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Do be careful smurfing though. I was able to jump into solo queue at a fairly low level and dominate pretty hard at the early levels just because of playing a few games with 30's around to coach me. The initial knowledge jump will push you way above early on(unless you go against a smurf team, that can end badly if you aren't ready for it.)

Basically, if I can compete at 30s to the point of not crazy feeding when queueing with friends, there's no reason you wouldn't do fine.

I have very little concept of the jungle and whatnot. I may know how to do things like build my character and sometimes last hit, but there's a huge knowledge gap as far as PvP tactics go.

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I have very little concept of the jungle and whatnot. I may know how to do things like build my character and sometimes last hit, but there's a huge knowledge gap as far as PvP tactics go.

Well I mean, that's a given. PvP tactics come from playing PvP, it's just something that will come with time.

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Lost another game as Udyr jungling.

This guy is slow as fuck. Even with the extra two useless points in Bear Stance he's fucking molasses. UGH.

the problem with Udyr is that everyone and their mother seems to have a blink/dash ability these days so shrug

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Oh man I just had a tense game with Ezreal. Hadn't played him since they buffed him months ago.

He's fun now. Still have difficulty with him, but that was one of the better games I've played in weeks. Very tense back and forth.

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Laning was hilarious, Blitzcrank and Mundo against Cait and Malph. Malph liked to last hit fsr, but Mundo and Blitz kept walking into my traps, which was fantastic. Only reason the game was close was because Talon got 10 kills in laning against Ashe and Jax ._.

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Just played a very frustrating game. This time, it was my connection being unhelpful. Died three times, and one was due to lag (might've escaped the second one, but not too sure). The guys playing with me were totally cool about it, so my faith in the community was somewhat restored.

EDIT: Finally had a great game with Ashe/Blitz. Blitz yanks, Ashe slows, hilarity ensues.

Edited by eclipse
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My last game before the patch had me in a good mood. The usual throwing back and forth (theirs couldn't position, ours couldn't stick together), but I felt so accomplished during lane phase and won both my lane (mid) and bot lane. Also, competent tanks/cc-bots are really in short supply down here and it's downright amazing how long one can stay alive while being a disruptive force when one isn't constrained by having gp10s and no real items to speak of. Midkai is the best. Now, if I could only play Xerath at that level...

In other news, I picked up one more little stray puppy. I forget how many people are coming to me for general advice on everything now, but it's probably more than I should have.

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You wish you were half as good as I am Vaidren

I played at a rating lower than yours before, this is what generally happened:


I get stressed out when people start getting snippy, and that means I play way worse. I have yet to play a normal game without snippy people.


Edited by EVE MID OR AFK
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Last game of the night went as follows:

TF: "Hey Vayne, you should get Cleanse over Heal"

Me: "I have Heal to bail me out in case I do something stupid"

First thing I did was misjudge the tower while nabbing a kill on Tristy. Heal kept me and Lux alive (Morgana was being mean to her). Not long after that, TF has connection problems and went AWOL. Nunu followed shortly after, leaving me, Lux, and Elise versus Leona, Tristana, Morgana, and Trundle. I suggested we push mid like our lives depend on it, and we somehow pulled it off.

Moral of the story: Triple recalls from enemy base aren't necessarily a bad thing, if I need to pick up PD.

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I never, ever take Cleanse. On NA ping it just doesn't work fast enough for me to make use of it, and as a result I don't have the reflexes in place to use it on SEA either. That said, it's a good spell.

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Cleanse is actually a good idea on vayne usually, but you can roll either way, he wasn't just bullshitting you.

I can see why Cleanse would be decent, but for what I had in mind, Heal worked better (in my case, it's for a better chance of surviving if I wind up in range of a tower early, as well as keeping my team alive).

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Cleanse is more useful in higher levels of play. In lower levels of play ignite or heal is generally better. With ignite generally being much better than heal because ignite counters heal if used right.

Also heal nerf.

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