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wall OP. Also, I see MathMage in that picture. Where'd you get it?

Also, I just spectated what appears to be a spontaneous aram in a normal SR game. WHAT.

Edited by Kiriane
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i bought karma

all my friends say i'm far better at her than at everyone else i've ever tried ever

i'm not sure what to make of this

I've been meaning to buy Karma for the longest time but I was hearing that she'd get reworked midway through Season 2. That being said, if supports are getting a make-over this season, she should go the way of Eve.

On a side note, I STILL don't have Kiriane on my friend's list.

Edited by Am Yisrael Chai
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if I could watch you playing I would be able to answer that better

and yeah sometimes champions just "click" with people, or perhaps that should be the other way around. but to do it with something like Karma, well, that's on the unusual side.

and remember that you're an actual scrub by any definition of the word anyway, so your friends aren't really saying very much about your Karma play, now are they? How long did you spend with dota/hon?

oh yeah, Karma was always a pretty good mid laner who kind of sucked at support. Think Zilean. It'll be interesting to see what supports become viable!

but I'm sad for my jungle. I'll adapt, eventually, but :KnollRoll:

Edited by Kiriane
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never played hon and i was terrible at dota

if you want to see me play, well, you did start chatting me in the middle of a game once

(although that wouldn't really be a good indicator since we tend to make really weird plays that make a lot more sense when said in real time)

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yup, you're probably an actual scrub then. Analysis of your match history would better answer that question, but I'm lazy to analyse. And yeah I did, which is pretty much the only time I ever saw you online - our time zones are not THAT compatible - but you do know that LoL also has a spectate mode, yes?

As for plays, Karma does open up a lot of very interesting possibilities. Weird or otherwise. You might want to look up SGS Chawy, whose Karma is well enough known that it was target banned against the team. Karma sees no competitive play otherwise, so this is a big deal.

See also:


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The next time I put a Hurricane on Ezreal is the time you guys are allowed to kick me in the shins. That wasn't a cool idea. BT's adjustment was just enough for me to go into ks territory. Speaking of, it was pretty funny to hear Orianna complain about Karthus doing that with his ult. :P:

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Wow I've been reading Lichbane's effect wrong for like 2 years then... gg me.

good job dude.

also in other news on the ranged AD front: starting Doran's Blade is kinda iffy. Might just start boots/3 anyway because sustain

I also played around with a completely different build and tbh the tried and true standard core of IE/BT/PD still beats the crap out of everything. Like there's a few items that you can slot in situationally but other than that yeah it's not terribly different.

iunno I expected more than boots/3 > triple dorans/double dorans+longsword > BF Sword+Vamp+Zerks > IE/BT > PD > BT/IE

that's pretty much the same. :/

Edited by Manix
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As far as supports go, Kindergem got an indirect upgrade with the removal of HoG and Eleisa's Miracle gives you extra stats + an item slot. OK.

I'm still playing around with items on supports but that Red Sightrock or whatever it's called is incredible. Plus it has an extra 300 HP on it. Beats buying a ton of wards.

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My current item builds have been BT -> Zephyr -> whatever I think the team needs. I like the Mystic Sustain, and Zephyr's Tenacity is welcome. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put AS and Tenacity on the same item is funny.

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