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Tharja vs. Nowi



69 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one has the better looks?

    • Tharja
    • Nowi
  2. 2. Which one is better for gameplay?

    • Tharja
    • Nowi
  3. 3. Which one has the better personality?

    • Tharja
    • Nowi
  4. 4. Which one is better overall?

    • Tharja
    • Nowi

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Oooh, tough poll. I'm split right down the middle on this one. I think that Tharja has the better looks and personality (to the extent that "creepy stalker" is one), but N.O.W.I. wins gameplay for being a Manakete. Really useful, to the point where I gave her overall as well.

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I was told not to make a poll and one pops up? Conspiracy. :Haar:

Tharja in looks and personality. Nowi in everything else.

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Nowi for all. She's super adorable in both looks and personality, plus she is good in gameplay.

Tharja is hideous and has a horrible personality.

Her outfit reminds me of a slutty egyptian as well. She's basically the hentai version of Cleopatra

Edited by Sumia
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Looks: Completely subjective, but I would go for Nowi methinks. Tharja is not far off, though, for being curvy. It is a matter of cute versus sexy, and I an in a cute mood at the moment.

Gameplay: Depends. As a stand-alone unit, Tharja would win due to better skill access and dark magic abuse. But as far as marriage goes, Nowi is quite possibly the best wife for Avatar (M). Seriously, having two Manakete children with skill access is just incredibly delicious. Factoring in everything, I think Nowi wins here.

Personality: Subjectivity again, but I am not a fan of the whole stalker bit. Nowi wins for being incredibly cute and carefree.

Overall: Given everything I just said, Nowi wins everything. The overall category is no exception.

Edited by Cor Leonis
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I don't suppose there could be a "neither"/"don't use" part? Because I don't use either of them. ^^;

Since there's not one...

Nowi for looks, because I like smiles more than frowns.

Picked one at random for gameplay, as I don't use EITHER of them.

Nowi for personality, because happy and annoying is better than creepy and annoying, imo.

So... Nowi overall.

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Wouldn't marry either ever. (Second gen only. Never again will I feel be that damn weak.)

Tharja looks better and is a Sorc.

Nowi definitely has a better personality.

Hilariously, I'm giving this to Nowi, because I don't really like Tharja at all, and the gameplay differences are fairly freaking close.

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Actually, you were told to not make a Sumia vs. Tharja one.


I'm going to make it.

No offense to any Nowi fans but I...can't marry her... shes more like a little sister and that would be wrong.

Can't find it but there was a pic where its describes how I was when I found out you have to marry Nowi. Essentially it ends with Stahl screaming he doesn't want to go to jail and running away.

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Not sure how I can see the gameplay as "close" with these two. The differences are pretty stark. They are recruited around the same time, and only have a single class in common.

Although I've changed my mind on "personality", and gave that to No One Will Interfere. Tharja still wins looks though, because damned if I'm going to give the nod to someone who looks like a 12 year-old stripper.

Edited by Interceptor
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I'm going to make it.

No offense to any Nowi fans but I...can't marry her... shes more like a little sister and that would be wrong.

Can't find it but there was a pic where its describes how I was when I found out you have to marry Nowi. Essentially it ends with Stahl screaming he doesn't want to go to jail and running away.

Fine, go ahead.

Who's stopping ya?

If you do, though, I get first cracks at the replies.

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Wait a day or two till this thread dies to make it.

And Nowi's outfit personally bothers me a lot...

Well crap I'm sorry should've seen this sooner....

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Tharja for looks - I really hope I don't have to explain

Nowi for gameplay - both have strong starting classes, but Nowi fills a niche.

Tharja for personality - she may be a psychopath, but she has a better backstory and an emotional range that surpasses a 6 year old's.

Tharja overall - Along with everything above, she has more endgame potential thanks to a better class set and mods. Her daughter also trumps Nowi's in every category.

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@Meteor: EXPLAIN

Looks: Nowi (Tharja's hideous)

Personality: Nowi (Tharja's a stalker and child abuser)

Gameplay: Nowi (better class set and Manakete is win)

Overall: Nowi (what do you think)

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Uh, really? That outfit is not appropriate for someone with a 12 year old's body. I still don't know WTF the developers were thinking. Tharja's outfit might be equally revealing but at least she looks and acts old enough to wear it.

TLDR: Fan service > pedophilia service

Edit: I thought you weren't joking considering you voted Nowi on everything.

Edited by Meteor
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>all caps

>not a joke


Tharja's outfit is impractical in battle, reveals way too much skin and isn't attractive in the slightest. You do realise Nowi's gonna be fighting and defending as a dragon, not in that outfit, right?

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1: Tharja is a 10/10. Nowi is Kid with green hair that actually DOESN'T look good. Nowi's costume is also awful.

T 1 - 0 N

2: Tharja is a fastish Dark Mage, joins with Nosfy, has GK/Pavise access, and can pass down Bowbreaker to Noire to boot. Nowi has Manakete access, and passes that on to Nah. Tharja's much more versatile as a parent, but Nowi's niche is really, really powerful. Actually gonna call a tie on this one.

T 1 - 0 N

3: Both are pretty fun characters, I like them both a lot. Nowi's got that extra layer of character though; her childlike nature is actually because she's so old - she's actually pretty mature and thoughtful.

T 1 - 1 N

4: ¯\(°_o)/¯

Both are pretty fun characters with amazing classes. I can't really say either one really stands out.

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