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Hey guys I haven't been in LoL for like a week , and my internet won't let me play LoL, and I noticed theres like some big skin sale going on. Not a big fan of them, but I was wondering how much rp does nottingham ezreal cost if anyone can look it up?

Also, what are your guys opinions on skins?

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I'm broke, so no skins for me. I prefer having food on the table and a roof over my head.

I can kinda play Koggie, but I'm not truly effective with him (then again, the only champs I consider myself not-terrible with are Vayne and Blitzcrank). I've been ditzing around with Malphite, and if I do play him, it'll probably be some weird combo of top and support (I get lost in the jungle still yet). Still need to sorta-learn Nunu.

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When I showed up it was 10 minute queue.

Also, I know there are people who trade gifts with their friends for the icon. I've got RP and a wish list, if anyone's interested.

I don't mind, if part of that wishlist is a champ anyway, I've done skins already.

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I have no champions in mind, only skins - what's on sale, though?

Also, I hate evening playing, because my ISP doesn't have enough bandwidth to handle everyone. See, here is the thing. At 200 stable ping, I can play. At 400 stable ping, I can play. When it's bouncing between even 200-400, I end up splitting my time as such: check ping, real-time on-the-fly adjustment of milliseconds of timing in attacking/moving/aiming, real-time on-the-fly re-evaluations of where they could actually be based on ping, and doing everything else I usually do based on the information I get from that. Considering "everything else" involves all the lane and map knowledge I usually maintain, in addition to csing and positioning, playing at bouncing ping is a most stressful experience and I drop the ball too much. This does not take into account unmitigable issues like my exhaust and combo not reaching the server in time to save me from Ahri, where I would have gotten a double kill and escaped alive otherwise.


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Vi is easily a solo top. That E of hers seems really useful, too. Decent range for poking champions who think they are safe behind a wall of minions.

E is really strong, however it pushes so hard in top lane.

She's insanely fast in the jungle though.

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You could probably run Vi bottom in some kind of kill lane though

Still, Cait isn't even too strong of an ADC in the first place. :C

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So she's the csing partner in a kill lane...either way, you don't really get to 0cs, unless the intent of the lane is to snowball out and get you farmed on champions. Support Leblanc, to some extent Shaco, I know of people who run support Katarina in a duo, etc.

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The only skin I'm half-interested in is the adorable Ezreal one, but eh. My RP was spent on getting Ashe before I knew what a skin was (then got Nunu when his RP went down to something ridiculous).

Should be able to fish out the IP for Vi, eventually. She looks like a bruiser I could pick up.

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