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You're welcome.


In all seriousness and sparkling, gorgeous Libra aside: let's talk clothes.

First, I'm also not fond of the fact that they're aren't reclassing portraits, but that would have been a LOT of work, especially for the Avatar. I mean, I like the concept of reclassing, but some of the reclassing options were so... awkward. That said, they kind of lost me once I realized that not all the characters had unique battle models for their own promoted class sets.

Like Lon'qu's. I swear, I have sat there and tried to compare them and I swear on my glasses, his ENTIRE SET is defaulted. Original option included. And neither Henry or Tharja have a "unique" promoted battle model battle model... and Tharja's original outfit is only "unique" because the inside of the cape's a different color. Mmm.

But my main gripe is the battle panties. While you're riding a horse/ARMORED horse/wyvern. That's just... no.

Remind me to reclass Libra into a sorcerer more often. For... um... Tomebreaker.

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I understand they meant to put everything into the game as a celebratory anniversary title... but I never really liked the reclassing concept.

I understand they kept uniqueness by giving each character class sets, and how skills being learned are the point of reclassing... but despite the strategic benefits, I feel like as a character, each has their own "class" to contribute to the team.

I might be bland and vanilla... but that's how I work. Hell, I've had friends yell at me for eating a hot dog plain.

I only reclass if the new class doesn't clash with what the unit does and says in supports and such.

For example, I want to change Virion to a Dark Knight to take advantage of his wife Lissa's pair-up bonuses, but I don't want to jeopardize his identity as the archest of archers.

By the way, hot dogs are only good with tomato sauce. Lots and lots of tomato sauce.

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Only outfits I find odd are the Dark Mage/Sorcerer ones. They have so much defense out of the mages, their clothes doesn't say, 'Hey look we're rocks'. It looks (almost)goofy on Miriel, her hat saves it kind of. Her Sage clothes are better but they somehow offer lower defenses. Falcon Knight clothes bug me too, chaps with crotch and butt flaps, why.
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I might be bland and vanilla... but that's how I work. Hell, I've had friends yell at me for eating a hot dog plain.

what's wrong with you

reclass all day every day, unless it's Morgan because go Grandmaster, it's a nice enough final class

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I prefer to use classes that have outfits I like. 8U Like, half of my army is Bow Knight because of it. It might be a useless class, and there are better ones out there, but I don't care, you are a Bow Knight now and forever. I can't describe why I love the outfit (male or female) so much, but it just looks so cool to me.

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I prefer to use classes that have outfits I like. 8U Like, half of my army is Bow Knight because of it. It might be a useless class, and there are better ones out there, but I don't care, you are a Bow Knight now and forever. I can't describe why I love the outfit (male or female) so much, but it just looks so cool to me.

I think it's that skirt/pants combo.

Virion rocks that like there's no tomorrow, so Bow Knight ALWAYS ends up being his final.

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I think it's funny how Donnel is always wearing his pot helmet no matter what class he's in. XD

But what DOES rather irritate me is that mages keep their dumb witch hats too. Though admittedly, it does look funny sometimes as well. lol *recalls that shot of Berserker Laurent someone posted awhile back...*

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*recalls that shot of Berserker Laurent someone posted awhile back...*

Now that's something that requires Brain Bleach...

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I think it's funny how Donnel is always wearing his pot helmet no matter what class he's in. XD

But what DOES rather irritate me is that mages keep their dumb witch hats too. Though admittedly, it does look funny sometimes as well. lol *recalls that shot of Berserker Laurent someone posted awhile back...*

The wizard hats are adorable, they make me wish My Unit could get a wizard hat too. That said, it's true that there could be classes where they can afford to lose the hat. 8U GK!Ricken is both ridiculous AND adorable because of dat hat.

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Gim-Rey you dastard what are you trying to tell me from that pic


As much as I like the Hero class but that gear collar thing is bugging me. Not so much though, but I think their outfit is a tad too futuristic.

Edited by Noire
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I think it's funny how Donnel is always wearing his pot helmet no matter what class he's in. XD

But what DOES rather irritate me is that mages keep their dumb witch hats too. Though admittedly, it does look funny sometimes as well. lol *recalls that shot of Berserker Laurent someone posted awhile back...*

Funnily enough, Berserker Laurent is the only character (other than Morgan, since I don't mind him/her having a different class to tactician since they could take after the other parent more instead) who I don't mind being completely different to their character portrait-everyone else has to end up back in their starting class tree on my files otherwise it just feels weird xD I like making Laurent a berserker since it looks so strange! The hat the hat the hat

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Gim-Rey you dastard what are you trying to tell me from that pic


As much as I like the Hero class but that gear collar thing is bugging me. Not so much though, but I think their outfit is a tad too futuristic.

The thing I hate most about the Hero outfit is that ridiculous, hideous arm-shield thing. D8; It's worse than the Knights/General armor for me. What on earth were they thinking when they designed that? I can barely stand looking at the outfit, the entire thing looks bad for me.

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I think it's that skirt/pants combo.

Virion rocks that like there's no tomorrow, so Bow Knight ALWAYS ends up being his final.

That's hakama for you. And Bow Knight is pretty rad.

Also, funny that Ricken has a pony compared to everyone else(and I think Nah does too, I'm not so sure).

Well, and the Hero class came from a class which I personally like the male's outfit(Merc). Female Heroes does look a bit better though.

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I don't like how the female models are so fanservice-y. Battle panties on an armored mount? No. Just...no. Seriously, why can't we have pants?

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My only complaint about the hats is when I shift the mages to a dark knight and it... conflicts with the high collar of doom the dark knights wear. Otherwise, I find this silly and adorable.

I like the look of swordmasters and heroes (the gear thing being the only odd part to me; strangely I like the shield) and the Dark Fliers. Sniper and Bow Knight look pretty nice as well. I also like the female Griffon Knight (mainly for a lack of battle panties iirc). Also, I like Chrom's Great Lord class and wish they'd switched his portrait to it after the skip, even if he wasn't actually promoted (also wish they'd done something similar for the Avatar. Have the portrait look like Grandmaster class. you know, to show that they're older and wiser.)

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I don't like how the female models are so fanservice-y. Battle panties on an armored mount? No. Just...no. Seriously, why can't we have pants?

Because butts and camel toes.

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ebKiGZq.pngYou're welcome.

Just add in some summer scramble and yeah...

Can someone get a picture of that?

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Dread Fighters looks very cool, is like if that clothes looks fine in everyone (or at least all the guys I saw as DF class, looks very good)... aaaand I need to say I really like Dread Fighter Gerome, he looks so cool...

Oh, and Severa as Dark Flier! I like how she looks, but I prefer her as a Hero in my team :/

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Dread Fighters looks very cool, is like if that clothes looks fine in everyone (or at least all the guys I saw as DF class, looks very good)... aaaand I need to say I really like Dread Fighter Gerome, he looks so cool...

Oh, and Severa as Dark Flier! I like how she looks, but I prefer her as a Hero in my team :/

Dread Fighter Gerome is Batman.

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I don't like how the female models are so fanservice-y. Battle panties on an armored mount? No. Just...no. Seriously, why can't we have pants?

I remember back in the GBA days the closest thing they had to fanservice were the belly button exposed Assassins, haha.

Speaking of Assassins, I can't stand their appearance in FE13. The blades on their arms look absolutely unnecessary.

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