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If you want to make use of Frederick, I'd really have to recommend Frederick x Olivia. Not sure if you like the support or not, but Frederick gives Inigo a pretty nice class selection and solid stats. I really, really like Frederick!Inigo. Frederick is one of the least wanted fathers and his class set has excellent synergy with Inigo's base classes.

Henry is good for a lot of children. If you aren't using Chrom x Sumia, give Henry to Sumia. Sumia's options are so limited it's basically between those two.

Gregor x Cherche and Lon'qu x Cordelia would be my recommendation. I personally like both of those supports as well.

If you really want MaMU to have a 1st-gen wife that doesn't give a second child for some reason, I'd say go with Aversa for sure if you don't mind waiting till endgame to marry. If you just want to marry a 1st gen, Sumia and Cordelia are good ideas. If you don't mind marrying 2nd gen, Lucina, Chrom!Cynthia, and Severa can be good options. If you want to make the best use of MaMU's Premium Genes™ marry Nowi or Tharja.

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Unfortunately, you like Avatar-F and Chrom's supports, which means your tastes are completely different from mine and most of the advice I can give regarding aesthetics will be irrelevant to you.

Chrom x Sumia and Chrom x Avatar both perform very well, but if you're trying to keep up a large team I'd try to avoid pairing Chrom and Avatar, so my vote goes to Sumia.

Are you deliberately trying to pair your Avatar with someone who doesn't have a kid attached to them?

Fred does well with Sumia ingame, but they make a lackluster Cynthia for postgame. Henry makes a good Cynthia postgame, but doesn't do very well ingame. Chrom does both better than either.

Nowi has tamer-than-usual supports with Avatar, if you need another option. Ingame, she's best with Gregor or another merc (Vaike will work if you promote him to Hero early on), postgame Henry is her best, but Vaike works well too (so does Stahl).

Panne x Stahl is great everywhere.

Gaius is Kjelle's best, but Donnel is way better than Fred for postgame. Ingame, Sully does well with Chrom but might be better off a bachelor.

Tharja x Gaius is fine.

Lissa x Libra is fine.

Miriel x Ricken is fine.

Lon'qu and Henry also work well for Maribelle, but Virion is fine.

Gregor x Cherche and Lon'qu x Cordelia is far better than the other way around, but Henry is a good option on Cherche and Virion is a good option on Cordelia as well.

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Yeah, I used to like FeMU x Chrom, but I've since moved on to FeMU x Yarne (and MaMU x Lucina), those generally make a much better Morgan. Rightful King isn't as good postgame as in-game (In-game it's friggin' amazing, especially before you get the DLC for limit breaker, but postgame it's not worth putting on a character), and Lon'qu!Yarne!Morgan also has a ridiculous proc rate, but with the added bonus of not using up a skill for it and also being ludicrously good at hitting 100% DS with somebody other than Lucina.

As for Sumia!Lucina!Morgan, well, she has Aether. 'Nuff said.

Edited by Alastor15243
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I thought about some changes to my team based on using Henry!Gerome. Could you look at these changes and tell me if they seem like an improvement overall?

Changes with explanations:

Severa @ Lancefaire Wyvern Lord (married to Gerome): Lon'qu!Severa -> Virion!Severa

Brady takes Lon'qu if he doesn't have Henry, so Severa switches to Virion.

Gerome @ Berserker (married to Severa): Vaike!Gerome -> Henry!Gerome

Vaike!Gerome actually does barely manage to get perfect Hit against mooks at full power, but against a boss or at anything less than full power his Hit rate might suffer compared to Henry!Gerome. Overall Henry!Gerome seems a lot more flexible, and he gets some utility by boosting nearby teammates' effective Hit with Anathema.

Brady @ Sage: Henry!Brady married to Gaius!Noire @ Sniper -> Lon'qu!Brady married to Chrom!Cynthia @ Dark Flier

Henry!Brady and Libra!Owain are both Sage Galeboys, and fill similar roles on my team, so I was putting them with Noire and Cynthia in the pairs I did based on the way the Skill stats matched up for DS rates. With his top choice of Henry gone, Brady has to settle for Lon'qu or Virion. Either one gives him 75 Speed if he marries Cynthia, and the other goes to Severa. Brady might use Lon'qu's Astra outside of full power; Severa wouldn't.

Inigo @ Dread Fighter (married to Kellam!Nah @ Manakete to be a skirmish pair): Virion!Inigo -> Stahl!Inigo

Giving up Virion means that Inigo has to use Sol for recovery instead of Lifetaker, which is not as good since he won't be in front much if ever on enemy phase. I don't know how much recovery he needs since he will only battle once per turn, and I could even drop it entirely for Pass if it's safe to do so since his skillset is pretty tight (LB/GF/Agg/AT/Sol or Lifetaker). As for the pair... It looks pretty perfect gameplay-wise. The support is terrible, but Inigo and Nah aren't known for their amazingly written S-ranks with other people either, so while I might be rationalizing it, I see this pair as a way to minimize the damage either one can do--one terrible pair is better than two terrible pairs.

Not expecting anyone to read through these, but I thought I should include them for reference. Always grateful for advice on anything you might see, of course.

Full skillsets with changes:

Virion!Severa @ Wyvern Lord


Henry!Gerome @ Berserker


Chrom!Cynthia @ Dark Flier


Lon'qu!Brady @ Sage


Gaius!Noire @ Sniper (Boots)


Libra!Owain @ Sage


(This pair is for skirmishes, not Apo.)

Kellam!Nah @ Manakete


Stahl!Inigo @ Dread Fighter


Bachelors: Frederick and Vaike

Full skillsets without changes:

Lon'qu!Severa @ Wyvern Lord


Vaike!Gerome @ Berserker


Chrom!Cynthia @ Dark Flier


Libra!Owain @ Sage


Gaius!Noire @ Sniper (Boots)


Henry!Brady @ Sage


Kellam!Nah @ Manakete


Virion!Inigo @ Dread Fighter


Bachelors: Frederick and Stahl

Unaffected pairs (the rest of my team besides Staff/Rallybots):

Sumia @ Dark Flier


Chrom @ Bow Knight


Sumia!Lucina @ Dark Flier


Ricken!Laurent @ Sage


(100% DS)

+Skill -Def FeMU @ Sniper


Gregor!Yarne @ Assassin


(100% DS)

Donnel!Kjelle @ Assassin


+Skill -Def Gregor!Yarne!Morgan @ Sniper


Olivia @ Dancer (Boots)

LB/GF/Special Dance/SF/AS+2


Edit: Fixed derps on Severa, Kjelle, and Olivia.

Edited by isetrh
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The support is terrible, but Inigo and Nah aren't known for their amazingly written S-ranks with other people either, so while I might be rationalizing it, I see this pair as a way to minimize the damage either one can do--one terrible pair is better than two terrible pairs.

Sorry to spoil your rationalization fun, but that's far from the most optimal way to do that. That only works if ALL of Inigo and Nah's supports are awful, and they aren't. Inigo has good S endings with Severa, Kjelle and Morgan, while Nah has good S endings with (especially) Morgan, kinda with Brady, and (I've heard) with Owain. And to be perfectly honest, none of Nah's supports are as bad as they get with Inigo.

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Sorry to spoil your rationalization fun, but that's far from the most optimal way to do that. That only works if ALL of Inigo and Nah's supports are awful, and they aren't. Inigo has good S endings with Severa, Kjelle and Morgan, while Nah has good S endings with (especially) Morgan, kinda with Brady, and (I've heard) with Owain. And to be perfectly honest, none of Nah's supports are as bad as they get with Inigo.

It gets pretty limiting if I I eliminate half of each one's S-ranks though. You're right that my rationalization doesn't really work (wouldn't call it a rationalization if it were a well-argued point, after all), but the pair really is perfect in terms of gameplay, at least for my team. I'd have to give up more synergy than I'm willing to to improve the aesthetics.

Inigo probably doesn't need healing at all if he's a GF support. Agg won't do too much either since he's married to a tank, so if room is tight it cold go too.

Thanks for the advice. If I take out both healing and Agg his skill set avtually becomes pretty open. I guess there's always DG+. Agg was to help kill dangerous enemies on PP, but maybe that isn't necessary.

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Let's see... Might as well post my own planned loadout in its entirety, see if anybody has any comments:

(100% DS)

Sumia!Lucina @ Sniper



Henry!Gerome @ Berserker


(100% DS)

+Skl-Def!Robin @ Sniper



Lon'qu!Yarne @ Assassin


(100% DS)

Lon'qu!Yarne!Morgan @ Assassin



Stahl!Nah @ Sniper


Frederick!Inigo @ Paladin



Vaike!Severa @ Hero


Gaius!Noire @ Trickster



Gregor!Laurent @ Sage


Chrom!Cynthia @ Dark Flier



Virion!Brady @ Sage


Ricken!Owain @ Dread Fighter



Donnel!Kjelle @ Bride


Chrom @ Bow Knight



Olivia @ Dancer (Boots)



Eirika @ Falcon Knight


Ephraim @ Wyvern Lord


Alexandria (Past Avatar) @ Dark Flier


Katarina @ Griffon Rider


And that's all 20 of them!

Edited by Alastor15243
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Let's see... Might as well post my own planned loadout in its entirety, see if anybody has any comments:

(100% DS)

Sumia!Lucina @ Sniper



Henry!Gerome @ Berserker


(100% DS)

+Skl-Def!Robin @ Sniper



Lon'qu!Yarne @ Assassin


(100% DS)

Lon'qu!Yarne!Morgan @ Assassin



Stahl!Nah @ Sniper


Frederick!Inigo @ Paladin



Vaike!Severa @ Hero


Gaius!Noire @ Trickster



Gregor!Laurent @ Sage


Chrom!Cynthia @ Dark Flier



Virion!Brady @ Sage


Ricken!Owain @ Dread Fighter



Donnel!Kjelle @ Bride


Chrom @ Bow Knight



Olivia @ Dancer (Boots)



Eirika @ Falcon Knight


Ephraim @ Wyvern Lord


Alexandria (Past Avatar) @ Dark Flier


Katarina @ Griffon Rider


And that's all 20 of them!

I can't help but notice the lack of SF on Inigo, but I'm guessing you have a reason for that.

Not sure why you aren't fielding Sumia.

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I can't help but notice the lack of SF on Inigo, but I'm guessing you have a reason for that.

Not sure why you aren't fielding Sumia.

No SF on Inigo because he uses both Lances and Swords, while Severa uses Axes.

Sumia's mostly an issue of space. To field both Sumia AND Olivia with their husbands, I'd have to get rid of two of my rally bots, which isn't good. So I figured I'd compromise and have Olivia run with Chrom.

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No SF on Inigo because he uses both Lances and Swords, while Severa uses Axes.

Sumia's mostly an issue of space. To field both Sumia AND Olivia with their husbands, I'd have to get rid of two of my rally bots, which isn't good. So I figured I'd compromise and have Olivia run with Chrom.

That makes sense. I forgot about the Legendary Weapon thing, so I can see now why you need to drop something for AT, and SF would be the logical choice.

You would only have to drop one unit. Olivia doesn't need a pair-up to function.

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Honestly, the Staffbots could make better use of a pairup than Dancer Olivia. She really doesn't need her husband out.

But her purpose is to finish off the enemies that other units fail to kill and then dance-revive them, right? Doesn't she need a DS partner when I'm doing a no-brave run?

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If you've got an enemy that lived through something already, odds are they're either almost dead and she can kill them alone, strong enough that she won't be able to kill them anyway, or weak enough that she could take them from full HP with a support, negating the purpose of "finishing what others can't". She's got at least 60 Spd which doubles most of S.Apo's non-bosses and ~70-75 Atk with a Levin Sword, enough for ~10-30 damage on her own.

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Right... So... Damn, actually, it looks like this time both Alexandria and Katarina are equally useful. Both can be used without detrement on two pairs. In the previous run, only Noire and Laurent could make use of Alexandria properly and I could've easily gotten rid of her, but not now.

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Kellam makes a very strong Brady iirc

Not really. He doesn't actually provide Brady with ANY new useful classes, doesn't give good mods (which Brady DESPERATELY needs, because if you don't care about luck, his mom's mod total is -1)

Honestly unless I'm missing somebody, I'd go for Libra for Brady. Positive magic mod, positive skill, and lets him go sorcerer and dark knight in-game.

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Not really. He doesn't actually provide Brady with ANY new useful classes, doesn't give good mods (which Brady DESPERATELY needs, because if you don't care about luck, his mom's mod total is -1)

Honestly unless I'm missing somebody, I'd go for Libra for Brady. Positive magic mod, positive skill, and lets him go sorcerer and dark knight in-game.

My bad, when I said strong I literally meant good Str and Def :p

But yeah, his luck kinda sucks

Edited by Chasticot
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*sgrunt* I'm trying new stuff and in my current savefile I married Sully but may I say it's a general disappointment? Kjelle benefits from her +str father and the all-classes thing but Morgan seems so... average?

Anyway, I'm curious, not considering Chrom (who married Sumia) or Kellam who could be Inigo's best father?

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*sgrunt* I'm trying new stuff and in my current savefile I married Sully but may I say it's a general disappointment? Kjelle benefits from her +str father and the all-classes thing but Morgan seems so... average?

Anyway, I'm curious, not considering Chrom (who married Sumia) or Kellam who could be Inigo's best father?

My current favorite father for Inigo is Frederick. It's a fantastic place to put a guy who doesn't really get much use elsewhere fathering apotheosis children. Inigo also becomes a nearly perfect dodgetank, he has all the skills for it.

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*sgrunt* I'm trying new stuff and in my current savefile I married Sully but may I say it's a general disappointment? Kjelle benefits from her +str father and the all-classes thing but Morgan seems so... average?

Anyway, I'm curious, not considering Chrom (who married Sumia) or Kellam who could be Inigo's best father?

Rydia, it really just depends what kind of Inigo you want. Magic Inigo? Henry, Libra, and Ricken will do the trick. Physical Inigo? Stahl, Vaike, and Frederick. Fast Inigo? Virion and Lon'qu will do the trick.

Excluding Chrom, Stahl, Henry, Gaius, Lon'qu, Ricken, and Frederick, who makes a good father for Brady? This for Lunatic and possibly Apotheosis.

Libra isn't too shabby. Sorta like Ricken (Not giving Brady alot of classes but is still pretty good) Virion is also good and sort of like Lon'qu, just giving a little less speed and archer instead of myrmidon tree and theif tree. Edited by BlazeX635
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