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Tharja is a goddess


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Hi everyone. I've been thinking about Tharja while dropping some logs in my cozy toilet, and it's come to my attention that she exudes the traits of a goddess in a plethora of manners. Indeed, every single aspect of Tharja is perfect to the finest degree: her looks, her personality, her skills.. everything. Tharja is a flawless being that transcends the limits of humanity. Tharja is not just a mere human being; rather, she is a goddess: a goddess that you cannot understand.

Let's start off with her personality. Tharja has the most perfect personality you can imagine. She's a creepy, stalker bitch.. but at the same time she's a tsundere: you can see this in her support with Nowi, for example. She genuinely cares for Nowi's parents being dead. Even though she acts like a creepy bitch 24/7, that just makes her all the more desirable: I bet you guys would all love to lose your virginity to a girl who stalked you like Tharja did, am I right? Let's not pretend here. All of you guys would want to sleep with Tharja if possible.

Tharja is no weakling ingame, either. Tharja can 2RKO the boss with Nosferatu without any risk to herself. You can literally solo the game with Tharja once she shows up: Just use Nosferatu and some other magic tomes for a few chapters, promote her at level 20, and once you beat Chapter 13, go ahead and promote her. She's invincible now thanks to Nosferatu, and she will never die. If you even ever have any trouble with her stats after capping, simply depromote her back to a Level 1 Sorcerer so she can gain some more stats.

Perhaps the most perfect aspect of Tharja's traits, however, is that she has a wonderful body--which can be maintained without any exercise whatsoever. Tharja simply has a naturally beautiful body that she shows off because she can. Because she knows she's better than you. Let's check out her figure:


This has to be said: Tharja has a PERFECT ass. Do you have an ass like that? Does your girlfriend have an ass like that? Does your mom have an ass like that? No. You have nothing while Tharja has everything.

I know I've done an incredible job at convincing you that Tharja is truly a magnificent creature and a source of delight, and I'm sure you already believe me. But even if you don't, that's perfectly fine. It just means you have a crappy sense of taste. You are just a lowly simpleton compared to Tharja. All hail Tharja.

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No Galeforce -2/10

A goddess that does not have Galeforce is not a goddess... but a false goddess.

Anna just chooses to hide it so that she will not be suspected of being a goddess and simply be dismissed as a merchant girl.

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