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QOTD Thread: The End


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actually never mind, i'm going to bite anyway

you, on the other hand, keep tagging along with my posts with your desperate attempts to talk shit. i could report all of them, but i don't need to sap what little fun your pathetic ass gets out of these, on top of the fact the mod team probably just won't feel like doing anything.

doesn't this sound familiar, boney?

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of course it does, but that topic got locked so i had to respond to your gay ass response somewhere else. but since you didn't actually have anything valid to argue(as usual) my response was really small. your arguments are so bad, you even prove my point right.

in other words, gg kid

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If Furetchen is pathetic for "tagging along" with Boney's posts with his "desperate attempts to talk shit", then I wonder what Boney himself is since he pretty much did the same thing with JB. Not to mention that JB isn't the only one who used that response. One of those people who used said response was mewyeon. I wonder if he feels the same way about all of them.

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If Furetchen is pathetic for "tagging along" with Boney's posts with his "desperate attempts to talk shit", then I wonder what Boney himself is since he pretty much did the same thing with JB.

this is the main thing

am i pathetic? yes. are you pathetic? oh hell yes.

if you still want to continue deluding yourself with regards to how goddamn ignorant and insane you are, go ahead.

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This is a question about happiness, not stupid responses. Next person to continue that argument WILL be getting a warning. Deal with it outside of the public eye, if at all possible.

Now, as for the question. . .instead of echoing Inty/Jedi/mewyeon/Lucina/JB. . .

"Happiness is when everything's gonna be all right"

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Pretty sure it's "Hakuna Mattata".






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New question!

What is one thing you like that a lot of people seem to have a hatred for? Because video games in general have been receiving negative press (and still aren't exactly the most accepted media by society), I am going to exclude that particular "thing" from the question. Keep in mind this is only the concept of video games in general. You can still choose a single video game title or multiple titles/a series if you can justify it. Speaking of that, for this question it would help to explain why this "thing" you like is so hated to justify your choice.

For instance, one thing I like that a lot of people really don't seem to like is Youtube Poops. I can understand why, what with the random ear rape, sexual references (usually), and general warping of content that someone may have liked, but I can appreciate the editing work of some Youtube Poops out there. The sentence mixing is exquisite and the humor can be funny if crude.

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In terms of what? People in general? This forum?

The former: Techno

The latter: See yesterday's question

People in general =). If it was "this forum" I think I know what some would be answering...

(Unless you want to interpret it as just people on the forum. I don't mind)

Edit: Crap I should've said "Dubstep and house music"

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Waiting. I'm very happy to have the opportunity to let my mind wander and tackle things that are on my mind. Examples of such opportunities would be while waiting for public transport to arrive (or for it to arrive at a destination) or for someone else to show up for whatever prearranged reason. Some people seem, to me, to be very impatient, but I am essentially a sloth in human form so usually I'm never too bothered by waiting I need I need to adhere to a strict time committment.

Not convinced this is a good example of what the question was looking for....

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Nothing wrong witha bit of techno and dubstep.

boop boop

anyway as for something I like that everyone else seems to hate, that would be...

My alone time? Sometimes I wanna fuck off from real life and dive into games/internet, but everyone be like "wtf git off dat faptop nig"

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