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Hello, comrades, this is General Luigi

General Luigi

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Gm... I've never been confident with introductions... [sigh]

Well, to start, if you've got an account on Court Records, you probably already know me. I've been a Fire Emblem fan for some time, and I'm also no stranger to web forums, though I tend to gravitate toward the more friendly and orderly forums--I sure hope this is one such forum.

Anyway, a bit about myself... I'm probably way too formal for my own good; it can make me come off as condescending and/or emotionless. I'm actually a rather passionate person, even if I'm not good at expressing it in text. Also, as someone who's been picked on by more... abrasive people in the past, I'm quick to stand up for others if I believe someone's being mean to them--this can lead to rather embarrassing misunderstandings when I mistake friendly ribbing for flaming. For a while, I was an avid fan fiction writer, but I've been having trouble putting my thoughts on paper these days...

That actually brings me to another reason why I came here. I've been toying with the idea of a fangame for some time, and I don't believe I'll be able to complete it on my own. It's an ambitious project, to put it lightly, especially considering that I have no prior experience making fangames. I feel kind of stupid discussing it. After all, here's someone with zero fangame experience trying to make a fangame worthy of comparison to the actual Fire Emblem games. I've got the plot worked out, and I'm a decent spriter, but that's not saying much, considering how much else needs to go into the project. Anyway, if there are enough interested parties, I'll open up a thread in the ROMhacking section (assuming what I have in mind isn't against the rules) for more detailed planning and discussion.

There I go again, all business and no warmth. This is why I'm not confident with introductions...

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Hello and welcome to the forest!

This section of the forums does not attract many rom hackers I'm afraid...

If you want to create a FE-hack then I would suggest you go straight to the ROM hacking section.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time here, General.

And please do not forget to... (I'll stop here).

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