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I made a Combat Experience Table

Paper Jam

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It is possible to calculate the experience gained from combat here at http://serenesforest.net/fe7/calc.html, but I'd venture a guess that not everybody wants to solve that sort of equation (and perhaps they'd rather read a huge table instead). For that reason (plus boredom), I decided to make a few enormous tables.

I had FE7's Lyn modes and EHM/HHM in mind when I made this, so I didn't take Mode Coefficients into consideration. Nevertheless, it should be useful in calculating experience in FE6 and FE8 as well, as their experience calculations are quite similar.

Note that in FE7 nearly every enemy has a Class Power of 3 (referred to in my chart as "Regulars"), and the rest have a Class Power of 2 (referred to in my chart as "Thieves", and with the Thief Bonus taken into account). As FE7 has very few enemy Troubadours and Valkyries, and no enemy female Bishops, I have not bothered to calculate how much experience you get from fighting them, except to say that it's pretty low.

Most of numbers in the chart are shown as X+Y. X is experience gained from inflicting damage on an opponent, and Y is additional experience gained from killing that opponent. When there is only one number in any given box, it means that you get the same amount of experience either way.

Bold numbers indicate that you get a total of 100 experience points for defeating an enemy. You can never gain more than that from a single battle.

Underlined numbers indicate that you get a total of at least 60 experience points for defeating an enemy, and the Boss Bonus raises that number to 100.


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