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I bought Ezreal more than two weeks ago. I am a sad panda.

Do like the new pricing schedule. Now when the hell is Graves getting off that list?

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okay I used to play locked cam, and my only suggestion to help with playing unlocked is to literally just do it and get used to it. It can be hard to adjust to, but it's worth it imo

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freedom of view, like you can see more around your immediate surroundings without much effort

that's the main draw, particularly in laning

edit: also iirc you can snap back to center by holding the space bar (default) so yeah

Edited by Manix
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Why is unlocked cam better in your opinion? (Curiosity)

You can easily see moves that the opponents are making. This is especially helpful when you're getting lategame and everyone's mid. You want to know when it looks like someone is preparing to flash in and ult.

I just let it sit free and lock it when the need arises by holding on the space bar.

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Interesting that would totally help me when trying to go help my team but then realize a few of them left and then i run into them unprepared get slowed and gang raped. It would also help when i'm the other team in PVP, because crap they can't see like half of the important part of their screen when laning.

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...Did I miss something?







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Hope you get it back soon, 'cause I wanna see you play~!

Also made someone believe in Vayne's ability to blick things on sight. I'd like a bit more variety in Ezreal/Koggie/maybe Corki, but that'll come (I hope). Of those three, I should be theoretically able to pick up the little caterpillar the easiest, even if I have terrible aim with Living Artillery. It's also yet another reason why I need to be able to play with an unlocked camera.

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I set spacebar to lock/unlock camera. Use it to switch between locked and unlocked, double-tap to centre. I'm lazy to move camera when nothing of interest is going on, and usually I'm paying more attention to the mini map anyway. Quick unlock when something happens, and when a fight starts. And when I get to lane. It's on automatic now, so that I don't even notice when I'm switching, but best I can tell I'm running unlocked about 50% of the time.

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I might be able to stream, so you'll see me play np. I spent good 500 bucks for some parts for my new computer, and salvaged my video card and HDrive from old one. (Upgraded video card on my birthday 9 months ago)

Strangely enough, it broke.

And my brother said to not go any higher than medium in game video settings. Even though I could played at max on my old one... (lol which was funny since it's prebuilt computer from 2000s vista)

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Actually, I might do some trades. I guess I can offer skins for champions. :v


How generous of you. I'm sure someone here who never paid for F2P game for skins would appreciate having a gift.

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Note to self: Dual carry isn't always a bad thing. Especially when the carry decides to troll the game. Made 200+ in the defensive stats, still lost.

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the greatest thing ever is feeding as udyr for an entire game, then getting the entire enemy team to focus you as you hack away at their nexus turret WHILE your team escapes AND end up blowing the thing up

i love playing on hotel lag

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