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QOTD Thread: The End


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I'll be RIGHT HERE to moderate~!

(this means that if things get out of hand, use the Report button, and give the mods a reason why they should step in)

If you guys don't know what I follow by now, :facepalm: .

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Protestant Christian here. Bout all I shall say on the matter lest I spark a fight

2 things that always start fights are religion and politics

. . .and most other hot-button issues. . .

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2 things that always start fights are religion and politics

Three: video game platform wars.

Atheist here.

Edit: I was a Catholic for 191/2 years before I left the church.

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fuckin religion hipster

Anyways I was raised in a Catholic family, went to Catechism and all that jazz, but dropped any pretenses of religion halfway through high school. I suppose I'm a bit of an oddball on my mother's side of the family since the largest majority of them maintain some sort of weak Christian ideology. I suppose it didn't help that I transitioned while in the middle of high school, but you know how it is.

My father's side of the family on the other hand --well really just my father because aside from maybe an uncle I don't know any of them on account of my parents' divorce when I was a small child-- I plan to let continue to think I'm still Christian until they die. My father is rather more extremist than my mother's side of the family. He engenders many of the...Southern United States' stereotypical qualities.

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Agnostic leaning on the side of atheism. I guess the hardest thing to wrap my head around is the complexity of life and how things rose up but there are scientific arguments and I defer to what I can be confident in rather than faith.

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I am sort of catholic, I believe in most the catholic church beliefs but I don't participate in most of its activities and prefer to stay to just that, my beliefs, mainly because I think that religions shouldn't have some sort institution attached to it and be just about whatever people believe. In fact, even though I usually go as catholic, what I truly believe is that no religious belief is wrong but also none of them are right either, they are just different ways to look at the same thing.

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Agnostic leaning on the side of atheism. I guess the hardest thing to wrap my head around is the complexity of life and how things rose up but there are scientific arguments and I defer to what I can be confident in rather than faith.

Note that agnosticism is a position that is not mutually exclusive to either theism or atheism. It is possible to be either an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist.

Agnosticism is simply the belief that the presence of God or gods is presently or inherently unknowable. It is not a position of strict skepticism towards any one religion but the nature of evidence

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

...aka the Mormons.

。。。おかしい :{

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