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Best Parent for a Dual Support+/Dread Fighter Gerome? (More details inside)

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Ok! This will be my first min-max, Lunatic+, Beat Apotheosis file, and I will need help on this part.

This Gerome will be marrying the +Strength, -Luck Avatar-fathered Nah. Nah will be the lead unit, with Galeforce, Limit Break, and Sol (Other Skills Unknown) Since Vaike gives Gerome amazing Attack, I was thinking of using him, and Dread Fighter makes anyone have a usable Magic Stat.

Also, I don't know what Gerome's father should pass down. (Cherche will pass down Dual Support+)

Help will be greatly appreciated.

(Also, hair color plays a part in this. Dumb. I know)

And I don't really like Blond Gerome. :/

Edited by SimplyUnlucky
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Vaike!Gerome? Zerker would be better. Aggressor, Axefaire, LB, AS+2, DS+. His damage with brave axes as a support unit would be off the chart (I use Yarne with this set). I find it better to have Gerome as a strictly physical unit because his strength can do wonders as a high-STR class. If you want the best DF Gerome go Henry!Gerome or Libra!Gerome. Henry for an additional STR mod as well as magic, and Libra for magic and excellent resistance. Hope this helps!

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Kellam! or Ricken!Gerome for Luna/Tomefaire and pairing the spares.

edit: Dual Support+ is pretty atrocious

Luna's useless on a support unit and I wouldn't really advise Tomefaire for him either unless he's planned as exclusively magic-wielding, but Dual Support+ gives full bonus regardless of which slot he's in, so it's a decent support unit skill.

Also, Gerome doesn't need inheritance for Tomefaire, since he gets Priest from Cherche's Cleric.

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Luna is useful for support unit if they have GF

Granted, this is something I overlooked, but as far as this specific case goes Gerome is one of the three children who can never acquire Galeforce, making this moot for the OP's request.

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For a support unit, the notable stats are: the primary attack stat (Str/Mag), Skl (for accuracy and Dual Strike chance), and Def/Res (for Dual Guard). Spd isn't terrifically relevant on a unit that you aren't going to have directly attacking. Any other stat is mainly useful in increments of 10 for contribution to the main unit's stat bonuses. Without modifiers, Dread Fighter's stat caps are 80/42/38/40/41/45/39/43.

Getting DG+ requires that you have a father with either Cavalier or Knight (or both), which limits your pool to something like Kellam / Ricken / Frederick / Stahl. Let's assess from there.

For reference: Cherche gives Wyvern Rider, Priest, and Fighter to Gerome. Her mods are pretty weighted towards physical combat (+3 Str, +2 Def, -1 Skl/Spd, -1 Res) so with that plus Dread Fighter having four more Str than Mag, I'm not sure shifting him to primarily magic is a great idea; seems like a waste of that Str mod to me. Let's see how the GK-passing fathers compare though.

Kellam passes Knight / Thief, plus the redundant Priest. His mods are +3 Def, +1 Str/Skl, -2 Spd/Luck. Counting the +1 for being a child character, this gives Gerome +5 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Skl, -2 Spd, -1 Luck, +6 Def, +0 Res. Good offense and the stats he loses are mostly things he wouldn't want anyway. The Thief line gives some nice side perks like Locktouch, Acrobat, and Pass, but those are not helpful in combat and mostly just help his personal utility. Not a lot of useful support skills otherwise: Lethality, Pavise, and Rally Defense don't see a lot of use on support units.

Ricken passes Cavalier / Mage / Archer. His mods are -1 Str/Def, +2 Mag, +1 Luck, giving Gerome a total of +3 Str, +3 Mag, +0 Skl, +0 Spd, +2 Luck, +2 Def, +0 Res. Lack of negative mods is kinda nice, but he doesn't have any huge positive ones either. This is a decent magic user, but I don't think Tomefaire+forged Celica's Gale from Ricken!Gerome will beat forged Brave weapons from a Gerome with a better Str mod unless the enemy has reasonably better Def than Res, since Celica's Gale has poor base Mt and even with Tomefaire, Demon Fighter Ricken!Gerome's magic is only one point above his strength.

Frederick passes Knight / Cavalier, plus the redundant Wyvern Rider. His mods are +2 Str/Skl/Def, -2 Mag/Spd, leaving Gerome with a total of +6 Str, -1 Mag, +2 Skl, -2 Spd, +1 Luck, +5 Def, +0 Res. Not a lot of help with skills, but those are some pretty helpful mods. It does drop a Spd point from his support bonus, so if Nah needed a make-or-break point of Spd she'd be out of luck, but that's the main downside I see to these mods.

Stahl passes Cavalier / Myrmidon / Archer. His mods are +2 Str/Def, +1 Skl, -1 Mag/Res, -2 Luck. This puts Gerome at a total of +6 Str, +0 Mag, +1 Skl, +0 Spd, -1 Luck, +5 Def, -1 Res. Very similar mods to Frederick, and you don't lose the Speed point from the support; on top of that it gives Swordfaire access, which can be kinda useful.

So for the setup you want (DG+ Dread Fighter)... my personal recommendation, to my own surprise, is Stahl. My recommended skillset would be DG+, DS+ and LB, with other usable skills including Swordfaire, one of Sword/Lance/Bowbreaker, and All Stats +2.

I'm far from an expert though; other people may have better ideas.

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If you really want Dual Guard along with that, I'd actually recommend Stahl out of those four Dual Guard fathers. Ties with Frederick for the highest attack out of them, and he also gives Swordfaire/Bowfaire to work in a variety of support classes. (Paladin, Assassin, Warrior)

Alternatively, I guess you could also do Ricken!Gerome if you're doing magic support too. It's Stahl!Gerome minus Swordfaire/Assassin and with higher magic mods, though as Skarthe said it really depends on what you're doing with him.

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"Alternatively, I guess you could also do Ricken!Gerome if you're doing magic support too."

Its pretty interesting to note that when people do Gerome(Not THAT way) they somehow forgot dude have 2 Magic Class right off the bat >_>

Male sucks because they can't become Valks

Edited by Salesmaster MU
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"Alternatively, I guess you could also do Ricken!Gerome if you're doing magic support too."

Its pretty interesting to note that when people do Gerome(Not THAT way) they somehow forgot dude have 2 Magic Class right off the bat >_>

Male sucks because they can't become Valks

Yeah, I know that he has Tomefaire and all that. Ricken!Gerome is mostly for magical modifiers along with all the other cool stuff Stahl gives him, rather than just a magic focus.

I think the best magic support that males can get would actually be Trickster,(2 mag, 1 skl, 3 spd, 1 mov) but only Kellam gives him that and Dual Guard at the same time. It would give guys like Gaius/Lon'qu an extra niche, though.

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The problem when we go trickster is the fact that Brave Levin does not exist and it has abysmal STR >_>

Granted not giving extra mag is not really a problem considering the innate +3 from 30+ stats, but still

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