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Not to much so....though I do think I should take a more supportive role. Soraka fits that....though I'm not sure if healing others makes up for dieing to mildly strong breezes ._.

Support roles are nice, when I'm able to play I'll probably take Vayne, so it'll go well in theory.

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If anyone that would like to learn the ropes is around later this afternoon on North America, you can add me. My ingame name is Landorin164. I'll play a few games possibly.

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My only complaint is that if you draft solo queue, you're automatically last pick 99.9% of the time.

Not that I mind playing support, but doing it in solo queue every time is a bit annoying.

I guess they're trying to encourage you to do solo queue ranked or something.

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So I finally worked up enough IP to buy Caitlyn... and went like 7/2/4 or something close to that in my first few matches. PvP of course. I guess I use her pretty well (I can post the general build I use for her if you guys wanna make some suggestions).

I guess I'm maining her and Ryze for the time being (1 AP Carry and 1 Mana/Burst Carry). Any tanks as suggestions to get next?

Also, for Ryze, my buddy gave me the suggestion of rather than building mana on him via Frozen Heart/Banshee's Veil, I should go for the wand that hits the guy with slow and gives AP so that Ryze can possible swoop up the kills and make that a core item before his defensive options. Yes/No for that idea?

Edited by Cocaine
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So I finally worked up enough IP to buy Caitlyn... and went like 7/2/4 or something close to that in my first few matches. PvP of course. I guess I use her pretty well (I can post the general build I use for her if you guys wanna make some suggestions).

I guess I'm maining her and Ryze for the time being (1 AP Carry and 1 Mana/Burst Carry). Any tanks as suggestions to get next?

Also, for Ryze, my buddy gave me the suggestion of rather than building mana on him via Frozen Heart/Banshee's Veil, I should go for the wand that hits the guy with slow and gives AP so that Ryze can possible swoop up the kills and make that a core item before his defensive options. Yes/No for that idea?

noooooooooooooo/10 on ryze, delaying your mana will decrease your damage, survivability, and mana pool. rylai's is hella expensive too, cage is fine enough for ryze on cc.

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So I finally worked up enough IP to buy Caitlyn... and went like 7/2/4 or something close to that in my first few matches. PvP of course. I guess I use her pretty well (I can post the general build I use for her if you guys wanna make some suggestions).

I guess I'm maining her and Ryze for the time being (1 AP Carry and 1 Mana/Burst Carry). Any tanks as suggestions to get next?

Also, for Ryze, my buddy gave me the suggestion of rather than building mana on him via Frozen Heart/Banshee's Veil, I should go for the wand that hits the guy with slow and gives AP so that Ryze can possible swoop up the kills and make that a core item before his defensive options. Yes/No for that idea?

Caitlyn build: Boots 3 Health Pot Start -> Zerker's 2 Dblades in whatever order, buy pots and wards as needed -> Infinity Edge/Blood Thirster (I-Edge if you aren't taking significant harass) -> Zeal -> PD -> LW/BT/IE depending on your current build, all of them are fine and lategame be sure to have LW and I-Edge, BT is just really nice.

Slow isn't worth it, in fact I never actually consider rylai's on him. My build is primarily Sapphire Crystal 2 Health Pot -> ToG Sorc Boots Catalyst in whatever order and final build usually ends up something like: Sorcs/Manamune/Frozen Heart/Banshee's Veil/WoTA/Void Staff. WoTA is probably optional though I like it.

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Interesting how Life and I have the same two mains (Cait and Ryze). I'm still level 11 though (I've been that for like 3 months now).

For Cait I actually prefer getting a Zeal right after IE, then immediately building a BT after that before moving on to finishing PD. That's just me, though, since I do like having some attack speed as well.

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For Cait I actually prefer getting a Zeal right after IE, then immediately building a BT after that before moving on to finishing PD. That's just me, though, since I do like having some attack speed as well.

Sometimes, BT -> Zeal -> IE -> PD works better. Bloodthirster makes you tanky as fuck.

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cait is #1 easy champ, only auto attack for the most part, lay down traps, hit q for damage, hit r for damage, e away if gettin tuff.

bloodthirster does not make you tanky as fuck, against any good team you'd get fucked over in two seconds before you could get any lifesteal off... that being said, bloodthirster is nice sustain. it's really just situational if you're getting it first. when i play ad carry, i usually just get IE into PD w/ vamp scepter if I need any lifesteal.

Edited by piroya
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cait is #1 easy champ, only auto attack for the most part, lay down traps, hit q for damage, hit r for damage, e away if gettin tuff.

bloodthirster does not make you tanky as fuck, against any good team you'd get fucked over in two seconds before you could get any lifesteal off... that being said, bloodthirster is nice sustain. it's really just situational if you're getting it first. when i play ad carry, i usually just get IE into PD w/ vamp scepter if I need any lifesteal.

BT can really help in an aggressive lane provided laning lasts long enough and you can farm well enough.

I like finishing PD before the next BF Sword based item just because the extra AS is ridiculously nice, crit is very good and I believe your overall DPS is improved the most. AS makes csing much easier.

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What is with all the Caitlyn? Everyone else does it better. About the only claim to being "good" that Cait has is her insane range, which is only applicable to early game because people do it better afterward. And she only beats Annie by 25 range and Annie's got a heck of a lot more utility. Even if you build her AD. And Cait is 6300 and Annie is 450.

Yeah, I don't like Cait. Can you tell?

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Caitlyn destroys lanes. The only AD that can put up with her laning is Urgot (but I'm not really a fan of Urgot bottom).

If the enemy comes out of the lane intact, however, Caitlyn's in trouble because pretty much everybody else outscales her.

Edited by Silvercrow
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What is with all the Caitlyn? Everyone else does it better. About the only claim to being "good" that Cait has is her insane range, which is only applicable to early game because people do it better afterward. And she only beats Annie by 25 range and Annie's got a heck of a lot more utility. Even if you build her AD. And Cait is 6300 and Annie is 450.

Yeah, I don't like Cait. Can you tell?

Annie is probably the worst choice for comparison because she's fairly unique in terms of wtfrange. Caitlyn offers traps which mean easy lane zoning. ADs will pretty much melt anyone after they build so having high range and ability to dominate lane is really good. She also has the best orbwalk in the game meaning that you can move->attack->move fairly fluidly comparing to other champs.

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So after grabbing Lux, I feel like I can't farm with her. I either start with Boots and 3 health pots or a Doran's Ring. Suggestions? I know it's EQEWER for the first six levels, then R > E > Q > W.

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BT can really help in an aggressive lane provided laning lasts long enough and you can farm well enough.

I like finishing PD before the next BF Sword based item just because the extra AS is ridiculously nice, crit is very good and I believe your overall DPS is improved the most. AS makes csing much easier.

well yeah i didn't say the sustain was bad i was just saying it doesn't make you "tanky as fuck"

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