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Still, Cait isn't even too strong of an ADC in the first place. :C

Honestly, cait is like the only adc I would recommend a nunu support cause she doesn't have some sort of AS buff.

Ezreal had his passive

Graves had his E

Vayne has her w for massive damage

Corki is a burst, armor shredder

Ashe has a slow, mega slow and stun in her kit

All cait has is a form of burst, a trap, an escape, and her ulti, but nothing worthwhile she can do by herself without a nunu support

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kog/vayne like nunu support as well (read: able to proc their w's more often = more damage)

(also graves can use the extra AS because his AS is loooooooow but there are better support options)

in fact cait can use nunu support but there are better options (sona for poke/harass lane comes to mind)

Edited by Manix
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Yeah, kog came to my mind, but he doesn't need it that much because his q grants him passive AS, but I would assume kog players like maxing theirr w for dat %age health taken away.

Vayne I would agree too but even without an AS buff her w still takes away a chunk of your health regardless, but I see what you mean.

For harass/ poke/kill lanes, I would pair up with a champ that can follow up more actively. Yeah cait has her net, but the animation is not as straight away with the likes of ez, graves, and corkis e just to name a few

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I've seen everyone except me play Vi, and she's damn tanky. That means me as Ezreal can shoot over her shoulder. I hope she doesn't whine like one in a previous game ("Draven, stop taking all the kills").

Edited by eclipse
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Yeah, kog came to my mind, but he doesn't need it that much because his q grants him passive AS, but I would assume kog players like maxing theirr w for dat %age health taken away.

Vayne I would agree too but even without an AS buff her w still takes away a chunk of your health regardless, but I see what you mean.

For harass/ poke/kill lanes, I would pair up with a champ that can follow up more actively. Yeah cait has her net, but the animation is not as straight away with the likes of ez, graves, and corkis e just to name a few

what the fuck are you even talking about

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The stupid is strong in the last few posts...let me talk you through adc/support synergy in lane and in game.

Nunu has sustain, a perpetual movespeed/aspd buff, an iceball, and a scary slow field. Iceball on their adc means your adc auto wins an extended trade, and bb on your adc means they get ms/as, which allows for better positioning and poking. Q means you can afford to take some damage in the above mentioned extended trades.

Caitlyn is a (poke) lane all by herself. She's really, ridiculously strong early game and a capable 1v2er, and a very safe ADC for late game with her range and dash. Where she suffers is that she has effectively no damage or aspd steroid, so that her 2-3 item game suffers. With Nunu: Caitlyn is a terror by herself in lane, but with an ms/as buff she can win lane even better. You aren't likely to get in serious trading range of the opponents, though if they misposition, an iceball ensures that Cait can chunk them for a huge amount without retaliation. Nunu's bb also allows her to chase more effectively if it comes to it. More importantly, though, it acts as a late game aspd steroid, keeping Caitlyn viable and powerful throughout.

Vayne has no range and is positioning dependent to the point of ridiculousness. Where "no range" means 550 range but has no skills that extend beyond that, so what you see is what you get; Graves has less but his QWR all outrange it by a great deal, in contrast. With Nunu: Vayne is more helped by the ms than the as on bb, because lol positioning. Not that aspd isn't important, of course. However, in lane, Vayne Nunu is hardly the strongest: no poke, no sustain on adc, no kill potential against competent opponents, though (as mentioned above) they'll most likely win extended trades. This lane is much stronger in high elo, because high elo Vaynes position better in lane and bb is a powerful positioning tool. If it gets to late game, a good Vayne can be happy with a Nunu support, especially as she gets very high returns for building AD - but she'd be as happy with an Alistar or Blitzcrank who can peel for her and work better in lane with her. Now, if you were talking Nunu jungle with Vayne having a different support in lane...

Kog has lots of range and is also highly positioning dependent, but the range does give him a bit of leeway in that respect. He also has a major damage steroid and it deals magic damage. In exchange, he's squishy and easy to kill once you get to him, unlike Vayne who can tumble/condemn/ult and run, and his damage steroid isn't up 100%. With Nunu: Kog with Nunu is a traditionally strong poke lane. As mentioned, bb is good for adc positioning, which Kog likes, and the extra aspd doesn't hurt. In this lane, Kog will pretty much use W to auto attack anyone and everyone all the time. This is different from any other Kog lane except maybe GP, because of the movespeed buff allowing him to be very much safer poking with enhanced auto, and because of the aspd buff which speeds up his animation so he can cancel it and get out faster. (And yes, Kog maxes W first, and usually Q last depending on game, by the way.) In addition, if Nunu manages to iceball the opposing ADC, they can go to town on them from a place of more-or-less complete safety. Besides this, Kog Nunu is also an exceptionally strong bot lane for dragon and later baron control, because of the %hp damage and because of Consume. Which applies to Vayne too, okay, fine.

I like Nunu support, but do you realise something important about all the pairings I described? You're giving an absolutely huge buff to the ADC who then uses this advantage to win hard. Nunu is one of the biggest force multipliers in the game (Sona is bigger, because lol teamwide auras) but all that multiplying comes to naught if your ADC can't do anything with his greatly increased power.

I don't know why I bother, nobody's going to read that text wall. Oh, and @Life your mechanics are good enough for support, it's your itemisation and map control which suck.

edit for formatting

Edited by Kiriane
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^My name is SteliosV and I approve this message.

Very good points, Kiri. Nunu is a very strong and capable support but requires the ADC to be proficient to be used to his full potential. Keep in mind also that Nunu counters any ADC that he is good alongside, because of the immense attack speed slow. If you're ever against a Vayne/Kog/Cait/Ashe, etc, single target as opposed to burst, I highly recommend maxing Iceball first.

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I don't know why I bother, nobody's going to read that text wall. Oh, and @Life your mechanics are good enough for support, it's your itemisation and map control which suck.

Thanks for telling me. I went with Chalice on the fly because I was spamming MP due to Vayne being RETARDED.

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Life, that already falls under what I said before...build philo for first gp10 if you need regen, and sightstone for first gp10 if you don't. Do I really need to explain this?

Frozen Heart works on Nunu. If you can build it, and if nobody else is building it, and if you aren't getting melted by mdmg.

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Vayne lulu is much better than vayne nunu.

Just figured I'd point that out.

Cause seriously vayne lulu is silly.

Just like cait nunu. But they both focus on two separate things.

Cait nunu just shoves pushes and keeps the enemy ad in their turret. It's a pushing lane, made to farm and keep bot lane/top lane pressured.

Vayne lulu is a farming lane, you can't initiate on it safely with most bot lanes cause of lulu. Also lulu can single-handedly just poke the enemy ad/support without having to worry generally. So vayne can just relax and farm. Also lulu still has a moevspeed buff to give vayne along with health ultimate and a slot which just makes it so she can chase just about anyone.

Both are opposite sides of the spectrum though basically at higher levels of play, and both are very popular picks.

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Since it's christmas, I'm in the money thanks to generous family members. A few quid put into LoL wouldn't harm.

I just don't know what I want.

Maybe a Lux skin... But there's nothing good.

Also has anyone read this yet? http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/champion-pricing-timing-changes

My current favourite Lux skin is Spellthief, but you may want to wait a little but for them to finish Steel Legion Lux an bring it to the live server.

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Udyr is NOT dead! Just did a 0cs bruiser Udyr game with a retarded Teemo as my ADC (didn't even build AD). Final result was 6/7/22. Had the enemy team running scared from the start.

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just tried out udyr as well and i liked him a lot

i find his jungle time is pretty decent as well (i used solo top masteries since i hadn't set up jungling ones yet and i managed a clear by ~3:45ish (i also fucked up the positioning a bit)

haven't actually played him in a higher-leveled game or anything yet but playing with level ~20's i ended up with 5/2/20 or something of the sort

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