I write a bunch of fanfiction, particularly for FE. Which FE land have I not written a story for? Telling me you don't write Tellius fanfiction is like trying to prove that you breath hydrogen. XD
A. Ylisse
B. Tellius
C. Elibe
D. Magvel

18. While we're on the topic of video games, which of these is not in my top five favorite games of all time? Well, I know what it's NOT. Hmm.
A. Fire Emblem: Awakening
B. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
C. Super Mario Galaxy 2
D. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

19. Like everybody, I have fears. Which one of these is a phobia of mine?
A. Clowns
B. Heights
C. Water
D. Small enclosed areas

20. I love to travel! Which is my most ideal vacation spot? Gah. All amazing options. Except camping, that can go and stay go.
A. A campground
B. A beach and hotel
C. A big city for sight-seeing
D. An amusement park and resort

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Vashiane, I hate to say it, but you only got two right. I thought you knew me better. I'm serious. xP

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11. C. Cherry: I'm guessing that since it's probably the sweetest fruit on that list

12. D. Sky Blue: I don't think you like blue colours with green mixed into them for some strange reason.
13. A. The Lion King II: Simba's Pride: it's a romance with quite a lot of action, so it sounds like something you'd enjoy immensely
14. D. 3: I can't really back this one up with a reason
15. B. 12: I can't really back this one up with a reason
16. A. Keldeo: You mentioned it a while back, and you even suggested him for Smash Bros.
17. D. Magvel: You haven't done any Magvel fanfics from what I recall
18. A. Fire Emblem: Awakening: since you have Radiant Dawn as your favourite, and I doubt you'd have 2 FEs in your top 5
19. D. Small enclosed areas: since an upbeat and active person like you likely isn't fond of feeling trapped
20. D. An amusement park and resort: Seeing how you're more of an active person than a calm one, this seems like the most fitting option.

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You got four right this time, Rando! Not too terrible. :)

Six questions have now been correctly answered though. Four more to go! But if people really are having trouble, I'll reveal the answers anyway.

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