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Zelda Wii U to be revealed soonish!


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Hey guys, there's rumors floating around about the game.

Rumor: Zelda U is a Sequel to Twilight Princess, Made to Challenge Skyrim

Some of the stuff listed here is definitely false though. We already know that Zelda Wii U is going to use an art style we've never seen before and one that is neither cartoony nor realistic, so it obviously won't have the demo graphics or have a realistic style. We also know that motion controls WON'T be dropped. It was stated in a Nintendo Direct that both the Wii U gamepad AND Wii remote will be used. I forgot to mention this in the OP though, I realize. My bad. xP

Other ideas mentioned here though do sound pretty nice. I wouldn't mind them actually becoming true. But who knows?

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We also know that motion controls WON'T be dropped. It was stated in a Nintendo Direct that both the Wii U gamepad AND Wii remote will be used.

Has anyone wondered whether or not SS's controls really needed Wii Motion Plus? Since the biggest addition was the ability to swing your sword in different directions, couldn't you also do that with a second analog stick? Not that the Wiimote/Nunchuck combo has one, but still. And it'd be even more accurate and lag-free than WMP. From what from what I've seen, I'm pretty sure something like that was used for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, not that I've played it.

I like the idea of 1:1 swordplay in a Zelda game, but I think it'd serve the series better in the long run if Nintendo allowed more reliable control methods until motion controls are truly perfected.

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From my experience playing Metal Gear Rising, I'll say I'd have much preferred Skyward Sword controls rather than Rising's blade-time, there was good reason as to why slow motion always triggered when you used it. There was a segment in Metal Gear Solid 2 where you got to use a sword to fight a wave of enemies as well, and it used the right stick to control. I don't know if it was just the implementing of an action sequence in a stealth game, or the bad controls, but the sword wielding didn't feel natural, the only things that made that part fun was the intense atmosphere/setting, and Fission Mailed.

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I don't mean to bash but for me, SS had to be the easiest Zelda game I've ever done. I prefer the game play though, with how realistic the swordplay is, along with the inclusion of the skyward strike, but the dungeons were too short for me and I beat both difficulties rather quickly, being halted only by bosses, (Ghirahim continuously mocking my swordsmanship (in my first play through) and The Imprisoned treating me like dirt), those silent realm challenges (outrunning the guardians had me shitting bricks xD) and just getting to the dungeons sometimes.SS is still a great game for LoZ but I prefer previous dungeons, because while SS only took me weeks to beat, TP and PH took me MONTHS. aLttP I didnt even finish to this day but I really enjoy using those godly medallions. As for controls, SS did better justice but I just love the secret skills and being a show off by twirling the master sword before sheathing it (Beware, Link has now re classed into a swordmaster. And now you shall die by my holy blade). If the new Zelda's a sequel to TP I hope the hidden skills return

Edited by Hero-King
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I liked the special sheath animation in TP too. One thing that I don't like about SS is that although it's an origin story it doesn't explain anything in the other games. For example, if Link forged the Master Sword in SS, then why are the Six Sages credited as it's creator in all the other games?

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