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FE8 Females Only in 93 turns (COMPLETE)

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I also thought it's a 'lava crit' at the first, but it's not. Just a different effect/sound for when the lava KOs somebody (applies to your own units as well). Never seen lava attack eggs before, though, so I assume it doesn't happen.

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Yeah, that's what happens when you don't have a proper Garm/Audhulma/bow user with good HP and offence (my Neimi had 23 HP as a Ranger when I promoted her and still lacks even Silver Bow access).

Lucky video.

Chapters 19 and 20 1-turned.

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One of the commenters on YouTube claimed that Vanessa is the 3rd best unit in this game. Since Seth exists, arrow weakness prevents reliable soloing, and bases/growths/capacity to quickly snowball levelling fail to impress and work in Vanessa's favour, I said I disagree in spite of flight utility and all that. Don't think this belief contradicts the role Vanessa played in this run.

Then again, you gotta agree that lances are just about the worst weapon to S-rank for Endgame, though Pierce also provides support for Lyon and Fomortiis (latter probably unnecessary since many of your characters can probably gang up on him, but on this run everyone is one-shotted by Fomortiis and Vanessa is saved only by virtue of Vidofnir's +5 def boost).

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Figured I'd post a summary of who did what in this challenge run. So without further ado let's go over each girl:


B 103 W 69 L 0

Before Vanessa was trained to become first a ORKOing machine, then an invincible dodgetank with overkill offence, Eirika had to do most of the work on her own, soloing those earlygame maps, dodgetanking mooks, bosskilling - you get the idea. Being 2-3HKO'd by most things before her speed growth accumulated wasn't nice and from there she had only minor problems with survival. She was overlevelled very early and I kinda wish I could promote her during chapter 9 or so (I'd actually have a third mounted fighter). When she did get her promotion item, it didn't really matter anymore - could've gone without it and wouldn't notice.


B 188 W 141 L 0

The MVP of the run when it comes to combat. Getting ridiculously blessed, mainly in strength, was crucial in having a significantly easier midgame (which was still hard because of the LTC ambitions), but it was also overkill as far as offence goes. Having average defence didn't hurt Vanessa because her speed made her almost impossible to hit for most enemies - iirc the Javelin Knights in chapter 14 had under 10 displayed hit on her, and that's a good representation of why she didn't care about low durability. Looking back, I wish some of that overkill strength went into HP instead - Vanessa was OHKO'd by all of Morva, Lyon w/o a Barrier boost (no reason not to apply it of course) and Fomortiis without Vidofnir's def boost. Very reliable ORKOing until endgame where high level + Pierce made her a more reliable bosskiller than Myrrh (2nd best candidate for bosskilling duties).


B 53 W 29 L 0

Well, what can I say, this is the first time I found Neimi useful for anything at all. Early on her contributions were really minor - breaking walls, cutting down trees, and whenever she was too close to enemies she'd endanger herself and others by not countering on EP not to mention Mercs and Myrms completely destroyed her. I had to build walls around her so that she wouldn't spoil my enemy phases and still continue feeding her kills (she had to take some due to how few combat units I had). As an Archer with a Longbow, Neimi really shined in the midgame monster rout maps, and promoting her just before chapter 14 turned out to be crucial as her mount was an important part of the infrastructure in that chapter. Her HP stayed atrocious but you don't need much HP to carry people around and destroy eggs.


B 115 W 85 L 0

Second best combat unit on this run. 60% magic growth made her nuking (and later warping) abilities very easy to cultivate, and in rout maps when Vanessa went in one direction Lute usually went the other way and ORKO'd or severely damaged all the enemies there. I had to work quite hard to get to A rank staves on time, and got there before chapter 16 just barely. The magic mag number for chapter 16 also turned out to be higher than expected (26; 24 was still acceptable if I'd try to ORKO Orson at 2-range with Vanessa and gave Eirika the Swiftsole instead) but she got there... also just barely on time. She was one of the few characters to get to S-rank in her weapon type and I wish there was more time to play with that Excalibur tome. Critkilled Valter in the desert though.


B 5 W 0 L 0

Healing was moderately useful early on, but mostly Natasha healed because she was the one who needed it. Joining later than Moulder with a lower level, base magic and staff rank meant she was also hard-pressed to get there on time - and she needed both Energy Rings I had to help me clear chapter 16 in 1 turn. Her second contribution was using the Rescue staff in chapter 20 for yet another 1-turn. Overall, Natasha was hardly needed, and she was deployed only to help out with shaving a turn off in the two chapters I mentioned above.


B 62 W 41 L 0

I was really happy when I got my second flier, though her beginning was rough. In a full-team LTC, it is hard to feed Vanessa any experience and when Tana joins they're pretty much the same character for whom the future promises nothing but being the most mobile rescuebot. The lack of units on this run meant Tana was also relied on for combat purposes, which isn't natural for her knowing her low unpromoted Con, but she served the party well. Tana's best moment was in the desert when she quickly promoted and took the remaining defensive stat boosters I had to withstand the assault from the Rangers there.

Okay, one half of the team to go.

Edited by Espinosa
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I don't understand the point of a Maximum rigging LTC playthrough. Might as well TAS at that point and save the effort.

Well, looking into the RNG kinda is TASing sans the speedrun part. The current TAS features no use of the Warp staff whatsoever, and it's easy to see why, so LTC is quite different from a TAS qualitatively (i.e. in the strats and general direction involved rather than just the turn counts / time spent). I also think there's a different appeal to dividing the maps into turns during which you can achieve any objective you like to being pressed to shuffle through items quickly which is a must in a speedrun, so it's a different run entirely.

I guess in the SNES/GBA games LTC runs can be divided unto ones where you are completely unaware of the RNG ('reliability' being a thing), one where you take your time and rack up low turns through trial and error (basically each and every of my GBA runs) and one where you can control the RNG in any way you please, leading to dodging 92% hits, getting 1% crits and all that stuff. I think there's a merit to any of the three as these are different runs.

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