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I spent most the game running around, hunting champs as opposed to minion killing, as you can see. Might have been risky, but meh. Positive result get![/color]

Consider jungling then :).

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Could do. Seems like a feasible idea.

Another successful match with pleasing k/d/a ratios, this time in Twisted Treeline. :D


Certainly feels like my Riven game's improved with Joey and Annie's advice. Teach me more, for I am now your self-proclaimed student.

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Well, the first thing you probably want to know is hexdrinkers don't stack.

Also, ignoring farm to constantly gank lanes is roaming, not jungling. Jungling is specifically farming jungle creeps instead of lane creeps.

Edit: Oh, and with the Xin Zhao rework, the man is quite possibly the best tower killer in the game now. His Q applies damage to towers now and he still has the massive AS buff.

Edited by Ninji
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Well, the first thing you probably want to know is hexdrinkers don't stack.

Also, ignoring farm to constantly gank lanes is roaming, not jungling. Jungling is specifically farming jungle creeps instead of lane creeps.

Edit: Oh, and with the Xin Zhao rework, the man is quite possibly the best tower killer in the game now. His Q applies damage to towers now and he still has the massive AS buff.

His playstyle from what it sounds like certainly fits a jungler is what I'm saying.

Upgrade hexdrinker -> maw.

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Well, the first thing you probably want to know is hexdrinkers don't stack.

The 30 Mag res and 25 Atd dmg stacks, I know that much. But I guess the passive doesn't stack, is what you mean? Edit: If the AD and MR doesn't stack, then I certainly didn't notice, lol.

Also, ignoring farm to constantly gank lanes is roaming, not jungling. Jungling is specifically farming jungle creeps instead of lane creeps.

I know that much, thankfully. I really should give jungling a try in the near future. My game should improve even further considering all the extra gold.

Edited by Raven
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The stats stack, but it's still a poor use of gold because if the game drags out you will probably have to sell it

Better to just upgrade it to Maw of Malmortius which mainly gives you more damage. If you feel you still need MR after that, build a Guardian Angel or Force of Nature or something

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What he said.

Think of it like this. For the stats a Hexdrinker gives you alone (ignoring the shield), a Hexdrinker is actually more cost effective than a Pickaxe and Null Magic Mantle. It's a good item. However, what you lose when you build that second Hexdrinker is options. That Pickaxe could be built into a Maw or a Last Whisper later on, while the NMM can be built into something like a Guarding Angel. It's just generally not worth limiting yourself for a dead end item like that. It's why Haunting Guise isn't popular and Hexdrinker/Chalice used to be unpopular - the value they give generally isn't worth spending money on an item that doesn't help you as much as something else past a certain point.


I know that much, thankfully. I really should give jungling a try in the near future. My game should improve even further considering all the extra gold.

Actually, junglers have a lower income than laners, mostly. The only way one would beat an average laning character in gold is through many successful ganks.

I'm kind of the designated jungler for the group I play with (there's, like, 2 guys who jungle as well), so I can help out, if you would like. Otherwise, I'll shut my trap.

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I've basically given up jungling in blind pick, except above ~1600 elo. It's not worth the headache. Draft players are usually smarter, if not by much, and I do my best to avoid jungling there too because it's still a headache.

Sure it's less simple jungling high elo than low elo, because people ward and don't overextend and generally play safer and smarter. But it's less STUPID than the allied laner perpetually pushing and overextending, not engaging when I initiate, not baiting nor initiating when the gank is his to start, not warding in general, not providing decent damage on a leash (seriously, side laners?), taking wolves exp, LEASHING WOLVES, etc. And then they have the nerve to blame the jungler when they lose their lane. Sure there are easy solutions to the above mentioned issues, and I both know and can pull them off, but it's a headache more than anything else. (Except for getting blamed. That has no easy solution.)

I also straight up refuse to play support Nunu for any adc below 1400. You can have my support Fiddlesticks instead. Nunu's effectiveness is directly proportional to his adc's elo - a 900 elo Ezreal doesn't do jack with what I give him, a 1400 harasses his lane opponents more and generally gets farmed and wins lane, a 2000 rides the fine line of overcommitting and gets fed 5-0 in 10 minutes in spite of my not-quite-2000 play.

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Ez/Nunu isn't that great of a lanecomp, tbh

But yeah, even in premades I don't want to jungle but get dropped into it anyway :/

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I never did say Ez/Nunu was an awesome lanecomp. I was talking about Nunu support scaling really hard on ADC skill, and I happen to have played Nunu for a fair few Ezreals lately due to PFE, so that was my anecdote of choice. (Though I'll also point out that increased mobility benefits Ezreal - who has a strong early game and significant burst on fairly low-cooldown skillshots - quite well.)

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What he said.

Think of it like this. For the stats a Hexdrinker gives you alone (ignoring the shield), a Hexdrinker is actually more cost effective than a Pickaxe and Null Magic Mantle. It's a good item. However, what you lose when you build that second Hexdrinker is options. That Pickaxe could be built into a Maw or a Last Whisper later on, while the NMM can be built into something like a Guarding Angel. It's just generally not worth limiting yourself for a dead end item like that. It's why Haunting Guise isn't popular and Hexdrinker/Chalice used to be unpopular - the value they give generally isn't worth spending money on an item that doesn't help you as much as something else past a certain point.

I never thought of it that way. I think the Guardian Angel is a good buy in terms of defenses, and could replace Hexdrinker.

Actually, junglers have a lower income than laners, mostly. The only way one would beat an average laning character in gold is through many successful ganks.

I'm kind of the designated jungler for the group I play with (there's, like, 2 guys who jungle as well), so I can help out, if you would like. Otherwise, I'll shut my trap.

Well I'm certainly not gonna say no to some helpful advice.

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I never thought of it that way. I think the Guardian Angel is a good buy in terms of defenses, and could replace Hexdrinker.

Guardian Angel is wonderful. One of the few (maybe only, not sure) pieces of armour for both MR and Def and the passive is a revive every 5 minutes. Makes enemies scared to target you first while you whittle down their HP.

What's even nicer is that you can buy the NMM and the CP and then turn both items into two other things. The versatility that the GA gives you in building is wonderful.

Edited by Dat Kumtah
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One of the main reasons that hasn't been mentioned as to why GA is crazy good on Riven is the lifesteal she gets from building Wriggle's and Bloodthirsters let her sustain herself at a low amount of health easily, especially since your enemies will have probably already used their nukes by the time Riven revives. Additionally, since her ultimate's wave is based on the enemy's missing health percentages, saving the ult for after your GA proc gives you a massive damage boost to lifesteal with and easier executions with the active part.

Edit: oh man why do you do this to me pie

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I typically go BT -> GA on Riven.

There's nothing she needs nor wants before BT other than a Doran's Blade or two, and then she wants to protect those stacks. GA is especially good as it basically says "don't focus me," giving the impression that someone is much tankier than they really are (at least in the case of Riven, who is not very tanky).

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You typically don't want to get GA as an early item. You need to be a damage threat in order to make the opponents want to attack you and utilize the passive.

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You typically don't want to get GA as an early item. You need to be a damage threat in order to make the opponents want to attack you and utilize the passive.

When Riven gets her BT, she's a damage threat.

Not sure what you're insinuating.

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But it's the best, because you can play (almost) whatever you want and not have to care about what other people say or whether you win or lose

/ignore all works wonders if you don't have thick skin

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Actually, junglers have a lower income than laners, mostly. The only way one would beat an average laning character in gold is through many successful ganks.

I'm kind of the designated jungler for the group I play with (there's, like, 2 guys who jungle as well), so I can help out, if you would like. Otherwise, I'll shut my trap.

I think his point about jungling was because when he played as a laner his style was more to become a roamer which has a lower income than jungler. Jungling will work with his playstyle while feeding him gold since farm is on the way.

Also never got your username if you ever plan on playing with us :).

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