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What did you want to reappear in Awakening?


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Maybe there's some stuff that you miss from previous Fire Emblem games..

Which old classes from previous Fire Emblem games did you want to return to Awakening?

Not only that, what stats did you want to come back?

That mostly includes Con, Wt.

Did you miss the "Rescue" ability?

I miss the Mage Knights & the Falcon Knights abilities to wield swords.

The trainee classes, to me, were the best.

I wish Recruit & Pupil would return.

Anything else you miss?

Is there anything that was added, and wish for it to return in later Fire Emblem games?

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Fog of War and Blackmap.

Seize and Defend objectives.

Magic effectiveness triangle thingy.

the second generation becoming playable after the first gets totally wiped out in a scripted story event

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Fog of War and Blackmap.

Seize and Defend objectives.

Magic effectiveness triangle thingy.

the second generation becoming playable after the first gets totally wiped out in a scripted story event

This with Light Magic, and everybody's favorite thing, Nihil Battles.

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Oh, and I forgot something: Canto would also be nice. Although probably something more like the GBA Canto and not the more powerful Canto we saw in Tellius and the Jugdral games.

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Oh, and I forgot something: Canto would also be nice. Although probably something more like the GBA Canto and not the more powerful Canto we saw in Tellius and the Jugdral games.

As an aside, did mounted enemies with multiple weapons have the ability to switch weapons after attacking in the Jugdral games?

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As an aside, did mounted enemies with multiple weapons have the ability to switch weapons after attacking in the Jugdral games?

Yes, they did. It was very useful.

EDIT: Oh enemies derp.

I don't know; ignore this post.

Edited by Euklyd
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Yes, they did. It was very useful.

EDIT: Oh enemies derp.

I don't know; ignore this post.

I brought it up because of some cheating I saw in Path of Radiance regarding mounted units: If they attacked, they could still switch their weapons after attacking unless they had used up all their move getting to you.

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Class wise I was actually pretty happy with what we got. Stuff I missed:

-Traps. Other than the troll mansion and chapter 21 mire gauntlet, there's not much to the map design.


-Terrain height advantages/disadvantages

-Different objectives, namely defend and escape.

Basically most of the stuff from the Tellius games. Pair Up more or less replaced Rescue, and Shove was cool but I won't lose sleep over losing it. Not having the rescue command in Shadow Dragon practically had me breaking out into a cold sweat to be honest.

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I'd like to have seen these things:

Fog/Rain/Snow Maps

Defend Maps/Siege Maps

Light Magic (Not just the Book of Naga)

Poison Weapons/Status Effects like Sleep and Silence

Also Telius' ability to forge weapons with colors

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Stuff I missed:

-Traps. Other than the troll mansion and chapter 21 mire gauntlet, there's not much to the map design.


-Terrain height advantages/disadvantages

-Different objectives, namely defend and escape.


Mainly the Ballistae part... Also, the Canto Skill, the Arena (ok, useless with the infinite grinding but I missed it), Berserker/Mute/Sleep staff, and the Poison status

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Mostly stuff from PoR and RD. Third tier classes, climbing and attacking from atop ledges, laguz (though Panne and Yarne are sorta like them), Falcon Knights with swords, chapters with more than one possible way to win, more kinds of objectives, and that's basically it. This stuff was part of what made me love the Tellius games so much!

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Different objectives, light magic, and the rescue function. Statuses and status staves (and the restore staff, as well) would've allowed for more interesting strategies as well.

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Interactive battle maps a la sacred stones would be pretty slick. You're fighting in a town, and unfortunately you use your last vulnerary and your weapon breaks, but LO, there's a weapon shop and an item shop there for you to use mid-battle! Conveniently this allows you to dump that Red Gem you just picked off a corpse as well. And if you want to try and earn some money if you feel confident, there's an arena to battle it out in a single turn until you bail or someone dies. Its almost like you're doing battle inside an actual town...where the merchants have balls of steel, but no matter.

aside from that, light magic i agree with as seems to be universally the case. I loved Tellius's "Dark > ( Thunder > Fire > Wind > Thunder ) > Light > Dark" magic paradigm. High Ground Advantage would be nice to see back as well; varying height levels added more strategy to battles, utilizing the high ground as best you can while denying it to the foe...though more often than not the heights were in the foe's favor barring defend maps...which made FE10 Chapters 1-E and 3-4 REALLY irritating. Moreso 1-E, due to the restrictions on fliers indoors.

Oh and more objectives. Arrive with X character, seize, escape, defend...but absolutely not Hold the Line, ew. More secondary objectives besides "keep moronic villagers from dying" would be nice as well. Get some kind of reward after the battle for fulfilling them.

also bring back the soldier class! it was badass in tellius, where it debuted, and the only lance-wielding infantry in awakening - the villager - was asolute shit.

I did adore the dramatically expanded support system, but some of the romances were a touch...contrived. SUDDENLY MARRIAGE! (because pie)

theives being able to steal non-equipped inventory items would be nice, but would require re-implementation of weight which might be a bit much for a handheld game

but...is it wierd i want Knives back as a weapon? i always thought they were useful. a melee unit that while frail could circumvent the weapon triangle could end up saving a disadvantaged unit's bacon. their low weight also meant that theives almost never lost AS, and light fe10 thunder magic its low power was offset at higher ranks by a very respectable crit rate.

bringing back Elemental Effectiveness for magic and expanding it would be very interesting as well, for example - tellius fire magic was Effective against Beast-Tribe Laguz. in awakening, the beast killer lance is Effective against Taguel, who are very similar in design if not mechanics, but also Effective against cavalry units. so....why not make Fire Effective against Cavalry as well, and see what happens. As it stands in fe13, i pretty much only use lightning magic, breaking out wind spells only for fliers. the various magics need more reason to be used. of course, i have no idea what Effectiveness light and dark could have. perhaps light > armored, a la thani? dark i suppose wouldnt need any what with the wacky special effects it has in 13, but it would be nice for every type to have a niche.

to that effect - siege tomes. give siege tomes back. as well as swords/axes/lances that run off magic...but more than just lightning. bolt axe, levin sword, and shockstick are a nice start, but lets get back the flame lance, and the sonic sword. lets make a dark knife, and a light bow! more Effective weaponry in general like the Zanbato and Poleax for anticavalry. i use cavalry in my examples alot, but its just because their balanced stats make them perfect crash test dummies.

basically bring back cool old stuff while making neat new mechanics as well. also, definitely keep pair-up, but rebalance it. because it needs it, bad. perhaps by having dual guarders take damage, and make dual attack crits dodgeable and guardable by anyone...and let the enemy Pair Up as well, to really level the playing field, even if its just adjacent foes fighting together instead of a true pair up.

I know, I know, I'm so demanding...but this is stuff to keep in mind for FE14 IntSys!

Edited by Ikorus
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I assume you mean the next non-remake/crossover FE title. I'll list the things I wish Awakening had.

- More objectives, even if they're optional side objectives

- Light magic, daggers, and maybe even cards if they were viable

- Thunder magic being effective on wyverns rather than wind

- Canto instead of Galeforce

- Status effects being more common and actually a threat

- Weaker Rescue (and Warp if it's included) staff

- A big nerf to Counter

- Overall weaker rallying, perhaps no more than +2 to a stat at a time from rallies

- Patching to fix little bugs like the current StreetPass one

- Single chapter bosses being more memorable

- The option to change what track is playing, probably second playthrough onward

- More prompts or a password requirement before overwriting a save file that isn't on the same save slot of which it was loaded from

- Legacy characters (if any) not being usually inferior in combat because of a lack of supports

- Legacy characters' battle models using assets from other characters so they aren't so restricted

- A class that utilizes various pets to attack (or do other actions, get creative)

- A co-op mode where you actually move tiles like in the campaign

Awakening has done so much right, but these are some features that I would've liked in Awakening.

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