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Favourite boss fights?


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Dark Souls and Azura's Wrath had a lot of amazing and impressing boss battles, to name a few:

Ornstein and Smough, Great Grey Wolf Sif, Artorias, Wyzen (he grows larger than the whole planet, how awesome is that?), Vlitra Core (you fight against the CORE of your planet), Chakravartin (you fight against the one Creator, throwing planets and stuff at you)

Okay, first of all I'd like to say FUCK Ornstein and Smough. Just fuck 'em. Just don't........ NO. They're assholes of the highest calibre.

Artorias was actually the first boss that came to mind for me. The Sif fight makes me sad =[.

Most of my favs are listed already. That or I can't remember. If something comes to mind I'll stick it up here.

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For battles I've actually fought, my favorite is The Boss from MGS3. It's more because of its plot significance than because it's a action packed shoot out. I also liked the 2nd Peace Walker battle from MGSPW. Epic music, a huge robot...it all comes together for a truly heart-pounding showdown.

As for the most enjoyable battles to watch, I think the Asshole (Kaizo) Mario 3 final battle takes the cake

6:49 had me in tears. Kudos to T. Takemoto for creating the perfect balance of dickishness and fairness in a romhack and R. Kiba deserves a medal for actually beating it w/o save states.

Lord Kat also did a UWW episode on Alien Soldier, which looked like nothing but boss fights. I enjoy watching some of those now and again.

And of course, how can anyone forget Spoony's horrifying encounter with Naked Zombie Sean Connery?

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I think almost all of my games have epic boss fights.

FFXIII - Barthandalus III

FFXIII-2 - Both solo Caius Ballad fights

Borderlands - Raak Hive

Borderlands 2 - BN-K3R (this takes the cake but Leviathan in Pirate's Booty DLC is a close second)

Arkham Asylum - Joker

Arkham City - Probably Raz Al Ghul

N3 - Inphyy (as Dwingvatt)

Ok, that's like half.

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man theres so many

super metroid: mother brain

ocarina of time: both ganondorf fights

donkey kong country: king k rool

chrono trigger: magus

earthbound: giygas

final fantasy 6: kefka

twilight princess: the fourth boss, zant

metal gear solid: metal gear rex, vulcan raven, psycho mantis, helicopter boss

metal gear solid 2: harrier

metal gear solid 3; the end, the boss

castlevania 4: death, dracula.

i love when it plays this near the end of the dracula fight

Edited by Aizenberg
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Someone before me already mentioned Yami.

I will also mention that Orochi, Ninetails and Lechku and Nechku were also great.

What takes the cake for me however is the optional battle against the 8 dogs that protected that village you visit one time.That was really fun.

And on a another note; The Kingdom Hearts 2 final boss, Xemnas , was kickass.

Edited by the SMT fan
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I forgot about the 2nd Peace Walker fight, while all of the fights in the games were all just vehicles and robots, Peace Walker stood out amongst them.

The thing is only minutes away from launching a nuke, epic music is around you, and the thing is a colossus. Not to mention the AI of the Boss is inside the thing, so it's basically a rematch against her

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Remiel- Tales of Symphonia: Dem Feels man. Nothing spectacular or bossy about Remiel, besides him warping all over the place, but, damn does it feel good to kick his ass. Hey, you just killed an Angel. **** YEAH. (Yeah, Remiel is my favorite boss in any game ever, simply because, WOW. Well done lead up (I -absolutely- love it when someone looks at the solomonic choice and says "**** IT! THE ONE!" (*coughChromcough*)) then this guy. Sure he's ultimately a pushover, but hell yeah is he a great boss. And he's got one of the best boss themes ever: BEAT THE ANGEL.)

Kasumi Sumika and others - Armored Core: For Answer: AKA: Occupation of Arteria Carpals. Sure Sumika is a pushover boss mostly (She's really easy-- she's the "NEXT" in the AC Test), but here, oh hell no. In fact, despite the fact that she's with the top 4 ranking ACs, she's most likely to kill you (not that the likes of Otsdarva, Wynne D. Fanchon, Lilium Wolcott, and Roadie won't **** you up, because they will)... besides, when else in Armored Core has your operator tried to kill you?

Oscar - Chromehounds: (OK, Chromehounds gets like 2 entries for my favorite boss fights of all time) Oscar... basically, you will HATE Oscar. You fight him in the Heavy Gunner campaign in SP.. and he kills a rather well developed character right in front of you. The dastard then snipes at you for a couple seconds and flees. To put it plainly, you don't fight Oscar... so why am I counting him? Because guess what? His mission has the bonus objective of "Kill enemy HOUND": Aka-- kill him. Only way to do this is to dial him (Dialing- knowing exactly where to position, where to aim to cause artillery to land at an exact point) to nail him with multiple Arty shells before he can leave. And damn is it absolutely satisfying when you pull it off. (Although Dialing in general is/was satisfying. ESPECIALLY in Multiplayer, where it caused so much rage from your opponents. ("OMG HVG SO UNFAIR! YOU CHEAT! YOU DON'T PVP! WAAAAH! (Guess what, Objective is "Destroy enemy HQ" not "Destroy enemy team". Guess what else? PvP is "Put your opponent at as many disadvantages as possible so they cannot fight back")))

Unidentified Weapon Appears!!- Chromehounds: (AKA: Ghalib, MSK-X0, and M-99 Super Patriot) This was awesome- and one of the best concepts for multiplayer ever. These 3 bosses-- when the game first came out, people didn't even know they existed. Why? They required special conditions to be met... and only appeared in Multiplayer. In short, CH Multiplayer was a massive war with 3 countries. Now should a country lose all of its territory- it's out, but if they lose almost all but their capital, lose complete control of the area where one of the weapons spawns... and then take back the battlefield where the weapon is, and then the area, it spawns. Now, of course, this is EXTREMELY rare... so those that even got a chance to fight a UW were lucky. But the fights themselves were absolutely amazing. A UW had the power to EASILY kill a player instantly, and it took the firepower of almost a whole squad to kill it-- although due to the way they functioned, you only had like an hour or so to fight it. This was the kind of boss that you call your friends at 2 in the morning saying "Simon is awake! Simon is awake!" ("What?") "Get on CH. NOW." ("What?") "No time to explain, just get on, and be ready to fight." for. (My only problems with these is that they did not benefit their summoner in any way. In fact calling the UW was a disadvantage... and sorta encouraged win trading to make them spawn, because if you were against the country that was preparing to deploy it, you wanted it to happen... and then the players affiliated with the country that has the UW can't deploy to help it. (Which would've been amazing.)... but they were still amazing. And it's a damn shame Chromehounds is dead.)

Huff N Puff - Paper Mario: Loved this fight. It's the first fight in the game where mindless attacking (when able or prepared to do so obviously) doesn't exactly work, because guess what? He can heal himself for 20 damage every 3 turns, which unless you do more than 20 damage in those 3 turns (which outside of high FP moves that will leave you depleted, or Gamebreakerbounce (1 shot "Giga"Bowser or the Master? Yeah. Gamebreaking.), I mean Multibounce, isn't happening) undoes all of your progress, and as you damage him, his adds spawn, which increases the damage he does to you. Sure the strategy to beat him (AoE his Adds down, every turn) is simple, but he still sticks out like none other. This is a boss. This is what a boss should feel like. You should rage.

Reckless Ent - Wild ARMS Alter Code:F : Another boss that completely heals himself, and much faster and more efficiently than Huff N Puff to boot. Like HNP you're forced to employ a gamebreaker (GATLING RAID) or figure out how to stop his healing... which meant using the Disease status on him. Which he can cure, starting the process over. But if you're fast and know what you're doing, he's not that hard. Or you can one shot him with Gatling Raid. Your call.

Radiant Winged One - Tales of Vesperia: "BRAVE VESPERIA!!!" (and they were never heard from again), no really, great boss. (and I actually do appreciate the fact that he has an instawipe move if you're not approaching the fight right (I.E. if you're getting clustered, you're doing it wrong.))

[spoiler=...And then there's World of Warcraft, which, was dominated by fun bosses]

Drek'four, the Alterac Blitz (Err, Drek'Thar) - World of Warcraft: Sure, Alterac Valley was PvP, but hey, that doesn't mean a good boss fight can't be found there within, and nothing said win like "The Alterac Blitz". The objective of AV was map control... and Blitz flew in the face of that. Instead of going for towers, the other players, the captain, no, you rushed the end boss. And damn does he put up one hell of a fight-- he gets a 160% HP and Damage boost, which makes him absolutely brutal, and requires some impressive coordination to take on. It was so damn worth it each and every time we carried it out. (Also, the disappointment of the Horde (Note: I'm Alliance... very, very, very Alliance, even though I don't play WoW anymore), when they start their BG, get absolutely no PvP action, and then lose, having done absolutely nothing important (hell, once got AV Perfection and Blitz at the same time... without losing any players to boot, which means the Horde actually got basically no Honor (IIRC, they got like 15 tops (compared to us getting like 600+))... for bonus satisfaction) was well worth it.)

SazukeEX Mannoroth the Destroyer (THAT'S NOT CANON!) - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm: Boss with 100 million HP in a 5 man?! HELL YEAH. That achievement (which was do like 10mil to the boss, which makes him eat the other boss (who has 3mil) to fully heal himself before phase 2 which was kill the big guy)? HELL YEAH. Solokill? HELL YEAH. (No, really, I soloed THAT'S NOT CANON. It wasn't that hard. Just long. And basically one of the funnest things I did in WoW.)

Al'akir, the Windlord - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm: Dear lord, did I love the Windlord. There's a lot going on in this fight, and he's a ton of fun to fight. Not much to say though, although he was amazingly fun to take on.

Lord Marrowgar - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: Particularly, soloing him in Cataclysm. On Heroic mode. (Sure I was no Mionelol, but hey. I could do that. And I also got Sunwell down (which, was said to be "impossible" (lol, no, you just needed to do 20K DPS on Brutallus as a Hunter or 'lock))... Also another fun one for soloing was Instructor Razuvious. OMG. vs. 20% Crits that do 100K. So freaking intense. But Marrowgar was still freaking fun... although nothing compared to WoW's best boss ever:

Icecrown Gunships - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: AIRSHIP BATTLE. (also, Vs. SAURFANG HELL YEAH (Wait, Saurfang is a terrible overrated pushover who's pretty easy to kill.)) Only thing this chaotic fight lacked was this right here.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Now I'm reminded of the marvelous yet horrific Scarecrow fights in Arkham Asylum, probably the most thrilling bosses I've seen in a video game, as at least he's not full of jump scares. On the topic of the Arkham games, I liked the Mr. Freeze fight in Arkham City.

The Elite Four in Fire Red is really fun.

The final boss of Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story is awesome, if not for the fun of the boss, it's the music.

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