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Were Gangrel and Aversa lovers?

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What on earth gives you that idea? oAo I never saw any indication that they were more than king and general (or whatever Aversa is).

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If there was any romantic feeling between them, it was blatantly one-sided. Gangrel was used and manipulated by Aversa and Validar. It's possible (but not stated or even implied, really) that Aversa granted him certain physical favors along the way, but there's nothing to support any significant attachment between the two.

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but there's nothing to support any significant attachment between the two.

Certainly that was the feeling I got was they were just using each other after reading the FE Background website interaction between them.

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There was that one CG Rey got (how do you unlock those, by the way?) the mainsite.

Also, while we're at it. How come Gangrel is the rightful king at first? Validar seemed better apt at the job...

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