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I just spam Q like there is no tomorrow. and occasionally E

basically sheen procs and the life steal/spell vamp doesn't hurt, combined with Muramana active and then speed from tooth

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Evelynn - Grab a Deathfire Grasp sooner than later (this should be your first major item). Apparently she also does well with Rylai's Crystal Scepter. There's also an AD version of her, but I haven't seen that one yet.

EDIT: Sometimes, the way to "carry" a game as support is to stop the bleeding. Lag's a PITA, and I have no idea what I'm doing when I'm Taric.

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Glad to see you're enjoying yourself!

Also, I can't play Riven at all on high ping. 200's fine, 300's manageable, anything above that and my control goes completely out the window. Though I guess it doesn't help that whenever I get 500+ it's not actually stable but bouncing in the range of 300-800. Like Bunny Girl over there, only this one's bad. I think I'll be watching a lot of BEST RIVEN NA sometime soon in the grand scheme of things.

And don't jungle Garen, Mordekaiser or Rumble, not really worth it.

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I did that once (Jungle Garen). Can't remember what happened though.

Also gais that game we just had I THINK WE WON.


So much fun! Tell me how that wank went Necktie.

Edit: I have 6.5k IP. WHO TO BUY? I was considering Vi, but hmm. Fuck it, Vi it is. Let's go, AI.

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In the picture, what are the numbers at the top (136 -- 128 above the kill death assist of each team).

It was a very fun game, kinda made me sad they surrendered so quickly.

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One of these days, I'll be free for a SF five-man, so you guys can blame me for everything that goes wrong.

EDIT: By "lag", I mean "let's get rid of that creep that's well out of range of the tower--why am I running into the tower oh gosh, NOOOOOO!!!"

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In the picture, what are the numbers at the top (136 -- 128 above the kill death assist of each team).

It was a very fun game, kinda made me sad they surrendered so quickly.

I didn't actually know myself so I checked it out. Turns out it's my own win-lose score... Not sure if it's just for normal 5v5 games or a total. Well I have more wins than losses, at least...

And Vi is fucking awesome. I want to main her.

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Managed to play one game with no lag, so back to CS practice.

Vayne with runes/masteries

First: 25

Second: 26

Third: 25

Vayne without rune/masteries

First: 14

Second: 23

Third: 21

Ezreal with runes/masteries

First: 26

Second: 27

Third: 27

Ezreal without runes/masteries

First: 24

Second: 25

Third: 21

This kind of practice is definitely amusing. I'll keep doing this, and see how long it takes for me to break 30.

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Vi's going free, so I'll give her a whirl. Unfortunately, most of the people who I've seen were, um, pretty bad with her. Her ult reminds me of Malphite's one.

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So Vi is free literally a day after I use my IP on her. I don't regret it anyway, she's an animal. But for this week at least, I will have to be quick as all fuck in blind normals if I am to use her.

I've yet to find a very good guide for her, so I'm still just experimenting really.

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well, you really shouldn't be using it in the way you would use malphite's ult, cause their jobs are different

Malphite's job is to annoy me with his voice

Didn't have a dedicated 10-minute CS practice, so I'll take the numbers I got from mid during a couple of games:

First: 65

Second: 48

I was busy harassing/killing Annie during the second game; thus, the low CS score. The first one was more-or-less pure farming, because I felt like it. Will try a sole top/bottom CS practice when the server behaves (I was lagging out during the dumbest times today).

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Ten-minute farming mark of the day: 61 (again, mid-game)

I really, REALLY hate playing mid against Fiddles. . .especially if I'm Nunu, and I'm all set up for jungling.

EDIT: Went on secondary account, played Kog'Maw, got irritated with my team (FFS Leona, stop trying to steal my farm), got enough for a BT and Hurricane, defended the base a couple times, then destroyed all the structures while the rest of my team was used as disposable meatshields. BT/Hurricane/IE is more than enough, and I felt random so I threw Zephyr/Glacial Shroud on (that probably would've been Frozen Heart for the CDR).

On a more positive note, got a MF that was happy with my attempted support with Nunu. I'm getting the hang of him!

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oooooh Vi is quite interesting to play as, i mean i died a lot in the beginning, but i started to pick up afterwards. I went 13/9/~8 with her which i don't think is too bad for first time (it was bots though). Also tired fiddle sticks and to be honest that thing is a monster. I could have gotten more than half a team killed had i been smart about casting my R towards the end of a bot game i fucked up though which sucks (they were all at the inhibitor with a substantial amount of health gone).

I also trolled an Irelia with Heime in mid that was awesome :awesome:. We ended up losing the game, but that irelia barely managed to get kills from me. Albeit i could have seen some of the obvious ganks she did with a one of her teammates that ended up killing me a few times. I love heimer so much <3.

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If you're dying to ganks, buy wards and use them!

Fiddles is the king of CC. He screws over certain people with channels hard (hello Karthus, here's a crow, STFU). I have yet to see anyone use a Zhonya's Crowstorm, but I imagine it's pretty painful.

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If you're dying to ganks, buy wards and use them!

Fiddles is the king of CC. He screws over certain people with channels hard (hello Karthus, here's a crow, STFU). I have yet to see anyone use a Zhonya's Crowstorm, but I imagine it's pretty painful.

Thats my next order of business. Getting used to using Wards. Heimer is extremely vulnerable to them due to his slow speed.

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