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QOTD Thread: The End


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I got like a single Bo staff lesson from my TKD school

(I'd say my feet, but I'm laughably out of shape and practice, and if I'm honest I think even one good kick might actually hurt me more than anybody else)

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If I do say so myself, I'm actually quite good with a bow IRL. If we're talking Fire Emblem universe, well...I'd prolly do magic, or swords, or bows....idk If I could really slice someone in half with a sword though...so prolly just magic and bows.

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Stuff I could possibly use in a fight: Staff (the kind made of wood that's good for bonking people over the head), bow and arrow, fists

Stuff that actually answers this question: Machete. Common enough where people won't think it's out of place, and absolutely devastating when used right.

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Clearly most people here don't GAF about practicality, so I'm not sure what your point was. Like someone literally suggested duelwielding a sword and an axe at some point.

Pretty much this. I would never use the setup I mentioned in any real life encounter.

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K so new question!

What RPG class/archetype do you typically play or is one you're most likely to play? The most preferable answer would be a RPG archetype like the ones in this article, but since "classes" and "archetypes" have become so diverse with the nearly endless number of games out that try to innovate class concepts, you can name whatever you wish as long as you can make a recognizable connection to where said class or archetype is from. If you have more than one, feel free to list more than one but at least try to choose one above all the others.

For instance, I find myself splitting between many archetypes. In some games, such as Golden Sun, I find myself drawn to characters of either the Paladin (Issac, Felix) or Priest/Cleric (Mia + assuming Jenna and Karis can even be classified under this, since they're really a mix of archetypes more than anything unless you change their classes). In other cases like League of Legends, I play Wizard/Sorcerer-style characters and Fighters alike (though strangely almost never Marksman-like Rangers). I've even stepped out of my comfort zone and tried a crazy Wizard-Rogue/Assassin sort of thing in Kingdoms of Amalur because the playstyle was amazingly fun. However, despite this versatility of choices, the class I have probably spent the most time playing is the Ranger or some other type of archer, such as the Hunter in World of Warcraft (but also notably I like making archer/swordsman-like characters in Mount and Blade: Warband, etc). Ultimately, it comes down to whether I like the playstyle of a specific class (or the archetype the combat represents best) in a game-by-game basis.

TL;DR, I play(ed) Ranger the most, but I find myself drawn to pretty much every archetype.

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I usually prefer the create your own class option if it's available, if not, I'll go with whatever I feel like at the time. Magic and weapon weilding classes are usually my favourite, like Red Mages and Spell Swords.

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The Red Mage archetype for sure. I know it's not listed, but it should be. Why do one thing when you can do EVERYTHING? Now, of course there's the Red Mage class itself, which kind of got really gimped after the original FF1 for the NES, but they gave it Doublecast in FF5 and FFTA, so it's all cool guys. And then there's like motherfucking Crono. I think I talked about this with Horace back a while ago, and wow he actually is kind of OP now that I've thought about it. Jenna is also a good example, she can hold her own in combat, has some of the best attack Psynergy, and gets the Aura series in the later versions of her classes. The Fire Emblem equivalent would be um...I guess the Female Paladin from FE4, or for a more extreme version, the Master Knight. I'm sure I can think of other examples, like my favorite styles in the Battle Network series, but those are the ones that come off the top of my head.

If I had to pick an archetype from that list though, Fighter. Nothing like the ever reliable method of wailing on dudes until they drop.

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Generally speaking, MOST FIGHT. Whatever that entails. Heavy armor not optional.

Occasionally I go for something on the mage spectrum, almost always elemental-based.

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The Red Mage archetype for sure. I know it's not listed, but it should be. Why do one thing when you can do EVERYTHING? Now, of course there's the Red Mage class itself, which kind of got really gimped after the original FF1 for the NES, but they gave it Doublecast in FF5 and FFTA, so it's all cool guys. And then there's like motherfucking Crono. I think I talked about this with Horace back a while ago, and wow he actually is kind of OP now that I've thought about it. Jenna is also a good example, she can hold her own in combat, has some of the best attack Psynergy, and gets the Aura series in the later versions of her classes. The Fire Emblem equivalent would be um...I guess the Female Paladin from FE4, or for a more extreme version, the Master Knight. I'm sure I can think of other examples, like my favorite styles in the Battle Network series, but those are the ones that come off the top of my head.

If I had to pick an archetype from that list though, Fighter. Nothing like the ever reliable method of wailing on dudes until they drop.

This is because the archetypes are based off Dungeons and Dragons, which was apparently one of the first RPGs (and hence the basis of that linked article). Like I said, this question is pretty flexible and you can list an archetype that the article didn't since I know there's more ;P. If I wanted to list every archetype in existence this would become "question of the year" instead.

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I've never D&D'd before

but I took a quiz thingy that said I would be a ranger.

And ranger is what I would have picked anyway~ Working with cuddly aminals would be fun =o And anything in the wilderness would be fun anyway~

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I'm partial to any sort of melee warrior, but paladins and other knightly types are my most preferred. I'm also quite fond of "monk" style classes and mage-fighter hybrids. If alignment is involved, I will not choose chaotic neutral or any evil alignment.

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