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My problem with Zephyr and it's stat spread is that while it's got tenacity which is awesome, the problem is that besides that it doesn't give any other defensive benefits (read: you're still gonna melt) and the offensive benefits it gives is a little bit lackluster tbh

I'll give it a try at some point but I suspect the tried and true will be better overall.

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Eh, it's the only ADC item I can think of that offers CD reduction, AS, move, and crit.

Also, classic League strategy: When in doubt, curse out the carry. He might not have been super-stellar, but between Teemo and Varus, the latter was absolutely doing better. Yours Truly was Blitzcrank, and even though I was tanking, Zed didn't get the hint and usually died right after me. Garen went AWOL early. ;/

Otherwise, played a fun game as Vayne and another one as Ezreal (though a bit too recklessly, but that's because I was trying to humor Fiddles).

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Eh, it's the only ADC item I can think of that offers CD reduction, AS, move, and crit.

Actually if I'm not mistaken it doesn't give crit but like 20 AD or something

Also CDR on ADC isn't really that useful (although still alright), particularly heading into lategame where auto attacks should be your shredding device of choice (ie ditch the CDR for MORE POWER)

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It is if I'm spamming Mystic Shot. . .which is probably bad play, but it resets my auto attack. I'll see how well it meshes with everything else.

Haven't tried the Shiv (I thanked Ashe for making my farming easier), and the new Phantom Dancer is amusing.

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Certain ADCs with a certain play style (read: triforcers) benefit from CDR.

After having tried both Zephyr and PD, I must say that ignoring unit collision is much more useful than the extra 5%MS on Zephyr. Furor boots are only the best thing ever on ADCs, Hurricane and Shiv are both, eh, situational, and MF with BC lol.

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Man, the only time I've won with Veigar in the last few days was the one where I DIDN'T go positive...

SMILES. AND. SUNSHINE. You'd be surprised how much better people do if they can play without fear of being judged.

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@Xander you won't get any responses if we don't know your summoner name. Silver's also a fairly wide skill range at this point, so more specific numbers would be appreciated. And finally, is that S2 or S3 silver, pre- or post- tier changes? not that there are a lot of SFers in that zone anyway. Besides, l2p is a much better way to work things out and rise in elo than finding a duo mate.

As a general rule, sacrificing yourself for a teammate is a Very Bad Idea, except for support-type champions in higher elo (gold and above) games. There are various Reasons for this, but the important point here is Don't Do It. Particularly as an ADC.

I liked FoN. It was a nice slot-efficient way of saying Screw You to an opposing team with lots of magic damage, if I was tanking. Though I did find myself building Abyssal a lot more, because most often I didn't need that much MR. Also probably because those champions I played fell all on the tanky-AP spectrum; the tanky-AD people didn't have very much itemisation choice for MR, before Maw. FoN shows (showed) up a lot in ARAMs too, because survivability and HP regen are amazing there.

I'll get stuck into a few support games after the patch and see what works. Odds are that there is still exactly one efficient way to build, at least until the choice of big item. The key now is to find or theorycraft it.

Don't want to give out my summoner name on a forum with random people. This forum does have a private messaging feature which I expect people to be able to use smile.gif.

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Yeah, don't get triforce on Trist. You're paying too much for the stats you won't use, including the sheen proc.

Also, I find it pretty funny that when I offer more than one piece of information or advice, people tend to pick out and respond only to the part they want to hear.

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I have been reported like twice (AFAIK from people that bother telling me anyway) for dying a few times. Its not like i want to give the other team kills... :<

Admittedly my past few gaes haven't been the best though... I guess it might look as if i am feeding...

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I have been reported like twice (AFAIK from people that bother telling me anyway) for dying a few times. Its not like i want to give the other team kills... :<

Okay. . .uhh, questions time.

1. I'm assuming you're in Normals. What summoner level are you?

2. Just how bad was your record in those games?

EDIT: This is kind of why I stick to bots. It's less raging, but there's some fine gems that come in anyway.

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Okay. . .uhh, questions time.

1. I'm assuming you're in Normals. What summoner level are you?

2. Just how bad was your record in those games?

EDIT: This is kind of why I stick to bots. It's less raging, but there's some fine gems that come in anyway.

1) It was 2 games in normals. I'm level 11.

2) 3 games with miss fortune, 3/18/9, 5/11/0, 5/16/5...

They were pretty bad. I just hope i don't get supended or whatever because of it.

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Uh, yeah. . .try a few more games in bots (inter bots, where equipment gets ridiculous fast), until you hit level 12, for Flash. If the enemy team is killing you as carry, that means you need to learn how to position and snipe. Miss Fortune is hard harass in-lane, so you'll either need a really good support or you'll need to learn how to make your own opportunities. Miss Fortune also has absolutely no escape moves, so Flash is doubly important.

You can also create a custom game with only yourself, and learn how to farm minions that way. It helped me when I just started out!

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Uh, yeah. . .try a few more games in bots (inter bots, where equipment gets ridiculous fast), until you hit level 12, for Flash. If the enemy team is killing you as carry, that means you need to learn how to position and snipe. Miss Fortune is hard harass in-lane, so you'll either need a really good support or you'll need to learn how to make your own opportunities. Miss Fortune also has absolutely no escape moves, so Flash is doubly important.

You can also create a custom game with only yourself, and learn how to farm minions that way. It helped me when I just started out!

Thanks, I'll be sure to give that a try.

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How the hell do you people raise your ELO

I mean shit breaking 1200 is impossible.

Play any powerful ad top lane champ.

Xin, talon, riven, panth, etc.

Start longsword and potions, boots and potions or cloth and potions.


Free elo.

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