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Franchises That Do/Don't Belong To Nintendo


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I'm not sure if it belongs here, but since this is a question I'm asking since I'm wondering if these franchises might show up in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS one way or another, I'll post it here. Feel free to ask about other franchises belonging to Nintendo as well.

Would anyone happen to know if The Denpa Men, The Adventures of Lolo, and The Glory of Heracles belongs to Nintendo or not? Denpa Men is developed by Genius Sonority, which is practically a subsidary of Nintendo, but supposedly isn't. Lolo is owned by HAL, which is owned by Nintendo now. Lolo and Lala also show up in Kirby quite a lot, but they haven't had their own games in a while. Glory of Heracles was heavily promoted on Nintendo Week, similarly to first party titles. Wikipedia also says that Nintendo has the rights to them now, but I haven't found many other sources saying the same.

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Thanks. Do you have an in-depth explanation on Lolo, though? I thought for sure Nintendo had the rights to the character, since Lolo is HAL and HAL belongs to Nintendo. Also, the Kirby series features Lolo quite often, and I doubt they'd be able to use Lolo easily if Nintendo didn't own the rights to him.

I guess I'll ask about a few more franchises: The Last Story and Pandora's Tower are owned by Nintendo while Xenosaga isn't, right? I know Xenoblade Chronicles is Nintendo, but the other two Operation Rainfall games are quite confusing, since there's quite a few third party companies involved as developers and publishers. I'm quite sure Xenosaga isn't owned by Nintendo (even though they purchased Monolith Soft), but I just want to make sure.

I also want to throw this out there in case anyone is wondering: The Wonderful 101 is a Nintendo owned property according to its official site:

© 2013 Nintendo/PlatinumGames Inc. The Wonderful 101 and Wii U are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2013 Nintendo.

This means we may be seeing The Wonderful 101 show up in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS in one way or another.

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