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I'm still questioning why I'm bothering with Nunu support. I either blick things or my partner dies. I hope I can figure this out sooner than later.

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That reminds me.

I played Darius again few months after my mega fail on his release day. Right after testing out his new skin Bioforge in PBE. I went back to live and played Darius.

You don't want to know what happened.

I COMPLETELY dominated the game.

No one could beat me.

Nothing could move me.

I was the immortal tank with a cape.

I was a god damn superman.

My own team cheered for me as I curbstomped enemy team. So many decapitated bodies everywhere.

Sadly I don't remember the stats. But it was pretty high, even for a 5v5 normal match in SR against tryhards.

Hell, even I admired myself while I walked with that dazzling axe swinging at my side with my cape flowing in the air that I often lock camera just to watch.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Ezreal: /all come fight me

Them: /all ok

(We're something like 25 team kills to their 12 and have absolutely dominated them all game. We force the fight in mid.)

Ezreal: /all whoops guess you shouldn't have fought me

made me lol so hard

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No, really? A well played support makes the ADC's life easier? I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT.

Let's turn this the other way around...a well played ADC makes the support's life much, MUCH easier. As my 1200 elo support main friend puts it, he knows all the stupid mistakes an ADC can make.

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No, really? A well played support makes the ADC's life easier? I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT.

Let's turn this the other way around...a well played ADC makes the support's life much, MUCH easier. As my 1200 elo support main friend puts it, he knows all the stupid mistakes an ADC can make.

And those are...?

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you really think there aren't common adc mistakes?

I knew someone would take it that way, but i'm just wondering what they are so i can avoid them.

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When I'm support, I wish I could hand this out on a leaflet:

1. If I'm playing someone that can't heal you, don't go running in full-tilt, expecting me to bail you. This is especially true at the lower levels.

2. Likewise, if I see an opportunity and start pinging, don't stand by the turret with a stupid expression on your face.

3. If I need to go back to base for whatever reason, don't qq.

4. No, I'm not stealing your kills, you didn't kill them fast enough. I actively try not to get kills, so my corpse is worthless.

5. If you see me run into a load of enemies with no other teammates in sight, I'm trying to buy you time so you can GTFO; that is NOT your cue to run in and fight (remember, I give the equivalent of pennies if I die). This goes triple if you're at dangerously low health and I can't heal you.

6. I'm not perfect, so I'll probably miss a skill shot or three. Don't make me feel like crap because I did so.

I think I played a half-decent game as Nunu, but I suspect that's because the guy playing Varus knew what he was doing.

Now, as a carry. . .

1. I will play extremely passive unless I see an opportunity to do something. Don't do silly things like rush in and hope that I can burst someone down in time; my job is not to feed the opponent (especially when I'm Vayne and everyone is level 1, FFS).

2. If my support winds up with some CS, I won't object (if it's Nunu and he needs the health, or if Blitz's barrier trolls everyone). I will object heavily if you actively try to out-last-hit me.

3. I run Heal as a carry so you can save your mana for other things (and so that I can bail you on the off chance that you need it and your healing spells are down).

4. I don't mind if my support gets a kill or two, but if you're Blitzcrank and have a higher kill count than me because you waited until the last minute before grabbing, I won't be happy.

5. You're doing something wrong if I'm buying more wards than you (Sightstone nonwithstanding).

6. If I'm at really low health for whatever reason, and you're at full, try to gauge whether or not I can make it out of there if you jump in; if so, then attempt to protect the carry. I'm not good enough to dodge every Ashe arrow yet.

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You won't get a lot of AP from building support. I mean, okay, there are those new items, but you won't hit APC levels of AP. The difference between with and without the support items that give AP is...not very much. And then there's the fact that you only get them in late game.

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I knew someone would take it that way, but i'm just wondering what they are so i can avoid them.

Hi SlayerX. I'll outline some of the most common ADC mistakes just for everyone's reference:

-Over-aggression/lack of farm

-Under-Aggression/lack of trading and harass

-Spamming an ability as soon as a wave reaches tower while low-levelled, causing you to miss a bunch of CS under tower

-Lack of jungle awareness

-Pushing the wave every chance you get or allowing the wave to be pushed to your tower constantly for no reason


This is when you go to lane, hit the minions a few times, and just start trading deaths with the other bot lane. I don't recommend you do this, you both miss out on tons of experience and become irrelevant in the mid game fights. This goes hand in hand with our next topic

-Under-Aggression/Lack of Trading:

This is the exact opposite of over-aggression. You want to still have presence in the lane and get in an auto or ability on the enemy laners when they are out of position or you have nothing to last hit. Watch your minion health and your enemy's, try to predict where they will be headed and lock them in for a free auto attack and ability if possible, while they are still stuck in the animation of last hitting.

-Spamming an ability as soon as a wave reaches tower:

This is pretty self explanatory. At level 3, you shouldn't use Graves Buckshot or Ashe's volley as they minions reach the tower. You will just end up losing a ton of CS that way. Melee minions are two tower shots and an auto attack, caster minions are an auto attack, tower shot, and an auto attack unless you have a dorans or two, in which case its one tower shot and an auto.

-Lack of jungle awareness:

Your supports warding for you? Awesome. Make sure you keep a lookout for their jungler. Not warding? Grab a ward yourself and stick it where you want it. Either way, you want to be wary of junglers when you're levels 2-4,then 6, try to take note when you see their junglerm id because you may be the next stop on their route. if you know their jungler is coming to gank your bot lane and your jungle is bot-side, try to ping for a counter gank if it will turn out well.

Pushing the wave etc:

You want the wave to be as close to the midle of the river as possible, this means you have to play the balancing act with minions. You don't want to constantly psuh the wave to their tower because that puts you in danger of getting ganked. You don't want to get bulied and have the wave pushed to your tower because while it sets up nice ganks, you will end up losing a ton of CS for a kill or possibly a death at worst case. If you want more information on lane control, feel free to ask.

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eclipse, for reference, summoner spell heal should be used as a last resort or as a bait. It's usually not good practice to use it casually, since it has a fuckhuge cooldown and you have a Soraka with her W anyway.

It's usually the former. I've gotten some pretty stupid supports, and since I'm full random, I can't predict whether I'm getting someone great or someone who has no idea what they're doing.

Tried AP Ezreal for giggles. He's interesting, but I prefer his AD incarnation, even if he's not taking out Vayne-sized chunks of health.

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