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Kiriane, hang on with the guy. Look, we're all learning here and badgering him about aggressiveness isn't going to help.

Let him feel comfortable with last hitting and then he'll learn how to play aggressive between the hits.

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The AIs, as far as I can tell, have predictable bot lane combos...none of which are anywhere near the worst lanes player games can have. Really.

It's fun when my lane partner isn't constantly dead/putting themselves in situations where Condemn is bailing them. If bottom lane gets fed, then all hell breaks loose (I believe this carries over to regular games, too).

No bad games tonight. Just a lot of amusing ones. . .well, except for that one where my support Blitzcrank kept killing things. That was weird.

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The AIs gain items on a timeline, rather than when being fed. The trouble is, when you're feeding, you can't keep pace with them - plus you're now at a level disadvantage, because the AIs gain exp from killing you, same as you do from killing them.

When I play my first-win, I'm excessively careful now to pick an adc or a champion who can switch into adc, because I simply can't trust my teammates to beat the AIs. On my smurf I had one game, ended with 16 team kills to the bots' 60-odd kills - and every single last one of the kills was mine. I think 3 of the players never bought any items beyond their starter recommended item. It doesn't usually happen on the lv30 account except in intermediate, but I'm not going to take that chance any more. And I stand by my opinion that intermediates play at 1400 elo, and if we hadn't gotten used to exploiting the AI, more than half of all the intermediate bot games would be losses. Go figure.

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Lost two games due to bad connections. I told my team that they were so strong that the computer had to cheat to win. No matter how good I am, I can't take on five late bots by myself.

One close game was close because Katarina and Skarner were busy doing other stuff, and no matter how good Sivir is, she's not taking on three relatively tanky people at once and living to tell about it. The guy playing Fizz suggested that I go full tank (my items were the four aura items that give me armor/mres, my favorite armor with wings, and my Mercury's Treads, which I refused to sell), and it wound up saving the run. The final score was something like 74/45, with Fizz sitting on 39 of the 74 enemy kills (and me on something like 6 because I kinda fail at letting others get a last hit in). That was an interesting lesson on supports, and one I don't regret!

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Yi is so OP in TT. Crazy mofo.

Edit: I'll be home from work in just over 2 hours' time from the time of this edit. Who wants a few games with me around then?

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The AIs gain items on a timeline, rather than when being fed. The trouble is, when you're feeding, you can't keep pace with them - plus you're now at a level disadvantage, because the AIs gain exp from killing you, same as you do from killing them.

When I play my first-win, I'm excessively careful now to pick an adc or a champion who can switch into adc, because I simply can't trust my teammates to beat the AIs. On my smurf I had one game, ended with 16 team kills to the bots' 60-odd kills - and every single last one of the kills was mine. I think 3 of the players never bought any items beyond their starter recommended item. It doesn't usually happen on the lv30 account except in intermediate, but I'm not going to take that chance any more. And I stand by my opinion that intermediates play at 1400 elo, and if we hadn't gotten used to exploiting the AI, more than half of all the intermediate bot games would be losses. Go figure.

...What? I'm not a good player at all, and I've lost maybe 3 Intermediate Bot games out of the more than 100 I've played? In many of these I've tried out champs for the first time, or done some really stupid builds like AP Rammus. And I'm pretty sure two of those losseswere from before that patch where they made a bot stop playing if someone on your team DCs. There was even this one game where these 3 guys in a premade all went mid and purposely fed the Ryze to make it a challenge (Ryze was at 30/0 before they stopped intentionally feeding, and around 50/15 by the end), and we still won that, although it was kinda close. Are we playing the same game?

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...What? I'm not a good player at all, and I've lost maybe 3 Intermediate Bot games out of the more than 100 I've played? In many of these I've tried out champs for the first time, or done some really stupid builds like AP Rammus. And I'm pretty sure two of those losseswere from before that patch where they made a bot stop playing if someone on your team DCs. There was even this one game where these 3 guys in a premade all went mid and purposely fed the Ryze to make it a challenge (Ryze was at 30/0 before they stopped intentionally feeding, and around 50/15 by the end), and we still won that, although it was kinda close. Are we playing the same game?

There've been things like AI improvements and all that. Give it a whirl.

Speaking of, I think there's something wrong with Blitz. Every single game I played today caused me to lag out, one which resulted in a loss. Didn't happen with Vayne/Amumu (who I will be using for the time being).

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Yes, the recent Intermediate AI can overwhelm if you are too careless.

I haven't played an AI game for a while, might give it a go tonight. Try out some new champs, builds, etc.

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If you're melee, and they get fed, it's a race against the clock to suicide push their towers. Buy atmogs. If you're ranged, and they get fed, reclass to ADC and run with a teammate to distract them while you tear them apart, or just kite and kill. Buy LW. No, two super fed melee champions cannot 2v5 full build intermediate bots even with teammate meatshielding, I've tried. Melees just take too much free damage, while ranged can kite. We're assuming all 4 others are feeding, like 0/20 each, and consequently have all of one doran item and maybe boots1 each. Any reasonable team can 5v5 the AIs, meta be damned, and even if several of them are first time champion or offbuild. But not any reasonable single player can 1v5 the AIs - you do need a ranged ADC-built champion for that. I think this is where you're misunderstanding me - I'm talking from the perspective of "they feed and keep feeding", you're talking from the perspective of "they stopped feeding and started actually playing".

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If I'm playing mid Xerath, odds are I'm the only Xerath any of the other 9 people see in a month. Same goes for Galio, Maokai, Swain, Viktor (though to be fair this one has a bug), Cassie... It's not even an IP, ease of play or champion strength question, because nobody plays Annie either, and Ryze shows his face maybe once a week, Morgana less than that. So why am I seeing Katarina every game?

I am sick and tired of Katarina. Really.

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I've seen Maokai here and there, and free week showed quite a bit of Viktor. Here's hoping that Xerath's free, because even if he's not my play style, he looks damn cool shooting stuff.

I've seen one not-obnoxious Renekton so far, and one very cool Akali. Why are the rest so unbearable?

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Yeah, jungle Maokai shows up pretty often. Mid Maokai, I don't think I've met anyone besides me, though I'm told there are a few others of us. And free week doesn't count for champion play stats, but even in Xerath free week he shows up in maybe 30% of games.

Safari tours are kinda OP. Duo a 1800 with a 1200 on SEA server, get the best game I've had all week. I never realise just how much I miss having games where people know what they're doing, until I get into one and can rely on my teammates.

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My internet just crapped out, Eclipse. Posted from my phone. Sorry.

No problem! Maybe some other time!

The "coolest" champs I've met are Alistar and Riven, with Ashe, Fizz, and Vayne being runner-ups. Caitlyn's a mixed bag, as is Ezreal, Tryndemere, Volibear, and Katarina. Perhaps it's the personality that's needed to play such a character (if I ever pick up Talon, I'm gonna do my best to be chirpy and happy, because the most memorable Talon I saw was grumpy, but not an ass).

EDIT: If Xerath ever goes free, I'll play him just for you, Kiri. :P:

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Well that was an odd game. I ended up mid lane as a first time Shyvana who thought they were going to be a first time jungler. Really the whole scenario was just sort of out there but supposedly I didn't do too badly(I did not cause us to lose, at the very least)

It probably doesn't say much as my only experience with her is kinda... messed up in that regard, but I am liking Shyvana.

EDIT: Also now that I finally have my cooling pad, I can play again. How did I manage to win my first two games back from a 2 month absence I'll never know...

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I find that I can initiate with Anivia (albeit in a lulzy way), but someone else on my team gets the kill (not that I mind, because I need the initiation practice). I threw up all of one good wall last game, and that's one more than normal. I'LL FIGURE HER OUT EVENTUALLY!

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