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QOTD Thread: The End


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How many languages do you know? How proficient are you in each language and when did you learn it?

English is my native tongue, but I can speak bits (common phrases and general vocabulary) of Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Latin.

Technical languages:

HTML - Proficient

CSS - Proficient

JavaScript (including jQuery) - Proficient

PHP - Amateur

I've learned pieces of each over the years. I can't say when I started. Some time in 2005.

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Technical languages:

HTML - Proficient

CSS - Proficient

JavaScript (including jQuery) - Proficient

PHP - Amateur

I've learned pieces of each over the years. I can't say when I started. Some time in 2005.

I am jealous...

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Native: German (actually surprised that no other germans are around, or rather, have posted in this thread so far)

8 Years of studying english and i use it pretty much everday on the internet, so i would say that i'm pretty fulent in it(and it was my best subject in my final exams, though it was only an oral exam)
However i always have a tab with an online dictionary open for words or phrases i don't konw.

I had 5 years of Latin in school and was actally pretty good at translating, but rather slow sometimes if i didn't get the meaning right away and i wanted to do i acuratly and produce german sentences that didn't sound like shit, which lead to some fails in exams becuase of the time limit >.<.

But now i don't think i would be able to translate much anymore and tbh i never really felt very safe with latin even though i could handle it.

I was in a frensh playing group in kindergarten when i was 4 :D
And when i visited a friend in a Frensh speaking country i leart to say that i don't speak frensh - in frensh! and well that about all i can say (and "do you want to sleep with me?" after this popular song, and "i love you" durr this i going to get me far in paris, right? ... riiiiight? lolnope)

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Maaaaaan, I wanna learn Latin so bad. That, German, and French. I gotta learn them before I've died.

I was fortunate. Two years after I left high school, presumably our Latin teacher retired or something, but I've heard they cancelled our Latin program at my high school. Glad that happened after and not before I graduated.

Technical languages:

HTML - Proficient

CSS - Proficient

JavaScript (including jQuery) - Proficient

PHP - Amateur

If we want to go there :P

HTML/CSS - Proficient (10 and 6 years respectively)

Javascript/jQuery - decent, can bullshit by with the docs and programming skills

Java - better than JS. Haven't failed college yet so I assume I'm not godawful.

C - worse than Java

C++ - between Java and C levels of proficiency

C# - I can pretend it's java?

MIPS asm - rudimentary

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Native: Spanish. I have lost a lot of grammar on it over time though seeing as i only use it with family since i moved to North America.

Second: English My proficiency here is not that bad. I have been told my accent is slight and sounds good. Writing is comparable to most people.

Although i sometimes do have trouble speaking either language. My reading can be extremely horrible for both too.

A not even close to third: Italian. I was learning italian through high school, only went for 2 years, stopped after that because i moved during 10 grade, and my schedule got all fucked up because of it.

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English is my native tongue, but I can speak bits (common phrases and general vocabulary) of Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Latin.

Technical languages:

HTML - Proficient

CSS - Proficient

JavaScript (including jQuery) - Proficient

PHP - Amateur

I've learned pieces of each over the years. I can't say when I started. Some time in 2005.

Now that's thinking outside of the box. Probably should've mentioned mine but *shrug*. It's not even remotely impressive anyways.

Anyways! New question:

Now that we've all gone over the languages we know, that raises an interesting followup question: What language(s) do you want to learn/become proficient in? You can choose to identify proficiency in a language to whatever degree you desire.

I really want to learn and master Japanese if I go for another language. Any (or maybe all) forms of Chinese would be a plus...

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Spanish. Like I said in the previous QOTD, I never really caught on that language after high school, but I want to re-learn it sometime later.

Also, some programming languages too.

Also, in before more people answer "Japanese"

Edit: Also, in before "You're a robot, of course you know programming languages"

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I want to be industry-veteran-level proficient at the programming languages I use considering this will be my future job

Also, I'd like to some day bring my Latin to full proficiency since I'm halfway there anyway

For the ones I have only rudimentary to no knowledge of, Italian, Old Norse, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Finnish.

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I want to perfect my English and French, I would love to learn Italian and Japanese

and of course as many programming languages as possible.

Why don't you learn them?

I shall do so, I've even bought a book about Java

Knowledge of Serbian would be really helpful to me right now.

Are you in Serbia or somewhere around there?

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