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In reality it was around 10:45 pacific. I just spent a lot of time chatting with people. Also here's the matches that got me there:


Pfft, support? In season 3? Obvious newb bronzie got carried.

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who here knows what galio does

who here got lucky at the enemy team raging and going all AP and sending 3 mid

how did my friend have such a good evelynn game

find out the answers to these exciting questions and more on the next episode of "oh yeah galio that guy"


ps my friend's eve score was like 12/3 and she took all my kills especially during ganks

pps I've also have some really nice morgana games and should play her a bunch more ngl

ppps did u know in galio's champion spotlight Phreak recommends building GA

also am I a tank or a mage? I just don't know any more

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Yesterday I bought Fiddlesticks in anticipation for the next season changes. Jungle Fiddle gonna do gudder with that new Spirit of the Spectral Wraith.

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Other than the tank Nidalee and the weird Graves build there's not really anything strange there.

But brand and Wu did seem to feed pretty hard..

It's not that it's tank Nid that's weird, it's that it's a jungle Nid. That's a fairly standard bruiser Nidalee build.

Also Evaniskus is an ex-pro player I think since Velocity kicked its roster lol.

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I got raped by an ez in midlane when i was lissandra... ouch... ended up with like 60+ cs by 34 minutes... How can i stand a chance against opponents higher up in the ranked ladder, any tips for survival?

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