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No Weapon Experience?

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Hey guys. I have been playing awakening for quite a while now, on my third playthrough. But, for some reason, every so often, some of my units just flat out do not gain weapon experience. Most glaring at the moment is my Gaius and Tharja, who I've paired up. I am grinding to an S support, and after 6 battles with Edward's spotpass team: 0 growth for either of them. Am I going crazy? I tried resetting the game, still no Wexp. This is more than a little frustrating, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why it is happening.

Someone, please help!

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Streetpasses selling Arms Scrolls can cover your WEXP needs if you're that desperate for it and don't have the DLC.

Good luck having the funds for all those Arms Scrolls if you're not using DLC.

...although you should have enough for at least a few, if you really are that desperate.

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Without DLC? That would be nigh impossible since you're in Lunatic. Skirmishes in Lunatic is impossible without postgame unit, even if you are lucky enough to get unpromoted Risen, overleveled avatar and Frederick probably are the only units that can tank the whole skirmish at that point. But judging from your statement about maxing out some support, I could guess that newly popped Risen have some green numbers on them. So that left you with boss abuse, arms scroll, and event tile.

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That's pretty stupid, though. There's being difficult, and there's being fake-difficult. :/

Not really.

It's just anti-grinding.

You don't get WEXP or EXP (Except Staves) from Bonus Box battles so you can't abuse them. The Skirmishes do give EXP and WEXP but they're so high level it's insane.

The idea is "Do not grind."

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