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Was going to buy Vayne, got the rune pages instead. Thus, I need to rebuild my IP stock. I managed to snag Ashe with the free RP, so whee (even if she's not my favorite to play).

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sigh...guys i've lost about 8 or so games in a row while playing everyrole but jungle(which always seems to get taken as they don't gank enough as a bonus).

what should i be doing? i comeback from a good break from college to pick this up again and i can't win anymore, everyone esle either loses thier lane or i get stuck bot fighting Blitzcrank support, this god damned freeweek.

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I hate the freeweek, too. Try teaming up with someone you know, because it's easier to vent when you understand the other person. :P:

(but not me, because I still have a bunch to learn)

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sigh...guys i've lost about 8 or so games in a row while playing everyrole but jungle(which always seems to get taken as they don't gank enough as a bonus).

what should i be doing? i comeback from a good break from college to pick this up again and i can't win anymore, everyone esle either loses thier lane or i get stuck bot fighting Blitzcrank support, this god damned freeweek.

Pick one champ you really like and focus on playing a lot of games as them

Understanding how to play one champion really well will win you a lot of games against people who haven't done the same or who aren't playing their "signature" champion

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^What Silvercrow said basically.

I got an actual serious offer to duo queue ranked from a guy I know who plays at 1500+ on the local server, which translates reasonably to plat level on NA once you get past the ping difference. (Which I have, and he has not.) I do not play anywhere near that level mechanically, and I do not have the time to practice every lane/role and definitely not jungle. This is gonna be real fun.

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Update: he played mid Nunu. Got a bit of QQ for it too, but the results speak for themselves. We got a guy who volunteered for support, and he picked Zilean...and proceeded to suck big time. I don't know how people like this even have a displayed elo, really, he started dorans ring and placed all of two bombs during lane phase. Anyway, as Tristana I was able to outfarm Ashe quite easily, though the ever-present threat of Leona prevented me from actively jump trading her. And no, I don't know why they went Ashe Leona, or why Leona never engaged me or Zil, and I don't think I saw one Ashe arrow the whole game. Regardless, it was a massacre. I wouldn't have called the 20 minute baron, but looking on it I can see why Nunu did and his reasoning was sound. (And if I was opposing Warwick I'd've flash suppress smited, so I guess I didn't take his incompetence into account.)

I added the Zilean and told him off, then taught him a bit about the game. He was appreciative and I seem to be building quite the kennel of devoted little puppies. Pretty sure he still sucks at support, but if this kind of person can make 1250+ I reckon I'll be able to get gold with minimal fuss.

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I just started this game in the past few days and it's pretty fun (Although I liked DotA in WC3 so that's no surprise). If anyone wants my user name is "Ethlinlol", but heads up, I kind of suck since I just started playing.

I usually play support Morgana. Sometimes Garen, but I really don't have much unlocked, so I haven't tried many of the characters.

Edited by Camus The Dark Knight
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I've added you! SFers tend to be really nice to the local newbies and scrubs, of which I am still one despite my best efforts to the contrary. Least I could do is pass it on, so feel free to ask any questions. (And did you know there's another SFer going by Ethlin?)

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I've added you! SFers tend to be really nice to the local newbies and scrubs, of which I am still one despite my best efforts to the contrary. Least I could do is pass it on, so feel free to ask any questions. (And did you know there's another SFer going by Ethlin?)

No I did not, I used that name as when I started playing World of Warcraft I made a paladin named Ethlin and that's sort of been my 2nd alias as everyone since then knows me as that. And so that's the person who took the name first forcing me to add "lol" at the end.

I find LoL in general has a nice player base, if you ever played the WC3 mod DotA everyone is an asshole, so I'm not really phased by that.

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The player base really isn't THAT bad, people are just initially shocked that people would say any toxic things at all over a game. If you compare to other games though, it's really pretty tame.

Most FPS games and other MOBA games are generally worse from my experience, while MMOs are a bit better (but tend to have other community-related problems not related to people badmouthing each other).

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I've seen some really nice people (no one getting mad at the poor guy with an unsteady connection), and then another guy who said "WTF I'm playing 1-4". Just like this world, there are cool people and uncool people.

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the point being made is you're not going to find a 'nice' player base in probably any online game

so if that's a turn off, maybe they aren't for you, it's easier to just ignore/laugh at those people because you just report them and have them deal with their attitudes

of course i like never play anymore but that's unrelated...

Edited by Kitty of Time
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The thing about LoL is that while the players might not be as creative in their insults it gets under your skin a lot easier for many reasons.

>it's a 40 minute match. You'll be with this asshole for the next forty minutes. If you leave, you get penalized. At the VERY least, you have to spend 20 minutes with them.

>it's a win-minded game. In an FPS, you'll just have a fun time killing other players and goofing off even if you lose and there's some kid talking about how good your mom looks with just socks on. If you start losing, usually you'll also start having a bad time. This translates into clumsiness in-game and frustration.

>you get blamed. Even when you're doing your job and they aren't doing theirs. Since it's a team-based game, you have to keep track of other players, and you know when something is off. But then there's this guy who is feeding and he's typing in /all chat about how much everybody sucks except him and then calls you a shithead because you didn't ward or whatever.

>if you're having bad internet, or an off day, or whatever, you can't do anything about it.

I don't care much cause of whatever reason and usually if i'm playing with people i know i have a good time anyway but y'know. people care i guess.

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A small taste of the WoW community (Although it's worse in-game in general). LoL is tame compared to most online games. FPS games are the worst, most players of them seem to have anger management issues.

I've played WoW since vanilla days and I can say I sincerly think the LoL player base is worse.

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One of these days, I will play Anivia. Even if it's beginner bots only. Because I swore I would when I first read her profile. Currently playing Sivir like a scrub, and need to learn when to stop running the other way.

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