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edit: found it

Per each champion, the number of players who have a win rate > 55%.

Players consist of the top 5% of LoL in ranked 5x5 solo games from Season 2.

the inner dark circle is for %people with >70% win rate with that champion.

Edited by Kiriane
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Got a load of games as Nunu support. He's extremely reliant on the ADC not being a total idiot (someone who builds Liandry's on Vayne/some genius who builds PURE ATTACK SPEED isn't my idea of a good ADC).

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played ashe for the first time ever today (aside from the initial tutorial)

when laning was over i was 0/0/4, my support taric was 4/2/0 and then 24 minute infinity edge

got a triple in the first teamfight, though, and managed to end at 9/4/13 or some shit like that

this adc shit is cray

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That's exactly what I said. Two pages ago now, I think. This thread lol.

Two pages ago I wasn't learning a second support character.

So far, both of my "supports" can be used for other things. Can Taric be used for something besides support? Otherwise, I'll pick up Alistar in the near future (don't have a YT account, and I think I have enough IP to do this outright).

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Super-tanky Taric AP mid! I should try that one day. Thanks!

(was planning on jungle Alistar if all hell broke loose, but I kinda like Nunu better)

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Heh, I'll give Taric a try later.

How hard do I need to bit hit over the head for attempting the following on Kog'Maw?

- BT

- Iceborn Gauntlet

- Hurricane

(the theoretical result is a huge AoE slow with lots of sustain)

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As I understand it, iceborn's slow field only procs on the sheen effect, that is, after you use an ability. Hurricane onhit does not proc Sheen's on-next-hit: they are separate things entirely. You're better off just not doing that with Kog, IMO.

Now, if you were to go with Ezreal, build iceborn and shiv...

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As I understand it, iceborn's slow field only procs on the sheen effect, that is, after you use an ability. Hurricane onhit does not proc Sheen's on-next-hit: they are separate things entirely. You're better off just not doing that with Kog, IMO.

Now, if you were to go with Ezreal, build iceborn and shiv...

I build that on Ezreal if and only if my team isn't stomping (replace Zephyr with Shiv if my team really, REALLY sucks at keeping things off of me, or if I see Fiddlesticks and they don't know what to do with him). The further behind we get, the better Iceborn gets. As for what I had planned with Koggie, it was Q -> auto -> W -> auto and giggle (E and R as necessary).

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Kog won't get in range to Q, late game - it's only good for the aspd buff and making jungle mobs have negative MR.

Since I'm full random, I get people who do not understand what "protect the caterpillar" means. If they do, then I don't have to rely on gimmicky setups to help my team (because the game will probably be over as I'm finishing up the Hurricane).

As for who likes the Gauntlet. . .I'm guessing people who have ranged skills that apply on-hit effects?

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Singed is fun in solo top but you really need to be careful that a 1v1 in top isn't going to be with a guy that can harass you from range and heal up. Basically avoid going against Yorick and Swain.

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Doesn't have to be ranged. Skarner, for example, used to build triforce tanky. Irelia still has that option, if she wants burst. These, and others, both have the option to go for iceborn.

No, eclipse, even gimmicky setups do not involve getting Kog into range of being exploded. I understand that bots are a little bit stupid and the AI is exploitable, but that doesn't change good play habits.

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Doesn't have to be ranged. Skarner, for example, used to build triforce tanky. Irelia still has that option, if she wants burst. These, and others, both have the option to go for iceborn.

No, eclipse, even gimmicky setups do not involve getting Kog into range of being exploded. I understand that bots are a little bit stupid and the AI is exploitable, but that doesn't change good play habits.

Saw a Nasus today that got the Gauntlet. When he landed his slow, followed by an auto-attack, things stood still.

Kiriane, here's what happens when I'm with four people who don't know what it means to protect the carry:

1. Someone else starts the team fight (usually the bruiser); I'm in back where I'm supposed to be.

2. Everyone runs behind me. Given that my escape is Flash (not very often) or E, that usually results in bad things happening.

This happens far more often than I care for, and then people wonder why I flee the minute I think the fight is going badly (and that's how things get in range of my Q). If I'm with a team that can keep things off of me, I don't need that.

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Yes, and?

You're not on the ball enough when it comes to positioning, if that kind of thing happens to you. That and you need to E earlier. Why weren't you running when everyone else was running, again? The only time I can see that as an excuse is when all four of your teammates have nontargeted gap closers.

Look. There's a right answer to these kinds of things. And as a general rule, the right answer is not "blame my teammates".

As for Singed. Level 7, if you maxed poison, is when you can start auto clearing waves. Singed is something of an inevitable champion because you can't really stop him from farming after a while. And he's a great (split) pusher.

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all i really did was run around trying to line up the fling properly with poison and ult on

also i tried xin zhao jungle just now and hoooooly shit he's so hard to handle -_-

insane power though and apparently not as super squishy as usually happens to me when i play a bruiser

(i tried him top and failed miserably multiple times)

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