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Repointing Death Quote Event IDs


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So I'm finishing up chapter 6 of my ROM hack (the KOT patch, for those who know it), but I've run into a small snag towards the end. In my hack, I essentially have a couple of enemies that proc map-wide effects that only end on their death. I would do this by having their death quotes proc event IDs and couple them with an AFEV or a turn event. I need a couple of the generics to proc event IDs for the chapter to work, and I know how to do that, but here's the issue:

Because I'm not making a completely new hack, and instead doing a remake of FE8, all of the entries in the death quote editor have to be kept. I want to add a couple more entries, but I don't have any room in the ROM, due to the way it is organized.

Does anybody know where the pointer is for the death quotes (FE8 preferably, but if you have it for FE7, I can work from there) so I can repoint the entire list to a place that has more room, or know of any way to make another list of death quotes in a free space of the ROM, thus artificially extending the list?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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stick it onto the end of the ROM

also i highly doubt you've really run out of space because fe8's free space reserve is colossal and asm routines are miniscule

yeah i read the questions before i respond

open the nightmare module in notepad

Edited by CT075
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I did manage to find it out. I made a test patch with NUPS to find out what hex values the Death Quote module was editing, then used No$GBA debugger to find the section of code that pointed to the list, then changed the hex there. Now to code it right.

Tbh, however, I have no idea what Cam really expected me to do.

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as much as i can give you props for figuring it out yourself (how much i wish other people would do that) you ended up using a lot of really high-powered stuff to do something very simple

#FE8 Boss Death Quote Editor by flyingace24

FE8 Boss/Special Death Quote Editor by flyingace24
these are the first 10 lines of the death quote editor

just ctrl-f "4C CD 9E 08" (or, if that doesn't work, "48 CD 9E 08")

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as much as i can give you props for figuring it out yourself (how much i wish other people would do that) you ended up using a lot of really high-powered stuff to do something very simple

#FE8 Boss Death Quote Editor by flyingace24

FE8 Boss/Special Death Quote Editor by flyingace24
these are the first 10 lines of the death quote editor

just ctrl-f "4C CD 9E 08" (or, if that doesn't work, "48 CD 9E 08")

Oh, nice. Probably a dumb question, but how do you open it up with Notepad, then?

EDIT: Yeah, as for the ctrl + f, I did try it last night, but I was so tired I made the stupid mistake of not putting it in Little Endian. :facepalm:

And I've learned that like 90% of ROM Hacking is winging everything and learning how to do shit you've never done before.

EDIT2: And I realized I didn't say it before, so thanks for the prompt reply, Cam. I do appreciate it.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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