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Doing my first Lunatic run on Classic and I'm having hard time with pairings. My Lunatic run is going crazy. I'm willing to grind hard before geting the children. Some are not the "best" but they are the ones that end up with the most useful children in my case.

My pairings:

Chrom x Olivia (they already married)

Frederick x Sumia

Lon'qu x Lissa (did)

Vaike x Sully (did)

Donnel x Tharja

Stahl x Cordelia (did)

Virion x Cherche

Ricken x Nowi

Libra x Maribelle

I did a few already but I'm unsure about the rest. Miriel and Panne will be paird if I have men that I didn't kill off yet. For FeMU, I'm thinking Henry as I usually end up with a more magic based Morgan, or a second gen.

EDIT: I have Spd asset for my Avatar

Edited by Aitherios
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Well, for a magic based Morgan (I assume your asset is Magic), the general consensus is to go Ricken!Laurent!Morgan, which gives Morgan +9 maximum magic.

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+10 if +MAG/-[something that doesn't lower Magic]

Daaaaaaamn son that's like a whole extra limit breaker. What's the bonus for Emmeryn!Morgan, then? Assuming that the Avatar is +Mag.
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Daaaaaaamn son that's like a whole extra limit breaker. What's the bonus for Emmeryn!Morgan, then? Assuming that the Avatar is +Mag.

The big ones:

STR: Vaike!Gerome!Morgan: +11

MAG: Ricken!Laurent/Noire!Morgan: +10

SKL: Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan: +10

SPD: Lon'qu!Yarne!Morgan: +11

DEF: Kellam!Nah!Morgan: +11

(LCK is forgettable, and RES is actually best handled with a +8 (Libra!Brady!Morgan))

Emm is +9.

+9 for that one, but I'd gladly trade that one point from Emm!Morgan for Aversa!Morgan and Shadowgift.

Trade 3 points off the +10 for Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan, and if not eclipsing Apoth with Robin himself, the +7 Mod and Aether on Morgan destroys things with some of the highest Average Damage Output out there.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Neither of them are that great because then you still get a Gen2 pairing imbalance without the bonus of having two Morgans. Micaiah, Katarina and Aversa are perfectly capable of fulfilling your Shadowgift needs by themselves.

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Well, for a magic based Morgan (I assume your asset is Magic), the general consensus is to go Ricken!Laurent!Morgan, which gives Morgan +9 maximum magic.

i have a +SPD/-LCK Avatar . Sorry i didn't mention it earlier
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i have a +SPD/-LCK Avatar . Sorry i didn't mention it earlier

Your A/F yields a negative return on Magic and STR. It's best for well... speed stacking.

Speed Stack works well with basically any type, and if you were willing, Lon'qu!Yarne!Morgan would match your MU in terms of Magic firepower but have an 11 Speed Modifier.

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Hey, I kinda want to ask a question about some pairings.

I have the following pairs already:

Chrom and Female Avatar (Aether/Rightful King + Ignis)

Stahl and Sully (Aegis + Luna)

Miriel and Ricken (Tomefaire + Slow Burn)

Frederick and Sumia (Luna + Galeforce for a Falcoknight Cynthia)

Maribelle and Vaike (Demoiselle + Axefaire for a War Monk Brady)

Cordelia and Lon'qu (Galeforce + Astra/Swordfaire)

I'm wondering how these pairs are.

Also, I need some help in pairing Lissa for a good physical Owain. I'm not going to grind much since this is my first playthrough so I don't want options that are good only if you reclass multiple times to get all of the various skill combinations. Most pairing optimisation guides I read focus too heavily on such grinding that I am not likely to do.

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Chrom/FeMU should have FeMU pass down Galeforce, not Ignis, and have Lucina instareclass into tactician for Veteran. (Morgan should aready start as Tactician).

Stahl and Sully is a meh pairing (Kjelle won't get much out of it other than Archer, Donnel is by far superior)

Miriel and Ricken (Not so good, since Ricken's been grabbing some DK levels you should reclass to GK for Luna, also Ricken goes best with Lissa or Olivia, Miriel can pretty much marry any filler as long as he doesn't have -mag)

Frederick and Sumia (Henry is a much better parent, but the inheriteds are good)

Maribelle and Vaike (No no no no no. 1- Vaike screws Maribelle's bonuses and is much better off marrying nowi or even cordelia if you need him to; 2- Maribelle should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS pass down Galeforce, a much better skill)

Cordelia and Lon'qu (GF and Astra is good, although sometimes having lon'qu pass down Pass or Locktouch for the utility bonus might be a good idea)

Lissa should marry Libra or Henry for V/V (Since Ricken is already married). And no, Owain and Brady start with a big -STR and +MAG, they are magic users. If you are not gonna grind, don't get the children if they don't have GF, because otherwise they just won't catch up.

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If you are not gonna grind, don't get the children if they don't have GF, because otherwise they just won't catch up.

Skip the Galeforceless children in favor of what?

They also come with very high stats and very low ILs, so even without Galeforce they can easily carry a team maingame. But for no grind, I'd recommend using a smaller team of children and putting more work into making them turn out good. Lucina, Morgan, and two others to S with them is probably a good number.

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Actually, only the first four pairings I mentioned have any real experience. It's them and Lissa and Maribelle with the levels. I have been giving Lon'qu and Cordelia some experience from Risen battles (2 of those battles so far).

Also, I think I mentioned that I did not want grinding or excessive reclassing on my first playthrough or at least until I get more experienced with the game because I feel like a lost duck with all these skills and inheritances and such now.

So, I should plan for a magical Sage Brady or Levin Sword Owain? I can't really find much Levin Swords though but is there a good supply of it in the game?

Edited by FleurDeGlace
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Plenty of spotpass teams sell Levin Swords, I use Leif (Map -> Wireless -> Bonus Box -> Bonus Teams -> Thracia 776 -> Leif). They have a lot more than just Levin, if you have a hankering for other nice things like Spears, Tomahawks, or earlier powerful Tomes.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Hey, I'm looking for opinions on this setup for apotheosis. I know it's possible to beat it without rallies and limit breaker so pairings really aren't super important, but even a few percent would probably be a life saver.

Sumia!Lucina x Kellam!Gerome

Chrom!Cynthia x Ricken!Owain

Virion!Brady x Mu Magic asset/Luck Flaw

Morgan x Lon'qu!Severa

Gaius!Kjelle x Henry!Inigo

Those are my main pairings, and probably the only ones I'll use, but I'll put the rest up too.

Gregor!Yarne x Vaike!Nah

Donnel!Noire x Libra!Laurent or Frederick!Laurent

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What classes are you using? Putting all of those units into their standalone optimal classes yields some strange pairs.

Lucina and Gerome: Why Kellam? Gerome doesn't have Galeforce to use Luna with, he doesn't have Berserker to support with, but his mods are clearly physical. Sumia!Lucina, meanwhile, is typically either a Sage or a Dark Flier, neither of which benefit from a physical support. Unless you want to make Gerome a Trickster (they do give interesting pairup bonuses, after all).

Cynthia and Owain: Dark Flier + Sage = good enough.

Avatar and Brady: Avatar can support anyone he/she wants.

Morgan and Severa: Same as Avatar.

Kjelle and Inigo: Unless you plan on using VV on Inigo (which is somewhat hard to use if you don't know what you're doing), you might want to look for someone to give him Luna instead.

Yarne and Nah: Neither of them have Galeforce, and will thus probably get benched. A shame, because Vaike!Nah and Anyone!Yarne are both awesome support units.

Noire and Laurent: Libra gives Laurent all of +1Mag and War Monk. Nothing else. Fred, on the other hand, wrecks his Mag and Spd... I'm not fond of either of those options. Sage x Dark Flier is still solid, so Libra is probably better.

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Oops, forgot about that, my bad.

Sumia!Lucina (Dark Flier) x Kellam!Gerome (Assassin) I choose Kellam for Gerome since he gives him Assassin, Luna (which like you said isn't too important), and Dual Guard+. Since Gerome doesn't have Galeforce he will most likely not be leading, and Assassin is a great Support Class. Honestly imo Kellam is one of the better support Dads. I also like Gregor!Yarne even if I don't plan on using him during Apotheosis.

Chrom!Cynthia (Dark Flier) x Ricken!Owain (Sage)

Virion!Brady (Sage) x Mu Magic asset/Luck Flaw (Dark Flier)

Morgan (Sage) x Lon'qu!Severa (Dark Flier)

Gaius!Kjelle (Paladin) x Henry!Inigo (Berserker)- I suppose Stahl would be a very good parent... Though I don't know if it's worth it to get rid of VV

Gregor!Yarne (Berserker) x Vaike!Nah (Assassin) I love Gregor!Yarne, if he got Galeforce he would be so incredible.

Donnel!Noire (Dark Flier) x Libra!Laurent or Frederick!Laurent- For Laurent I honeslty just threw the leftovers here since I don't like him that much. My idea was that all Libra gives is Renewal, while Frederick gives much more, except for mods that is.

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Hi again. In my current run I'm indecisive as to whether I should pair Donnel and Gaius with Nowi, Tharja, or Sully (so the guys can pass down pegasus knight to ladies who can't inherit it from their moms).

So, which daughter should be the one who doesn't get the class, and how should I pair the other two?

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I personally like Gaius-Sully and Donnel-Tharja since I usually have noire as a sorc and I like physical units to have higher speed skill and noire can get armsthrift for Aversa's nights if that matters, but the other way is probably better. If you do use Gaius-Sully I would recommend passing down Sol with Gaius because Kjelle will not get the merc tree and I usually pass down Counter with Donnel since the other warrior/fighter ones are kind of crap. Also, assuming Nah is manakete then she will not be able to get brave weapons so I usually do not give her galeforce but its up to you.

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