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Why do we care so much about celebrities?


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Honestly, the things we hear on tv or read in a newspaper are lousy with garbage nonsense about Kim Kradashin being seen eating an apple or something else that's completely nonsensical instead of things that really matter. We even care about celebrities that aren't even in this country (The Royal Family for instance). The worst part of it is that people actually buy into it and talk about and take a legitimate interest in all of it. My earnest question is: why is this so?

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Because society tells us to do so. People generally don't like to think for themselves, so if someone encourages them to do something - especially if it's subtle - they will often go "sure, why not" and oblige. And after a while, it becomes a habit that nobody dares question.

Likewise, people like to talk about things. If many people are interested in a common topic (celebrities, in this case), some people will become "interested" in that topic as well just to have something to talk about.

Personally, I don't care about celebrities. They're not doing anything relevant for me in any way, so why should I? It seems stupid.

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This topic was discussed in my Biotechnology class. My teacher's theory is that it's main purpose is too distract people so that the government and large corporations can keep the things people should know a secret such as what's in the food you're eating where it comes from and things of that nature. An ignorant sheep is a happy sheep after all.

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I think that's a side effect of it rather than the actual reason for it happening.

Yeah, this.

I think it's more along people wanting to be like those type of people, so they will criticize or be interested in things they do, as they compare the celebrities to themselves.

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Yeah just an exploitation. I kinda think it's just an excuse for people to not think. Would you like to discuss the war in Syria, the economic turmoil in Europe, or who was most fashionably dressed at the Oscars(or whatever the hell they're called)?

As for "being worthy" I used this example before: one day whilst reading the paper I saw that the front page story was about someone being arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct; in that same paper there was a story about a firefighter who saved an autistic boy's dog from a burning building. The boy commented that the dog is his best friend and helped him fight his depression. That story was on page 30 something. Encouraging stupidty is one thing but there are times when the media almost seems to be encouraging bad behaviour and showing that good deeds go unnoticed.

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People always look to those higher than them to emulate. Celebrities are not a new invention. Heroes, both mythical and real, have existed since the dawn of civilization. Modern celebrities are often popular because they have qualities we wish to engender: Beauty, wealth, power, charisma. They serve both as an outlet for entertainment and a goal to strive for. Or at the least, a fantasy to dream of.

The idea that they are solely a product of the government, or even one in large part, is simply laughable and paranoid.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Honestly, the things we hear on tv or read in a newspaper are lousy with garbage nonsense about Kim Kradashin being seen eating an apple or something else that's completely nonsensical instead of things that really matter. We even care about celebrities that aren't even in this country (The Royal Family for instance). The worst part of it is that people actually buy into it and talk about and take a legitimate interest in all of it. My earnest question is: why is this so?

People find other people interesting... that's all. I don't get why you're so confused by it.

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Celebrities can also act as 'mutual acquaintances' to most everyone that you meet and there are very few repercussions for insulting them. Those are the main advantages over gossiping about people you actually know.

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Also, if you count athletes as celebrities, it's because they tend to represent the person's home town and maybe don't want thugs to represent their hometown (even though some people Oakland are begging for it)

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I think it's more along people wanting to be like those type of people, so they will criticize or be interested in things they do, as they compare the celebrities to themselves.

This is how I view it. Loving a character played by an actor or actress in a movie or TV series, or enjoying stalking reality TV stars, or reading books for character interactions, or following YouTube vloggers on a daily occasion (which extends to Twitter and Instagram) - either way you're greatly interested in someone's life and personality. I see it all as interests in others' lives, and sometimes it's because one wishes to have a life like theirs.

For me, I just enjoy getting to know a person, whether it's a fictional character or a person's real life being shown to thousands of people, because its fun to think about and learn about someone I like.

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They are supposed to serve as role models for us to follow, but the extent to which celebreties are followed is indeed extreme. That most likely stems from people just liking to gossip a lot and finding enjoyment from it.

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I understand the role model aspect of human psychology but I don't understand the popular "choices" of celebrities. Like to me personally it seems more often than not that those who are a bad influence are the ones that get the most attention.

@Anouleth: I guess my confusion lies mostly with our choice of celebrities not so much with the interest. Maybe it's just me but I think there are people of a higher caliber that people can take in interest in. I guess it kinda makes me think of what all this could be doing to influence children but maybe I'm just overanalysing

Edited by Brendor the Brave
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I understand the role model aspect of human psychology but I don't understand the popular "choices" of celebrities. Like to me personally it seems more often than not that those who are a bad influence are the ones that get the most attention.

because people like to talk about people

i personally detest the attention that celebrities get from tabloids. despite that, juicy stories that make the front pages of tabloids still grab my attention for a couple of seconds every time i go to the supermarket. my mom loves watching the celebrity gossip shows like access hollywood, and those are hard to completely tune out when showing in the background.

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But to me the idea of idolising someone because you want to be like them can only go so far when the idols in question are on the lower rungs of humankind. I can only guess that gossiping and taking an interest in those kinds of people is linked to some kind of insecurity like "oh I might not be perfect but at least I'm not HIM/HER"

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Honestly, the things we hear on tv or read in a newspaper are lousy with garbage nonsense about Kim Kradashin being seen eating an apple or something else that's completely nonsensical instead of things that really matter. We even care about celebrities that aren't even in this country (The Royal Family for instance). The worst part of it is that people actually buy into it and talk about and take a legitimate interest in all of it. My earnest question is: why is this so?

Basically, you're asking "Why do people spend time and money on things they enjoy instead of spending it on things that I think they should be spending it on?" I would hazard a guess and say because they derive some amount of pleasure from it. Why do people spend hundreds of dollars on telescopes so they can look at uninhabited chunks of rock and balls of gas planets billions of miles away that aren't doing anything to end world hunger or cure AIDS when they could care more about "things that really matter?" Why do the people on this site invest so much time and effort (and money, because 3DS's and FE games aren't free) compiling all the character stats, dialog, item stats, and merchant inventories instead of caring about "things that really matter?" I imagine it's because they enjoy it and they're interested in finding these things out.

People find other people interesting... that's all. I don't get why you're so confused by it.

Bingo. Have a cigar.

Edited by Dieselpunk
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I'm guessing it's because some people might be fans of the celebrities we see on TV and stuff. What I don't like is that the only stories lately seem to be about pregnant females and their excitement/problems regarding it. It's fine the first time they talk about it. So and so is going to have a baby! That's great, good for them. But putting stories about these pregnancies on every. Single. Magazine. Issue. Is pointless.

I especially hate it because I have a bit of a phobia of pregnancy and pregnant women. I have my reasons for fearing pregnancy, but don't ask about women... I don't know why I'm scared of them at all.

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You've reached your answers yourself Brendor. There is no logical reason why people care about celebrities. The most logical one is that they are retarded/lower rungs of humankind.

These people have absolutely nothing to do so they watch the indoctrination machine that is the TV and read the gossip magazines. The more they watch that shit the less they spend time thinking. The less they think the easier they are to control/conform to what society wants.

The easier they are to control the more they will work long hours for parasites and the government, giving all their money to keep that stupid society running.

It's the same with sports/athletes. Who the fuck care if some guys are good at kicking a ball/tackling others people? People that have no hobbies, that's who.

Think about it, men love cars and sports only because other men likes them. They don't want to feel alone so they start liking it too.

An ignorant sheep is happy after all. Not everyone can handle the truth.

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...dammit esau, i giggled

You've reached your answers yourself Brendor. There is no logical reason why people care about celebrities. The most logical one is that they are retarded/lower rungs of humankind.

i disagree. i don't hold much interest for celebrities, but when i do, it's because...it's just interesting at times to be able to observe and understand how they are as people. mostly, how they compare to and differ from their present and former(common folk) persona. it's also a little interesting to look at how much of a storm is stirred up after various actions of celebrities.

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Why would you care? You will never meet said celebrity. They don't add anything of value to your life. Watching movie is enjoyable but I don't understand what's the point of ''understanding'' these people. Their common life is probably very different.

Brad Pitt could join the KKK tomorrow and it would not affect us in any ways whatsoever, the medias would be all over it but I still would not care.

It's just a waste of time.

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learning something doesn't need to be valuable in someone's life. people will do unproductive things just because they want to. it's just going to happen. it's as if a man with a thriving career as an architect learned about some animals he's never seen, in his free time.

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