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Sooo. . .randomly played Twitch on a different account, and wound up carrying two games even though I have no idea WTF I'm doing with him. Did something similar in another game with Wukong (Beginner because I usually won't do a first-time with a character I've never seen unless I think the rest of my team is good). The moral of that story is that I'm terrible with melee, but it's something I need to learn anyway. . .and that Twitch is kinda fun, but would be even more fun if I could play him competently.

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Sheesh, you'd think that the guys in bots would take a chill pill. Had one genius curse me out when he died (there's very little I can do to bail you if I'm barely alive, but it doesn't mean I'll sit there and watch you die), so I decided to be as nice as possible. . .even if I wanted to yell back. I'm pretty sure the other guys were talking crap about me in Vietnamese, but eh. It's a game, and life's too short for me to worry about the opinions of people like that.

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Sheesh, you'd think that the guys in bots would take a chill pill. Had one genius curse me out when he died (there's very little I can do to bail you if I'm barely alive, but it doesn't mean I'll sit there and watch you die), so I decided to be as nice as possible. . .even if I wanted to yell back. I'm pretty sure the other guys were talking crap about me in Vietnamese, but eh. It's a game, and life's too short for me to worry about the opinions of people like that.

It's only a game indeed, and what's more it's only an AI game, a common place to try out new things and generally fuck about. So yeah, you have no reason to take to heart anything offensive people say.

On that note, I think I'll be having a few AI games tonight trying out AP Master Yi. Seems quite devastating. And that Meditate...

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AP Yi is scary.

That said. I find myself spending enough time helping people and answering questions that I may as well put up a livestream and do it all at once. Yeah, life is easing up on me. So, question - what do you look for in a stream/streamer? (No, I haven't forgotten the other thing. Got a few essay outlines I'm carrying around, gotta type them up one day, but it isn't going to be today.)

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Make sure that we can hear you and understand you! Try recording yourself, and play it back. Are you talking too fast? Not enunciating enough? Is the mic too soft/loud/picking up too much background/giving feedback? You'd be surprised how many people fail basics like this.

Personally, I don't care for a stream of swearing. Four-lettered words every now and then are fine, but if it sounds like me on a very bad mafia day, that's not cool to listen to. I'd also keep away from trying to crack jokes on the spot; you never know who's gonna be touchy about what. The amount of slang you use should be tailored to the level of your audience.

Lastly, no sniffles. Your mic will pick it up.

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I recently started playing this game. It seems fun but i don't know how to play it very well... Partly because i'm not used to playing fast paced games on my laptop... Or playing games in general on a keyboard.

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I recently started playing this game. It seems fun but i don't know how to play it very well... Partly because i'm not used to playing fast paced games on my laptop... Or playing games in general on a keyboard.

This game really wants to be on a desktop, for the graphics card.

Anyway, welcome~! You don't have to be the OMGBEST when you start, and you'll pick things up as you go! This free week's great for me ('cause Karthus/Koggie should be in my roster, and I should get around to learning someone like Cho/Shyvana), but I don't think it's that good if you're just starting out.

I'm running under thateclipse, so feel free to add me as a friend! If you see me online, poke me!

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AP Yi is indeed dangerous, but as luck would have it the enemy team had an AD Yi with 3 Bloodthirsters carrying their shit all over the place. It was a close match, but ultimately a loss.

Only had a couple of games last night, didn't get my first win of the day and I wanted to go to bed, so I carried a team against beginner AI on TT as Garen. 20 kills 0 deaths lol.

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What name does Slayer play under? We're getting more and more SFers showing up, all of a sudden. And thanks for the tips eclipse! <3

I play on a high-end laptop (2 years old, Intel i7) with no graphics card, and at lowest settings everything off I'm getting about 40fps, is that right? Desktop I've got 60fps, but that one's a monster.

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I too play on a laptop, however I can't recall the specs because I'm currently in work and it's at home.

My settings are all as low as possible with everything off, yet I don't get anything over 40fps. And when there's a lot of stuff happening onscreen it can drop down to 10-20 fps, which is really shitty.

I think a new, quality laptop is on the cards soon. I don't care much for the actual graphics being on such low settings, however the framerate is something I want fixed.

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I just started under "Czarpoon"

Also, quick question: does going through battle training get me more IP/RP?

Also, bought Garen and Sivir.(Found out that I dunno how to use sivir in a crappy framerate laptop)

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Yes, it does. Also far more likely to match you up with and against actual new players if you've done the tutorial first.

It's not the laptop, by the way, Sharpy. It's you. Sivir isn't nearly as faceroll as Garen. (Fine, it's PARTLY the laptop.)

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My name is 1Ulki. Ulki was apparently taken :/

Also, my laptop has done pretty well so far, i haven't checked but the default settings give it a 60 frames per second without any issues so far. Mine had a AMD quad core and a dedicated graphics card. It can play Dragon Age 2 on low settings very well, though you can notice a few slow downs every now and then when there are a lot of enemies in that game. I don't have a desktop i can play in so a laptop has to do for now.

In other news i had my first player vs player... We ended up losing... We were so close to getting into their base its not even funny though, however it all went up in ashes while we tried taking their outer base turret. There were two of us, and 3 of them... Its a really exciting game. Then they blasted through the middle path and killed everything in sight... In retrospect someone should have kept an eye out for the middle path.

I really like using ashe but i'm not entirely sure how to use her very well.

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Sharpy - You're probably better off using Garen, if I've read your personality right. Not sure if Shyvana/Mundo are your speed, but if you're bored, you can give it a shot~! :P:

Slayer - This is not a friendly carry week. The closest is Kog'Maw, and he's not exactly the easiest to pick up. It probably wouldn't hurt to stick with Ashe, even if she wasn't quite what I was looking for.

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You could get free Tristana, I guess? She's not the easiest either, but this week it's Ashe and Kog so...meh. Ashe actually feels somewhat on the easy side to me, with 600 range and that slow. Graves is still easier to work with, but I think Ashe brings more to a team as long as strong laning isn't required.

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Not sure as I haven't played him, kinda squishy but immunity to slow is ridiculous, BLITZ SUPPORT OR AFK.

Decided to experiment with Karthus/Koggie. Karthus' bombs are amusing, and Koggie's the ultimate "screw people who are running away over" character. I might pick up Koggie as a hybrid AP/AD, simply to mess with my opponents. Karthus is self-explanatory. :P:

I wonder how viable support Karthus is

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