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QOTD Thread: The End


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Geez, let's see how many I remember. . .

- Redwall. I'd get SO hungry after reading these books!

- the early days of Xanth. I don't need to explain this one.

- The Circle series (like, three of you on this board know what I'm talking about), because Sandry kicks ass.

- Proverbs, 'cause most of it can be summed up as "don't be a dumbass".

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms, followed by Harry Potter.

These 2 are great as well, gotta love that Chinese history and HP.

- Proverbs, 'cause most of it can be summed up as "don't be a dumbass".

So true, so very true haha.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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i don't really reading much on Fantasy books, i read much more on romance or Realities stuff Novels

not sure if anyone know this novel , but i read 4 series books of seasons (Spring in London,Summer in Seoul, Autumn in paris, Winter in tokyo) they are all indonesian language tho....

and perhaps Diary of Wimpy kid if you count that as books as well >.<

Edited by Pukuriripo
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I really like reading anything by Harlan Coben. His characters Myron and Win are just fab. I also enjoyed the Hunger Games. Harry Potter was enjoyable enough, too.

I don't read a lot of books to be honest.

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Oh, yes.

Thats a classic ^^.

Oh I forgot to mention all the Wizard of Oz books, my mom used to read those to me too

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Wow. That was quite a nice turnout. Let's do another question then!

Everyone here's probably read something (if not a book, maybe an article or magazine of sorts). Whether it was for some book report or for the sheer enjoyment of diving into another world to immerse yourself and become invested in characters, reading a book is an experience.

Thus, it begs the question: What is your favorite book and/or book series?

My favorite book series is the Sword of Truth because while the ideals expressed are shown in a rather biased and slanted manner, the fantasy world is well-painted with paragraphs of descriptions and characters are not only easy to relate to, but individuals I can recognize (without annoying singular gimmicks).

Faith of the Fallen, the 6th book in the series, is, in my opinion, the defining novel of the entire series. It tells the story of a specific character, describing how her ideals came to coalesce, and then showing how her ideals were challenged over time until she realized the ideals she learned were illogical.

Sword of Truth is my second favorite series. I never finished the series because at the time I was into reading, the 4th book was the latest release. Reading was my secondary thing to fill in the time gap between waiting on the next RPG game to be released. I still own Wizard's First Rule, Stone of Tears, Blood of the Fold, and Temple of the Winds hardcover.

My favorite book series is the RIftwar Saga.

Also im not into reading books anymore. Too many games and anime keeping me occupied.

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Sword of Truth is my second favorite series. I never finished the series because at the time I was into reading, the 4th book was the latest release. Reading was my secondary thing to fill in the time gap between waiting on the next RPG game to be released. I still own Wizard's First Rule, Stone of Tears, Blood of the Fold, and Temple of the Winds hardcover.

My favorite book series is the RIftwar Saga.

Also im not into reading books anymore. Too many games and anime keeping me occupied.

I know the feeling. I have "The First Confessor" and have yet to touch the damn thing. >_>

Oh also another one is coming out apparently (The Third Kingdom)

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I know the feeling. I have "The First Confessor" and have yet to touch the damn thing. >_>

Oh also another one is coming out apparently (The Third Kingdom)

I checked the wiki to see what year Temple of the Winds came out. 1998 the same year FF7, Xenogears, and lots of other RPGs came out for the Playstation. No wonder I stopped buying books. After FF7 came out and was so successful, there was a huge boon in the RPG market and I had to work more hours to keep up with buying all the games.

Those were the days living off eating ramen noodles and macaroni. Eating Neoguri was like eating a 5 star meal.

I might order all the books from amazon. Maybe if I buy them, I'll eventually read them. I did want to finish reading the Sword of Truth series. Just at the time I got into the series, there was only 3 books released. The 4th book out when I pretty much stopped reading books.

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- Proverbs, 'cause most of it can be summed up as "don't be a dumbass".

LOL yeah really.

Freohr, I also really like Daughter of the Forest! In general, I absolutely loved all the children's books by Roald Dahl, those were AMAZING. Matilda, The Witches, the BFG, James and the Giant Peach was the BEST. The centipede, anyone? :D :D :D And don't forget Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. E.B White's Trumpet of the Swan is amazing, too! Also, I have to say The Hobbit is one of my absolute favorites.

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I don't have a particular favorite series aside from Harry Potter but that's over. Other than that, I have to say I'm usually particularly fond of Stephen King's novels... except that I didn't read ALL his books, especially the ones with sequels and the like.

...by the way, those people who like to say "the movie sucks because a book already exists"? yeah, that's REALLY annoying.

I wouldn't say that, but I personally prefer books over movies. It really depends. Some movies can do a good job too.

One exception is Sherlock Holmes.

lk srsly if you're into crime thrillers read some harlan coben.

Oooh, I should write that down.

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A lot of my favorite books are very old and I don't want to sound like a fuddy-duddy so I'll have to say it's probably between Nabokov's Lolita I swear I'm not a pedophile but that book is great or Proust's In Search of Lost Time.

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