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I'm awkward


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There's nothing worst than being around a lot of people I don't know. There's nothing worst than crowded elevators full of neighbors I never talked to (and I don't intend to). Seriously, if I believed in hell I'm sure it would be a crowded and really hot elevator full of neighbors and the devil himself, stuck on the 5th floor forever.

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But you'd get to know them eventually, what with that eternity together. Then you wouldn't be in hell because you're socially awkward, but because you'd have gone through the cycle of human relations wherein

you dont know someone and dont like them

then get to know them and start to like them

then become friends and be cool

and then have known each other way too long because eternity and just hate each other

l'enfer c'est les autres, no?

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Agreed, hell is just a bunch of hot and girls crowding you in an elevator, stroking you slowly...

/Straight Gynephobia is a dick, I can never express my feelings.

Introverted-ness sucks too.

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set small goals for yourself. little victories. maybe the next stranger you see, smile at them and make eye-contact. yu don't have to do that all day, just that one person.

maybe after that, the next stranger you meet, where having a conversation won't be totally weird, you can start asking some questions yourself. strike a conversation up. or, if that's too much, set up little goals that'll help you get to this point.

because playing the victim and never trying to solve the problem won't solve the problem.

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Hell is others.

Nobody's forcing you to socialise with any of these people. Half of my neighbours don't even respond to my greetings (but I continue greeting everyone anyway because I can't be arsed to remember which ones react and which don't), which may have something to do with me having to choose a language to greet them in, which I sometimes get wrong, I guess. Point is, you're not obliged to show interest in complete strangers.

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it's ok, dude, everybody's a little awkward

I mean it's not like you have to be a social butterfly and get to know EVERYONE personally

if social stuff is important to you, then start by setting small goals like greeting the next person you meet or striking up some quick chit-chat with a cashier at a grocery store or something

it's very easy if you set your mind at ease and take those small steps towards being less socially awkward

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I never talk to much strangers unless i'm on good mood...

strangely, i'm more confident with strangers sometimes because we don't know each other,

just try to show a smile (be it fake or not) to everyone you eye contacted, you'll draw a nice aura to the society around there,

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