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Let's make the worst FE Fanplay EVER!!!!


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The basic rules are simple:

The first poster (a.k.a. me) posts a scene.

The next person posts either ONE action that happens or ONE line that somebody says. The next person does the exact same etc.


Detailed rules

Try to make most of the characters FE and if not, make it so the majority of people will know who the character is.

Do not completely end the play in any circumstances. If you're desperate for whatever reason just state '*end scene*' and let the next poster create a new scene. End scene counts as one action so you can't post the new scene on the same post those of you who are trying to make a story completely their own way. I would also like it if scenes went on for at least a page if possible. Again, try to make the scenes sound FE-esque

All posts have to make grammatical sense. However apart from that you can make the characters do crazy things from having a character go on a god mode killing spree to acting completely out of character or even Marth sucking Ike's.... Also make it clear when a character enters the scene in anyway or leaves

In case you didn't notice the crossed out text, game-crossing is allowed

Any layout will do as long as you make sure it is clear a character is speaking or an action is happening

This is the preferred layout but as long as it is clear, any will do:

Character: Whatever the character is saying.


*whatever action is happening*

Enough boring rules which has probably taken over the whole page. START!!!

Scene 1

*The scene is set in a deadly volcano filled with lava and ash. Chrom is seemingly standing alone, Falchion in hand, unaware of the terrors he is about to face*

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The volcano erupts a pillar of dangerous smoke, and lava slowly pours over the cracked edges of its shell. Even though it flows slowly, the largest crowd of smoldering lava is flowing straight towards Chrom.

Edited by Elieson
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Through his incredibly focused silence, Ronan stood ahead of Chrom and company, fiercely staring him down, until the boiling lava eventually reached Ronan's feet and caught him in it's flow, slowly melting his body. Ronan opened his mouth to scream, but didnt make a sound.

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