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Limited items


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These are items that aren't obtainable through map shops or legacy teams, but can be sold on StreetPass teams. They're only sold by Anna shops/StreetPass teams or are obtained from Barracks/sparkling tile events - basically, you can't get as many as you want at any time.


The items I know of are: Superior weapons, glass weapons, Dying Blaze, 1 Mt joke weapons, Rapier, Soothing Sword, Shockstick, Miniature Lance, Volant Axe, Orsin's Hatchet, Towering Bow, Underdog Bow, Wilderwind, Aversa's Night, Hammerne, Kneader, Balmsood Staff, Catharsis, Sweet Tincutre, keys, Arms Scroll, permanent stat boosters, confects, Tiki's Tear, Seed of Trust, Rift Door,

Did I accidentally put one on their incorrectly or am I missing anything? I ask because I'd like to put a lot of these items on my StreetPass team for others to be able to purchase, and hopefully you'll put these on your StreetPass shop to help out others!

Edited by BlueFire
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You forgot shockstick and sweet tincture(lol). Also, you can get as many seeds of trusts as you want if you have summer/hot springs scramble.

Edited by BChan8397
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