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About Classes who can use Weapons and magic...


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See, I can't make it. I have searched through the forums and I don't see it anywhere.

You see, I am trying to make Female!Archer shoot the Fire spell with the bow animation.

I go to nightmare.

>Custom battle animation editor. And I do these settings:


I leave it in the default pointer. 0x8FFF800

now, I open class editor module and I select the pointer 0x19 (Female archer)

and I change her weapons to Bow and Anima magic, plus givin the battle animation pointer said before:


But applying changes and saving 2 times, I get that I can't use the Fire magic with Female Archer!Lyn.

I would really appreaciate your help guys. And I have choosen the female archer just to test. since I want then to do a War Cleric/ War monk like from FE13 in the future.

Also a tutorial on how to make custom animations and inserting them to the game would be nice

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for making and inserting animations use the ultimate tutorial also, classes cant use the both magic and normal weapons, it doesent work there are some patches, but they are all buggy and dont work well

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I swear I saw an Elincia unit who used Swords and Staffs in youtoube and had a patch for making it but I can't find it, I would love to find it, and I don't really care if by buggy you mean shared strengh and mag since those kind of units have an equal strengh mag.

Thank you for replying

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to elaborate

there is one patch by nintenlord that makes you have mag and str simultaneously it is really glitchy and messes up the game

there is also one that allows units to have both magical and physical weapons, and has them run of the same stat but that makes the game unbalanced

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The second one. Don't worry about being unbalanced since I am going to give a lower stat growths for that. BTW. I found that exactly one, the video with the patch. but the patch is no longer available :/. Any site I could go to?

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FE7 or FE8?

Patch for FE7

Patch for FE8

If you see weird text in your browser or something, that is the patch. Just click File then Save as.

Mag and Str stats are basically the same.

Side effect of staff users getting "STR" since those aren't equipped. They also use their disarmed animation when attacked.

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I have the patch that allows you to have Magic and Strength together. I haven't played with it much, but I've found that some physical units will have some Magic for some reason, like Florina having 3 or whatever it was. This is for FE7. I tried to attach it to this post, but couldn't. It should be somewhere in http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26913

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Alright, let me specify.

I am using FE7 as a base hack.

I want one which I can work with and is easy to manipulate (Which I think Xeld patch is better) unless the Strengh and the magic appear both wehn using nightmare, which I doubt and I don't know Hex coding to modify stat growths from there.

However, Xeld patch download link for FE7 is broken as an error 404 - not found.

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hextator's patch is the only one that works properly

you can make magic appear in nightmare with nintenlord's patch (but that one's buggy don't use it) if you're savvy enough to edit the modules (it isn't that hard)

i don't actually know anybody with hextator's patch though so you're kind of SOL

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