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Bought Katarina a few days ago. Still practicing with her on bots.

Really fun on teamfights because of her passive. Can clean up teams exceptionally well. If the other team isn't smart ( which in Blind Pick happens a lot ) and don't save an interrupt for when she jumps in they are pretty much done for.

They say her initial lane phase can be tricky...but a few levels and an item or two and you are clearing waves with Q + W, which makes her farm pretty good under turret, altough the ideal seems to clear wave and roam to attempt a snowball, but some matchups i don't see this happening. Ie : Malzahar, Ahri ( same gameplan, to roam ) and i think she can clear easier than Kat.

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I'm considering buying Zyra just so I can play her for support.

Am I a bad person. >:

No. Not at all.

Kiriane, I am very reliant on the rest of my team, because I'm not at the stage where I can carry four scrubs (I'm nowhere near that). If they start fleeing early in a team battle, that's what I start doing, and that usually ends really badly (bonus points if they then whine about how the carry's not doing her job). If I have to do things like hold things down with E/Gauntlet while being in range of Q because the rest of my team is lame (and my W was wasted because I had to start running), then I will do that. I'll do what it takes to win, even if it means "WTF why are you building THAT?!"

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doesn't zyra have like the highest midlane winrate right now or something

i just feel like playing her support would be like playing darius jungle- it wastes a lot of potential

Edited by CT075
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Zyra support is popular ATM because Mid lane is being swarmed with a lot of AD casters/bruisers right now, which Zyra does relatively badly against. She can still go botlane and be a lane bully, and which she won't build as much AP as quickly as mid Zyra, she still has all of her utility and CC. This way you can pick a mid who does better against Talon/Pantheon/Kha'Zix etc. and still have your teamfight Zyra.

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makes sense

Speaking of which, was xin zhao mid ever viable? I'd imagine not since he has no real harass vs spellcasters but this one guide i'm reading says taht he counters most AP mids?

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How about I buy Battle Bunny Riven and call it a day.

Seriously I still have 1800-something RP. I need to buy something meaningful before I waste it on like... Sion skins.

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How about I buy Battle Bunny Riven and call it a day.

Seriously I still have 1800-something RP. I need to buy something meaningful before I waste it on like... Sion skins.

I have like, 3000. Also you should atleast wait for the sale announcement dude(I hate seeing the "oh I bought that champ 20 mins before the sale refund pls" QQing)

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Zyra was a popular support before the midlane AD caster craze.

Zyra is just a really good aggressive support. She's like Lux, except she also has an AOE knockup and vision-giving seeds/plants. Minus uh, aoe slow and shield. It's not wasted potential, it's power-wanking.

Speaking of which, was xin zhao mid ever viable?


it is now

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Xin mid was viable before his whole change.

I ran it few times and stomped hard. Hell I even went tank xin mid and carried my team. (PURE tank not bruiser)

Hadn't tried the after change xin in jungle or mid. Only did him top.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Zyra was a popular support before the midlane AD caster craze.

Zyra is just a really good aggressive support. She's like Lux, except she also has an AOE knockup and vision-giving seeds/plants. It's not wasted potential, it's power-wanking.

ohgod "power-wanking"

Anyway, I mean, traditional supports are fun and all, and I usually main Sona/Nami. But all the talk about Nunu support got me into a game with him, and then I tried out Lux support, and now I just want to try as many different ones as possible. :U

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Other weird supports I've seen:

- Fiddles

- Kha'Zix

- Sejuani (I'll spoil this one and say DON'T DO IT)

- Veigar

- Viktor (I haven't made up my mind on this one)

I'll get around to trying Malphite as support one day.

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Happy new year everyone!

I've played against Jarvan IV and Darius supports.

Jarvan IV have a knockup, really good early game damage and post-6 if you don't have Flash up or some kind of dash, his ult will guarantee a kill. His Q also has good range, so he doesn't really have to come melee and his E also give buffs to the ADC.

Darius doesn't really need many items, and even with little CS he manages to get them ( Frozen Mallet and Hexdrinker ). He has a grab on his E and his W is pretty much an Exhaust. If 1v1 Darius is rough, he AND the ADC hitting the same target is even more rough early game. His passive combined with Ignite is pretty good and his ult can always get kills or burst you low enough for the ADC to finish.

On the cons, neither of them brings any form of sustain, so a good poke duo is good. If you have sustain, you can trade 1 or 2 hits, never extended exchanges, unless they are low enough.

For example, try to hit Darius if he tried to grab you and failed, as he cant react and the cooldown is pretty long.

Need wards on brushes as well.

Edited by Lanko
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The amount of stupid in this thread again. As a support main I am very displeased with this.

In related news, Ashe actually has pretty good base aspd. Like really, really good. 0.658 good.

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The amount of stupid in this thread again. As a support main I am very displeased with this.

In related news, Ashe actually has pretty good base aspd. Like really, really good. 0.658 good.

Did I screw up again @.@?

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I just had my best game yet as Ahri, going 13/0/9 against bots. Though I suspect it may have been because I had a shitty team, as by 22 minutes I was at my lane's inhibitor and no one else had destroyed a turret yet. I was also experimenting with upgrading Fox-Fire over Charm and building a Liandry and a Deathfire over my usual weapons, but I don't think the Liandry or Fox-Fire was really super influential.

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Played a game with four carries (Draven, Ashe, Cait, Vayne) and a Nunu. It was over in something like 14 minutes. Best part was that my biggest contribution was walking into the fray, pressing R, then walking out like nothing happened.

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