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Yea--after you get the basics (and by basics I mean like learning the controls and really basic item builds and such) the fastest way to learn the game is just to queue up with a group of higher-leveled friends and play, and not care about winning or losing. You'll wise up pretty fast.

I imagine so, but I've also both heard that it is both a drain on one's soul to be on a team with an inexperienced player as an experienced one, and sometimes vice-versa. One might be behooved to get a leg up by reading the available strategy guides.

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the reliable guide site if you want a guide is solomid.net

leaguecraft has some good ones but most of em are crap

mobafire is a steaming pile of hot horse shit don't use mobafire the guides there are for low level players by low level players - most of them won't work after a certain point

Edited by piroya
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I imagine so, but I've also both heard that it is both a drain on one's soul to be on a team with an inexperienced player as an experienced one, and sometimes vice-versa. One might be behooved to get a leg up by reading the available strategy guides.

Well, that's why you play with friends. If they're not dicks, they won't care.

Actually, some of the most hilarious fun games I ever played as a level 30 were with very low level friends. The ridiculousness you can get away with and just laugh about is almost as much as < 1200 elo.

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I'm Stolypin Necktie on NA. No but seriously lately I've been trying some stupid shit and I suck horribly.

I can't tell for certain, but it seems you're definitely building sub-optimally. In the case of your 0-4-0 Caitlyn game, you ended with Zerkers, Doran's, Pickaxr. While none of those items are particularly terrible on her and should probably be built, I prefer more of a Boots -> 2x Dorans + Zerkers generally depending on how I'm doing with Bloodthirster or Infinity as the goal afterwords, Bloodthirster if the lane is hard to maintain high health, and Infinity if they aren't attacking you much.

I'd be willing to play a game with you later, especially if you were to get Teamspeak for better communication. I might not be as good as Joey or Pieman but I think I could probably help you out. If you actually choose to use Teamspeak, the address would be "ts3.teamliquid.net" with port being 9988.

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and don't forget to get those awesome items you gotta last hit like a demon

learning to last hit is the most important foundation for being a non-support laner - there's certainly more to laning than last hitting, but last hitting is best learned first.

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I just download this game on a friend's request.

Any tips?

Learn last hitting, AKA dealing the final blow to minions. It seems super easy in theory but it's an important fundamental skill that can nearly always be worked on.

Items builds, basically know what to buy based off of your situation, this will come with experience.

Positioning, where to be at certain times and in fights. This means you'll be able to deliver maximum damage without being insta gibbed, or whatever your role needs. It's different for every role but should turn out to be relatively intuitive.

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Learn last hitting, AKA dealing the final blow to minions. It seems super easy in theory but it's an important fundamental skill that can nearly always be worked on.

Items builds, basically know what to buy based off of your situation, this will come with experience.

Positioning, where to be at certain times and in fights. This means you'll be able to deliver maximum damage without being insta gibbed, or whatever your role needs. It's different for every role but should turn out to be relatively intuitive.

When I play games like this I usually go for a more supportive role, so is there anything I need to know in that regard? For instance, which character fits the role well?

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When I play games like this I usually go for a more supportive role, so is there anything I need to know in that regard? For instance, which character fits the role well?

For pure support role, they are as follows (I might miss a few and people find ways to use champions creatively): Alistar (get him for free using the offer), Janna, Leona, Nunu, Sona, Soraka, and Taric. There are more that can be used fairly viably but these are the most common. Out of these I'd recommend you us Alistar, Sona, Soraka, and Taric simply because they have heals attached to their skills.

As support you want to avoid killing creeps generally as that's for the carry to do, and instead you go for a gold generating build which consists of Philosopher's Stone and Heart of Gold. The other two items that fit are Kage's Lucky Pick and Avarice Blade, but are for more aggressive characters that actively output damage.

In performing your role you want to ensure your carry is in a good position throughout the game, and babysit the lane. Important thing is to buy wards which grant vision temporarily as it makes the lane relatively safer and allows you to play aggressive when you can. I'm not too big on the support role as I'm fairly bad at it, but these are basic ground rules for the support in LoL's current meta.

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Haha :p, most of the game will come with experience and terminology can be obnoxious.

the game installed now it is doing more loading and such ._.

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I just download this game on a friend's request.

Any tips?

Don't get frustrated if you're not doing well, don't get frustrated if your team mates are bad.

I'd also probably say that support isn't really great at lower levels.. There's nothing for you to actually /support/. Low level players don't really take good advantage of the abilities that supports bring. It'd be more beneficial for you to learn an AD carry role earlier if you want to support, so you can more easily understand their needs when you actually are going to enter a more serious gameplay level.

This game has a hu-fucking-mungous learning curve, I've played like 2000 games or so and I'm still learning shit.

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Alistar (get him for free using the offer)

You can get Ali for free? Why was I not aware of this.

Also, with this week's new rotation, I'm debating between Shyvana, Renekton, and Vayne. Shyvana and Renekton are close enough, but Vayne's not really in their league, being a carry. She's really only there because I was pretty decent with MF, though MF is more of an AoE, whereas Vayne is singleshot nuke.

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You can get Ali for free? Why was I not aware of this.

Also, with this week's new rotation, I'm debating between Shyvana, Renekton, and Vayne. Shyvana and Renekton are close enough, but Vayne's not really in their league, being a carry. She's really only there because I was pretty decent with MF, though MF is more of an AoE, whereas Vayne is singleshot nuke.

It's like a youtube offer for subscribing or something. Should still be available and comes with free Unchained Alistar skin.

I disagree with Vayne being out of their league. She has insanely high damage (I think the highest single target) late game even among other AD carries. With Vayne you should run a Boots + Red x3 -> 2 Dorans + Zerkers -> Bloodthirster generally and it's a very powerful combination. Shyvana goes into jungle usually though can work top, and Reneketon is top lane. Honestly, if you haven't tried any of them, give them all a shot; it's a great learning experience as you can gauge "how much can this champion do".

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a fed (even off minions) vayne eats trucks while a non fed vayne does nothing except be a useless zonk

I feel simply because of the possibility of farming, Vayne is quite powerful. Most AD carries without farm are 'derp' outside of Ashe and ones with high utility.

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hm.....well these words make no sense to me, but thank you.


I whipped this up real quick.

Carry: the guy who does a lot of damage and will do most of the killing. As a support, your role is to protect and let this guy farm.

Creeps: the minions that spawn from each base regularly. Getting the killing blow on a creep grants you money. This is "last-hitting," and it is very important for the carry to last hit a lot.

Alistar is a a pretty good choice to start off as support.

If you got any questions, ask.

a fed (even off minions) vayne eats trucks while a non fed vayne does nothing except be a useless zonk

I totally fucked over this vayne as cait and she was pretty much useless the whole game

also I still suck at last hitting because so much lag it's stupid. I have like a <1mb connection

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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