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QOTD Thread: The End


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Apathetic agnostic, I looked at at the history textbooks that I have read and I have not seen the presence or an action of (g)God(s). I just see people doing things in the world. Of course no evidence does not mean something does not exist.

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Weak agnostic Methodist, I guess.

My church is pretty chill; I could care less about ideology, and the pastors are all pretty cool as well.

Also "The Gospel according to Dr. Seuss" is an awesome sermon series; I just wanted to share that.

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No particular conviction in how the universe is structured, haven't had a lot of religion in my life in general (my parents are the typical non-attending "I don't even know man" U.S. Christian non-denomination, and their response to me saying "Hey mom/dad, I'm an atheist! :)" when I was like 11 was something like "That's cute, have fun"). I think there are a lot of interesting ideas to be found in the history of religious philosophy nonetheless, though I currently have no idea what to ultimately make of them.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

...aka the Mormons.

I'm shocked we aren't better friends. Considering I'm ex-jehovah's witness and those two religions are so similar that it's hard to pick out the major religious aspects they diverge on. Hell their founders even knew each other.

Of course I'm atheist now, so that might be a thing.

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I'm agnostic, but I'm quite weird about it. I love learning traditions and such of all different religions, I love looking at churches (mostly cause of beautiful architecture), and I believe their are lessons from spirituality, whether they're real or not. I was raised protestant, my mother is protestant, but she's very liberal, and my brother is atheist I think.

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I'm shocked we aren't better friends.

Similar religions... or even the same religion doesn't automatically qualify for compatibility.

I have people that are mormons too that I CANNOT stand... but put aside our differences... well... because we're different. That's really all it is. There are people you get along with... and people you don't.

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