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Apotheosis SR 6 turns


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I'm very happy. This is the lowest possible turn count so no one can ever beat this record.

Note: You might see changes in weapon use between the two videos. I had some recording issues so the two parts are different 6 turn playthroughs, but you should be able to tell that it is indeed possible at least.

I had a lot of trouble with 6 turning this whereas 7 turning was relatively easy. This was because I had to carry out several tests to figure out how Anna positioned my units at the beginning of turn 5--it turns out that it depends on the position of your units in the "switch units" page. This is the most important thing that makes the 6 turn possible, because otherwise the best would be a 7 turn. It's something like this:

15 16 17 18 19

= 1 = 2 =

3 = 4 = 5

8 = 6 C 7 = 9

10 11 12 13 14

C represents Chrom. = represents empty spaces. The first unit you pick in your "switch units" page will be at position 1, and so on. I had some occasions in which 2 went into 18 for whatever reason, so it might not be 100% consistent. But it works. What Anna does is she makes your units go back into these positions. For example, I put Morgan in position 4, and she went back there on turn 5.

The Team:

Great Knight Chrom (Aggressor, All Stats +2, Luna, Limit Breaker, Dual Strike+)
Boots Falcon Knight Ursula (Movement +1, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Luna)
Boots Falcon Knight DLC Micaiah (Movement +1, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Luna)
Boots Falcon Knight Mio (an Avatar) (Movement +1, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Luna)
Boots Falcon Knight L'Arachel (Movement +1, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Luna)
Boots Falcon Knight Julia (Limit Breaker, Rally Movement, Heart, Spectrum, Speed))
Boots Dark Flier Sumia!Lucina (All Stats +2, Galeforce, Limit Breaker, Luna, Rightful King)
Boots Dark Flier Gaius!Noire (Movement +1, All Stats +2, Luna, Limit Breaker, Galeforce)
Dark Flier Chrom!Cynthia (Limit Breaker, Luna, Galeforce, All Stats +2, Tomefaire)
Dark Flier Donnel!Kjelle (Luna, Limit Breaker, All Stats +2, Galeforce, Deliverer)
Dark Flier Nowi!Morgan (Movement +1, Limit Breaker, Luna, Galeforce, Deliverer)
Dark Flier Avatar!Nah (Deliverer, All Stats +2, Luna, Limit Breaker, Galeforce)
Dark Flier Stahl!Severa (Luna, Galeforce, Armsthrift, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker)
Dark Flier Sumia (All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Luna, Tomefaire, Galeforce)
Dark Flier Cordelia (Vengeance, Limit Breaker, All Stats +2, Armsthrift, Galeforce)
Dark Flier Maribelle (Rally Magic, All Stats +2, Tomefaire, Limit Breaker, Galeforce)
Dark Flier Lissa (All Stats +2, Rally Speed, Tomefaire, Galeforce, Limit Breaker)
Dark Knight Ricken!Owain (Aggressor, Limit Breaker, All Stats +2, Galeforce, Luna)
Dark Knight Henry!Brady (Galeforce, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Luna, Aggressor)
Dark Knight Libra!Inigo (Aggressor, Galeforce, Limit Breaker, All Stats +2, Tomefaire

Note: This was done by Celes. He asked me to post it for him.

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A little curious about Lucina's skill set - any particular reason to use RfK over Dual Strike+ or Aether? Aether+Luna has better odds of activating something than Luna+RfK if I'm calculating her skill correctly (I get 72 68 skill after Rallies) and of course the increased damage gives extra insurance against failed Dual Strikes. DS+ makes Dual Strikes almost certain, near-guaranteeing kills. RfK seems like the weakest option for that slot. Maybe it's just that the skillsets weren't fully optimised, just 'optimised enough' to make this possible, and there's still improvements available?

Edit: Didn't notice there was no rally skill, that means lower skill and an even more valid point.

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I just checked GFaqs, couldn't see it. Just checked that link Blue posted, shows I'm ignoring 3 messages from people who've posted on GFaqs. Whoever he is there, he's also a troll, which is hardly surprising I guess.

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