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FE13 Casualty Run (Hard/Classic)


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OK, so not counting the non-Lucina children and SpotPass paralogue characters, there's 32 characters, 30 of which can be killed off, which means I can do 3 paralogues (which will be 1, 4 and 17, for Donnel, Anna and Tiki) and all of Prologue-Endgame. LET'S DO THIS.

Premonition: Casualty was Validar, dammit, wish it could have been someone else. :C


Female Avatar, 2-2-3-12-1, named Sumia since I want my otp to live on DESPITE THE FACT THAT EVERY CHARACTER BESIDES THE SPOTPASS CHARACTERS WILL DIE. +Magic -Lck. Casualty ended up being Lissa, but I left it for the boss to kill her so I could heal up after the first half. I reset at one point since my MU got a Luck-only level but no-one may never know. The second time was better so I kept it. Sumia's first level was HP-Str-Mag-Luck-Def. Some speed would be nice, but meh. Chrom's first level was HP-Skill-Spd-Luck. Meh, good enough, just make sure to get some Str and Def and an S support with me some time, okay?

After it killed his sister, Chrom took revenge on the boss since MU has ridiculous exp gain (dammit Veteran). I made sure to give Lissa a level up before she died though (Str, Mag, Skill, Def, Res), and it was a damn good one in my opinion. Sumia gained exp from the event tile and I think the other one was weapon exp. Chrom's level up from the boss was HP-Spd-Def, eh, one of the best 3 stat level ups I could have gotten, I'm not complaining.

Turns: 15

Heroes: Sumia and Frederick

R.I.P Lissa (and also Owain) :C

Chapter 1:

Casualty: Frederick. Crap, Chapter 2 will be hard without a good pair-up bot.

Of course, like I always do though, I delay it until the end of the map. Chrom got wexp from the fort event tile and I didn't go on the other one. Sumia got a HP-Def level, meh. Chrom then got a much better level up, than her, HP-Str-Mag-Luck-Def. Now try to get some Res and I'll love you Chrom. <3

I found out later it turns out Frederick can't be killed in this Chapter (at least not until I had the boss left (THANK GOD)), so I RNG'd it four times more (the first three times it landed on Frederick again), and it ended up with Sully dying. Chrom got a Skill-Luck-Def level up from the boss. Meh, nice with the Def but I kinda want some Str and Spd, kthx. :3

Supports afterwards: Sumia x Frederick C support.

Turns: 9

Heroes: Sumia and Frederick

R.I.P Sully (and also Kjelle)

Chapter 2:

Casualty: Vaike. Meh. Though of course I killed him off at the end for Chrom-pair up. :P

Chrom+Vaike and Sumia+Frederick went up to the front. First Sumia level up was HP-Skill-Speed-Luck. Nice, but gain Magic please. =/ Chrom got a HP-Str-Skill-Luck level up, nice. Sumia got a HP-Skill-Spd-Luck level up again, and apparently she isn't following my advice. DAMMIT SUMIA THIS IS WHY I CHOOSE THE SACRIFICE ENDING EVERY TIME. Since Lissa just HAD to die (then again I don't think there was a choice), I heal during the parts with the forts while Sumia gets the event tile (Glass Sword, nice). For the second, I choke the point while Stahl!Virion and Miriel did chip damage from the back. Chrom got a HP-Str-Luck level up. Come on Chrom, get Speed please. =/

Sumia got just a HP-Str level up. Come on, you're Level 7 and +Mag, I don't want you to have equal Strength and Magic. >_> Got weapon exp from the second event tile, then I left the boss for Sumia since she's seriously lacking in the stats she needs. The level up she got was HP-Mag-Skill. It's a start, I guess.

Turns: 12

Heroes: Chrom and Vaike. (also I forgot to sacrifice Vaike despite this being a sacrifice run so he dies at the very start of Chapter 3)

R.I.P no-one due to my mistake, though next chapter will have twice the death

Chapter 3:

Casualty: Virion. GOOD. Since I don't care anymore about him or Vaike, they both get killed immediately when I send them on a death mission to the right side unequipped.

Sumiavatar got a HP-Str-Mag-Skill-Spd level up, and then a HP-Mag-Spd-Luck-Def from the Knight on the left side. Chrom then got a HP-Mag-Spd-Def level up. I think me forgetting to sacrifice Vaike in Chapter 2 triggered RNG blessing? I don't know, but I'm not complaining. =P Chrom got exp from the event tile on the top side. Chrom then killed the entirety of the right side and got to Level 10 from chipping Raimi, then got a HP-Str-Spd-Luck level up. Sumiavatar then killed Raimi and got a HP-Mag-Skill-Spd level up, nice.

Supports gained afterwards: Sumiavatar and Chrom C, Sumiavatar and Frederick B

Turns: forgot, I didn't look

Heroes: Chrom and Stahl, probably

R.I.P Vaike and Virion. Meh, you both sucked.


Chrom (Lord)

Level: 10.06

28 HP

12 Str

3 Mag

11 Skill

12 Spd

11 Luck

12 Def

1 Res

Sumiavatar (Tactician)

Level: 11.20

29 HP

9 Str

12 Mag

11 Skill

12 Spd

6 Luck

10 Def

5 Res

Frederick (Great Knight)

Level: 1.36 (just from backup chipping)

28 HP

13 Str

2 Mag

12 Skill

10 Spd

6 Luck

3 Res

Stahl (Cavalier)

Level: 2.30

22 HP

8 Str

0 Mag

7 Skill

6 Spd

5 Luck

8 Def

1 Res

Sumia (Pegasus Knight)

Level: 1.48

18 HP

6 Str

3 Mag

11 Skill

11 + 2 Spd

8 Luck

5 Def

7 Res

Miriel and Kellam I don't care about

Spoilers for Chapter 4: Stahl is the casualty. D:

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The big issue with FEA Casualty is that it encourages an Avatar+Chrom solo with thrown in sacrifices once per chapter, and an Avatar+Chrom solo is among the easiest ways to beat the game.

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Chapter 4:


Anyway, simple chapter. Stahl goes up and gets himself targeted by the left-hand-side Mage (which barely 2hko'd him despite his 1 Res), while Sumiavatar and Chrom head off to the sides and take them on. Sumiavatar gets a HP-Skill-Res level up, fitting seeing as it was from killing a Mage. Meanwhile, Sumiavatar takes on her future daughter and SLAUGHTERS her (not really she lives don't worry). End of chapter, easy (besides from killing Stahl :C). Also if he doesn't die Frederick's gonna get to Level 2 at this rate. HP-Str-Skill level up from SLAUGHTERING her daughter.

Turns: 6

Heroes: Sumiavatar and Frederick.

also I forgot Renown last chapter to let's do that now (also I bought a Second Seal from an Anna store that opened up). I get everything up to Gradivus and reclass Chrom to Cavalier and Sumiavatar to Dark Mage (don't worry I won't Nosfertank). Then I use the Dracoshield, Speedwing and Spirit Dust on Sumiavatar, along with the Energy Drop, Seraph Robe and Talisman on Chrom.

Paralogue 1:

Casualty: Donnel. HE COULDN'T EVEN MAKE IT OUT OF THE FARM :C too bad he would have sucked anyway.

I now switch Chromiavatar to a single pair, and then shift Frederick to Lon'qu for temporary side-damage. To kill Donnel I just have him attack something because he sucks. Lon'qu get a HP-Str-Skill-Spd-Luck-Def. CONGRATULATIONS LON'QU I GET YOU ONE LEVEL AND IT'S BETTER THAN ANYTHING ANY OF MY UNITS HAVE GOTTEN SO FAR. Sumiavatar gets a HP-Skill-Spd level up. Meh, then from the same attack Chrom starts attempting to rival Lon'qu's RNG perfection by getting a Str-Spd-Luck-Def-Res level up. Hey, Chrom, you at least get a nice medal for trying. c:

...and then Sumiavatar gets a HP-Str-Luck level up. YOUR THREE MOST USELESS STATS. SCREW YOU. ...at least she makes up for it by getting a HP-Skill-Spd-Luck-Def-Res level right afterwards. Once I clear the bottom, Lon'qu heads up to the Rescue chest with the lone Archer while Chromiavatar heads up the other side. Lon'qu gets a HP-Skill-Speed-Luck level up from killing that lone Archer. Eh, not complaining. Then Chrom kills everything else and gets a HP-Skill-Luck-Res level up. Decent Res, Chrom, I have to say.

Turns: 14

Heroes: Chromiavatar

Chapter 5:

Casualty: Miriel. THANK GOD IT'S NOT LON'QU OR FREDERICK AFTER THAT GR8MAZING CHAPTER FOR THEM. Three Anna shops opened up, but none of them had a Master Seal or a Second Seal so I ignored them.

Strategy: Chromiavatar immediately heads up to save Rickibelle so they can be sacrificed in future chapters. Sumiavatar (can't wait until real!Sumia dies so I can just call her Sumia) gets a HP-Mag-Spd-Luck level. Nice. Then Chrom gets a HP-Str-Luck level up. Not so nice, but still decent. Lon'qu gets a HP-Skill-Spd-Def level up at the bottom from taking care of the enemies there, so nice. Sumiavatar gets a Skill-Luck-Def level up due to tanking on a fort to take care of enemies heading after Rickibelle. Luckily, they can escape down to the bottom on the next player phase. Sumiavatar then gets a HP-Mag-Skill-Spd level from taking care of guys on the top, so I switch to Chrom to get him levels. Lon'qu stays on the bottom fort to stop enemies from spawning there. Chrom gets a HP-Mag-Skill-Luck level. Meh. Chrom then places himself in a place where tons of Wyverns and some other enemies can get him to finish the map quickly. HP-Spd-Def level up was gained on the first phase of map ending attack (oh and btw Sumiavatar hasn't not gotten a Dual Strike in ages despite only a 40% chance), then a HP-Str-Skill-Def level up on the third. MAP FINISHED.

Turns: 7

Heroes: Sumiavatar and Chrom

also I just noticed but in her Dark Mage outfit Sumiavatar looks strangely like Deirdre

R.I.P Stahl, Donnel and Miriel

also notice how everyone but Frederick and Donnel so far has died in recruitment order


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The pattern ended. c; BUT NOT IN A GOOD WAY.

Chapter 6:


Casualty: Ricken. R.I.P.

Plan: Lon'qu and Frederick guard the chokepoint to Emm's room (since Lon'qu got Res surge in the barracks), while Chromiavatar guard the door (well, kill off the thieves, but close enough). Chrom got a HP-Luck-Def level up on the first enemy phase, and then Panne came so I hid her in Emm's room. Lon'qu equipped his Iron Sword so Gaius didn't die, but then Lucina retreated so meh. I switched to Sumiavatar to tank some hits and take out the final thief on the enemy phase since Gaius didn't target Lon'qu on the last one. She got a level up, but I didn't see the stats. =/ Then she got another one (HP-Str-Spd) from the Thief, then yet another one (HP-Mag-Skill-Luck-Def) from whatever on the enemy phase. Chrom then recruits Gaius, who goes into Emm's room to get the Secret Book chest.

At this point Validar starts coming up, so I hurry the fuck up and switch to Sumiavatar to kill some dark mages. Chrom got a HP-Str-Skill-Luck-Res level up from Dual Strikes, and Lon'qu got a HP-Str-Skill-Spd level up from killing stuff heading towards him. Sumiavatar then got a HP-Mag-Luck-Def-Res level from killing the final non-Validar enemy. At this point I realise I should have brought Maribelle in the back since my units were getting sorta beaten up. =/ Lon'qu kills Validar with his Killing Edge, game over kthxbai.

-wait, no.


R.I.P Lon'qu and Ricken, and the chance of death in Chapter 25. :C

Turns: 8

Heroes: Sumiavatar and Chrom.

Chapter 7:

Since the two other units that were best to potentially use in this chapter FUCKING DIED, I had to make a back-up plan. And that back-up plan was Cordelia, but she comes in late so ignore her.

Casualty: Sumia. GOOD. Then again, the only units I don't want to die right now are Gaius, Cordelia and Frederick, so meh.

Since I'm feeling sadistic right now, I kill Sumia off straight away. Chromiavatar kills the upper barbarian while Frederick hides for when Cordelia comes. Chrom got a HP-Str-Skill-Luck level on the enemy phase since the archer killed Sumia. For some reason the entire MAP aggro'd, so here's a list of the levels Chrom got from it:


...yeh, dunno why he got so little. But then Cordelia came, so I pair Frederick up with her and get her over. In that time, Chrom got a HP-Str-Spd-Luck level. Then Chrom kills an Archer and Cordelia swoops in to kill the other. Cordelia then kills everything else, gaining a-

wait, no.

Wyvern enemy phase reinforcements.


Chrom gets a HP-Str level up from slaughtering the killer of his lover.

Turns: 7

Heroes: Sumia and Chrom.

R.I.P Sumia and Cordelia, may the Chroms be ever in your favour. :C

Chapter 8:

Casualty: Maribelle. Meh, best person it could have been.

Since Lon'qu and Cordelia died, Frederick's next partner in going to be no-one, but Gregor and Nowi will form as their replacement. They (mainly Nowi) won't die. RIGHT.

Sumia will be getting the exp here, since Chrom can barely move. Gregor and Nowi pair up and go up into the range of a cavalier. Sumia gets a HP-Skill-Spd-Def level up. Nowi goes up again and Vulneraries, while Chromia goes down. Chromia then goes down again while Growi takes care of some dark mages on the enemy phase. Sumia then gets a HP-Str-Mag-Luck-Res level, and Nowi gets a HPx2-Skill-Luck-Def-Res level up. Nice. And then Sumia gets a HP-Str-Spd-Res level from finishing the top half. Nowi heals up again and gets experience from the event tile. I ignore the Rescue village since I have enough and NO ONE CAN USE IT. Sumia goes over to the Master Seal village while Growi heads down to the bottom. Nowi gets a HP-Str-Skill-Spd-Def-Res level from chipping a barbarian, while Chromia goes further right to lesser the load for Nowi and kill the dark mages. Sumia gets a HP-Mag-Spd-Luck-Def level from that. I get the Second Seal village and have Chrom kill the boss, getting a HP-Str-Skill-Spd level.

Turns: 13

Heroes: Sumia and Chrom

Chapter 9 casualty was just RNG'd and is Gregor. :C LOOKS LIKE NOWI'S GETTING A NEW PAIR UP BOT.

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...and that pair-up bot is none other than Frederick. Who's still alive and I'm really happy about that.

Chapter 9:

Casualty: Gregor. Poor him. :C

Since Gregor's kicked the bucket, Frederick and Nowi are going to try and make a child if both of them live long enough, but I doubt it. :c I send Gregor down unequipped straight away, while Chromia and Frowi go down together to wreck everything. Nowi gets a HP-Skill-Def level on the first enemy phase, while Gregor manages to stay alive and Libra gets a crit. However, Nowi's at low health and doesn't have a healing item so Chromia go back up for her to get one from them. And then Gregor actually died. R.I.P. :C Nowi then gets a HP-Mag-Def level up. Eh, at least she's becoming tanky. Then Chromia go down and range-target the last enemy near Libra, earning Sumia a HP-Str-Mag-Skill-Res level. Nowi then gets a HP-Str-Mag-Skill-Luck-Def-Res level up. Congratulations, Nowi, you've inherited Lon'qu's throne, good job. Then I recruit Libra and send Nowi up to the area with the Wyvern re-inforcements due to her newly earned title of Tank Supreme. She gets a HP-Str-Mag-Spd-Luck-Def level, which is nice. Down with Chromia and Libra, Chrom kills an Archer and waits to be swarmed by the 1-range enemies. Libra uses Ward on him just for kicks. On the next enemy phase, Chrom gets a HP-Str level up and Nowi gets a HP-Mag-Spd-Def level.

Chrom then recruits Tharja, while Nowi starts heading down to put some items she doesn't need in the convoy. Everyone heals up on the forts (sparkly tiles were Roy's Blade and weapon exp for Sumia). Then Sumia kills the boss and the Chapter is ended, with a HP-Str-Skill-Def level up.

Turns: 12

Heroes: Frederick and Nowi

Then Emmeryn dies and Lucina pops up 15 minutes late with Starbucks.

And Chrom and Sumiavatar get married.

Chapter 10:

Casualty: Libra. Dammit I wanted a staffbot. :C Then again Anna exists. Ehh I'll get her next. Also out of 22 units recruitable so far only 9 are still alive/not retired and two of those are Chrom and Sumiavatar.

Strategy: Nowi and Frederick go up-left, Chromiavatar go left-up. Nowi gets a HP-Skill-Spd-Luck-Def-Res level up above and then barely gets a Bullion from one of the thieves. Also, Libra is really hard to kill. =/ Nowi then gets another level up (HP-Luck-Def-Res) and Frederick gets a HP-Str-Skill-Spd-Luck level up from being in the back the entire game. GOOD JOB. the path is blocked so Nowi then stays where she is while Chrom goes up and back-stabs the Master Seal Thief.

..and Libra's still alive.

but then he dies so meh

Nowi gets a HP-Def level up from chipping a Javelin soldier while Chrom goes further up and kills the last (at least I think) Thief. Then Chrom gets surrounded by one-two range enemies so he gets his wife out to take all the hits. Being a husband, Chrom: you're doing it wrong. Sumia gets a HP-Skill-Spd-Res level and then a HP-Mag-Res level up on the next player phase, bringing her to Level 20. Nowi then gets yet another HP-Def level up from the last enemies she's taking care of. Sumia promotes to Dark Knight, Chrom kills the boss (level up was HP-Skill-Spd-Def-Res), good game.

also somehow Nowi meets Bantu in the middle of a battle

Turns: 8

Heroes: Frederick and Nowi.

Casualty next chapter is Gaius, though meh we're getting Anna so idc.

Edited by Vapo
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In another Casualty run (my favorite kind of run to read) I'd like to see CoY1-3 and LB1-3 thrown in (with their characters, but no casualties on them) and ban the avatar in all the chapters you can choose to not deploy him, because I hate the idea of being pressured into ChromxAvatar runs.

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