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Even Hubba agrees with this pairing... (Spotpass)


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Heh, yep, it sure is, huh? I just could never resist, for fans, my fic, and for the fun of it. :3

And geez, that's some shipping war. The Pokemon fanbase is adamant about shipping too, whether it's in the games or the anime. They even have names for every possible ship, crack or not. I like a few Pokepairings myself, but not many. I'm just not as into Pokemon shipping as I am shipping for Zelda or Fire Emblem for some reason.

And don't worry about it, I'm sure it was just my lack of interpreting skills. XD

Oh, you'd be surprised. Hetalia is actually very forgiving about shipping, since technically you can go through history and find support for practically ANY pairing out there, so if you ship a certain pairing and have a decent reason behind it, it's perfectly fine. This sounds like bragging and I hate it, but I think a few fellow fans and I started a Romano x England movement on Fanfiction. It was fun. :)

And I've met plenty of fans there who won't mind a good friendly shipping debate.

I'm already behind on Pokemon ITSELF, if I tried to catch up on the shipping I'd never make it.

Now if you want a REAL shipping war, try being a hetero fan in Death Note or preferring ANY sort of ship in Kingdom Hearts and Mass Effect.

Some people can consider that a bad thing.

Ala "die for our ship".

Now that's where it officially crosses the line for me. If I EVER become that obsessed, brick me in the head.

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Due to conscience kicking in, this post has been edited.

I actually didn't want to be enough of an ass to link it...

Though apparently Mr. "U MAD KING" is, though.

Edit: Apparently not.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I actually didn't want to be enough of an ass to link it...

Though apparently Mr. "U MAD KING" is, though.

Edit: Apparently not.

No, no, I am. I just screencapped it anyway.

I shall store it away for memory's sake. ;D

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What are pairings and why do people take them seriously? :P

Really, I don't care what people ship and I certainly don't care if they don't ship the same thing as me.

The only time it even remotely bothers me is when they start bashing and hating on characters I like SOLELY because of their dedication to their stupid OTP, or when they bash the FANS who like a certain pairing they don't like. That is a big no-no.

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What are pairings and why do people take them seriously? :P

Really, I don't care what people ship and I certainly don't care if they don't ship the same thing as me.

The only time it even remotely bothers me is when they start bashing and hating on characters I like SOLELY because of their dedication to their stupid OTP, or when they bash the FANS who like a certain pairing they don't like. That is a big no-no.

Can someone summon eclipse or Red Fox to take this post and just, kind of frame it the rules section or something?

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Some people can consider that a bad thing.

Ala "die for our ship".

It doesn't always have to be a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with expressing what you like about your favorite ships, as long as you know where to draw the line. Sadly, not everyone does, if ship wars are still continuing... :(

Oh, you'd be surprised. Hetalia is actually very forgiving about shipping, since technically you can go through history and find support for practically ANY pairing out there, so if you ship a certain pairing and have a decent reason behind it, it's perfectly fine. This sounds like bragging and I hate it, but I think a few fellow fans and I started a Romano x England movement on Fanfiction. It was fun. :)

And I've met plenty of fans there who won't mind a good friendly shipping debate.

I'm already behind on Pokemon ITSELF, if I tried to catch up on the shipping I'd never make it.

Now if you want a REAL shipping war, try being a hetero fan in Death Note or preferring ANY sort of ship in Kingdom Hearts and Mass Effect.

Now that's where it officially crosses the line for me. If I EVER become that obsessed, brick me in the head.

I think the only pairing in Hetalia I seriously ship is AustriaxHungary, because, well.....its Austria-Hungary.

Pokemon ships are weird, since there is an anime verse and game verse; like, there are some characters I only ship in the games or only in the anime. But like you, I'm also waaay behind in the anime, so I mostly just ship game pairings. :P Ferriswheel shipping and SoulSilver shipping 4 life!

And ohmigosh, I have so many problems talking to most anyone in the Kingdom Hearts fandom since I only ship hetero pairings. My worst memory was being attacked by rabid Axel x Roxas fangirls simply because I shipped Roxas x Namine... >_<

Edited by Silver Lightning
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It doesn't always have to be a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with expressing what you like about your favorite ships, as long as you know where to draw the line. Sadly, not everyone does, if ship wars are still continuing... :(

I think the only pairing in Hetalia I seriously ship is AustriaxHungary, because, well.....its Austria-Hungary.

Have you heard of Avatar: The Last Airbender? I heard that rabid Zutara fans were in an uproar because the creators dared to make Kataang the official couple. Apparently there was hate mail, cries that the writers got their own damn ending wrong, and claiming to know the characters better than the people who made them involved. I'd say that being too involved in the shipping of fictional characters is a bad thing, if you can't chill and accept others' opinions or take a few jokes.

I like Austria/Hungary as well.

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It doesn't always have to be a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with expressing what you like about your favorite ships, as long as you know where to draw the line. Sadly, not everyone does, if ship wars are still continuing... :(

I think the only pairing in Hetalia I seriously ship is AustriaxHungary, because, well.....its Austria-Hungary.

Pokemon ships are weird, since there is an anime verse and game verse; like, there are some characters I only ship in the games or only in the anime. But like you, I'm also waaay behind in the anime, so I mostly just ship game pairings. :P Ferriswheel shipping and SoulSilver shipping 4 life!

And ohmigosh, I have so many problems talking to most anyone in the Kingdom Hearts fandom since I only ship hetero pairings. My worst memory was being attacked by rabid Axel x Roxas fangirls simply because I shipped Roxas x Namine... >_<

I know your pain of being attacked by the pairing fans in Kingdom Hearts, even though i could care less about pairings.

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Have you heard of Avatar: The Last Airbender? I heard that rabid Zutara fans were in an uproar because the creators dared to make Kataang the official couple. Apparently there was hate mail, cries that the writers got their own damn ending wrong, and claiming to know the characters better than the people who made them involved. I'd say that being too involved in the shipping of fictional characters is a bad thing, if you can't chill and accept others' opinions or take a few jokes.

I like Austria/Hungary as well.

Oh dear god yes, I know about the whole debacle! I mean, I'm all for showing support for your fave ships, but when people start sending hate mail and claiming to know characters better than the creators, something has gone wrong. There are plenty of ways to have civil, friendly debates without going overboard; my cousin and I are good examples, in that I shipped Kataang and she shipped Zutara. We had debates while the series panned out, but we never had any real fights over it and just enjoyed watching the show together to the end. Its the same now with Legend of Korra. Honestly, some people just need to shove it if they can't express what they think and feel in a civil and respectful manner. :\

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Gods, I know about the Avatar shipping wars too, though I never actually took part in it or even witnessed any of it. I'm not actually a huge fan of Avatar, but I did like it enough to find pairings I liked. And I don't ship AangxKatara or ZukoxKatara. Unfortunately for me, the pairing I liked best for Katara was sunk long before the show ended.

As for The Legend of Korra, I have no preferred pairings for once. They're all great!

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What are pairings and why do people take them seriously? :P

Really, I don't care what people ship and I certainly don't care if they don't ship the same thing as me.

The only time it even remotely bothers me is when they start bashing and hating on characters I like SOLELY because of their dedication to their stupid OTP, or when they bash the FANS who like a certain pairing they don't like. That is a big no-no.

Emotional investment is very serious business apparently.

All of the blind hate we see in everyday lives could tracked back to "emotional investment". The more someone invest emotionally into something, the more rabid they will come when they try to defend it.

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