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New Super Luigi U


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How many others have got and been playing this game? I love Luigi, so of course I had to buy it! I got the hard copy cause I wanted the beautiful green Luigi case. lol

The game is quite hard, but what keeps it from being total torture like the Lost Levels from Super Mario All-Stars (still the hardest shit I ever played. Never got past the first level) is that the levels also seem to be a little shorter.

It's still fun though! It's not a frustrating challenge at all and it's actually a bit easy at times too, imo. Though this could be because I just wanna keep playing as Luigi. lol

We can also ask for help on the game here, btw. I'm actually stuck now myself in the Soda Jungle. Right after the ghost house level, there's levels 4 and 5, but I beat both and still can't unlock the next path. I'm thinking I have to find a secret exit, but I haven't been able to find one. (I'd prefer to look in level 5, as I found it much easier to beat)

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I defeated New Super Luigi U the day after it was available as DLC if I recall (I can't remember what day I 100%-ed it). I was too impatient to wait for the boxed version. Plus, I thought it'd be really neat if my very first game DLC was for a Mario game (in a sense, since it's technically Luigi's game).

The game is probably second only to Lost Levels (which I also completed, Worlds 9 and A-D included) in terms of difficulty for a 2D Mario game. Though the hazards, high difficulty, and hecticness probably make it the 2D Mario (it's Luigi technically, but you get the idea) I've had the most fun with by far, especially with the mulitplayer thrown in. I've actually been playing it a lot more than New Super Mario Bros. U ever since I downloaded it. I will say that the levels are hardly multiplayer friendly, especially levels like Wendy's Castle and World 9-1. Well, unless you've got insane skills like this:

Yeah, there is a secret in both 5-4 and 5-5. Finding the secret exit in either level will get you to the next area. 5-4's secret is in a pipe right above the last swinging pipe in the level. Stand on it when it's at its right-most position, and you'll be able to access the secret pipe. 5-5's secret is near the start before you enter the pipe. You either needed to ground pound a statue to reveal a secret, or find a secret wall that led to the secret. What's your Miiverse name? I could probably message you with photos of the secrets' locations. Even if you don't want me to show you them, I still want to friend you since I barely have any Miiverse friends.

I find it rather strange that you made it farther in New Super Luigi U than New Super Mario Bros. U. Do the shortened levels make it that much easier for you? I thought the levels being jammed with hazards would've made it a lot harder to you.

Also, if things get too hectic, you can play as Nabbit (and have invulnerability to everything except one hit kills and holes) by holding ZR/R (or B on the Wii Remote) while selecting a level.

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Actually, I gave up looking for the secret in 5-5 and remembered that someone on Miiverse said something about a pipe in 5-4 and I found said pipe. lol

But thanks anyway, Rando! Also, it must be groundpounding the statues because a secret wall only led me to a 1-up mushroom (but it was handy because getting it over and over gave me infinite lives...lol).

And I'm farther in New Super Luigi U than in the regular NSMBU because I just wanted to play NSLU more and that's because Luigi. lol

And my Miiverse name is Kelly.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, if you get stuck on anything else in either NSMBU or NSLU, you can always ask me.

Ah, okay. I suppose that makes sense. In terms of losing lives, how many lives do you lose on average before completing a level? For me, it averaged from 0-2 lives lost for every level I went through (0 for most, and 1 or 2 for a some of the harder ones) .

Alright. You'll have to set your Miiverse options to allow friend requests, since otherwise, my friend request to you won't go through. It's set to off as a default. My Miiverse ID is Player¼/Fidesio.

[Edit] Actually, it looks like you have to be the one friending me, since it won't allow me to search for names under 6 characters. Player¼ is the nickname for my account (it uses the ¼ symbol, so it's one character), while Fidesio is the real name I use (that isn't actually my real name, by the way).

Edited by Randoman
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When I get a WiiU, I'm gonna get NSLU instead of NSMBU. At least it won't be the EXACT same game as NSMB and NSMBW.

(Oh, and it doens't cost 3 times as much as it should.)

Edited by Zera
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It can be bought as DLC, but I consider it a game of its own because it has a standalone version. It uses the same worlds as NSMBU, but the levels are different and we have a slightly different set of playable characters (Nabbit instead of Mario).

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Excuse the double post, but guys, guys! I randomly unlocked a shortcut to Ludwig's castle! I just went through the first door I found in the ghost house and a rainbow path leading all the way to the castle appeared. o_o

I also cleared that ghost house without taking damage. I knew that seemed a little too easy. lol

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I'm not sure if this is DLC or not, since there's a physical version of the content which can be played without NSMBU. Do you consider it DLC or more of a spin-off?

I'd personally consider it DLC, since even though there's 82 new levels, they're all rather short and New Super Luigi U takes a lot from New Super Mario Bros. U, such as the map, the menu formats, and such. Plus, it was originally announced as DLC first before the retail version was announced. I wouldn't say calling it one or the other is wrong though, since the DLC is quite expansive compared to normal DLC, that it can easily be considered its own separate game.

Excuse the double post, but guys, guys! I randomly unlocked a shortcut to Ludwig's castle! I just went through the first door I found in the ghost house and a rainbow path leading all the way to the castle appeared. o_o

I also cleared that ghost house without taking damage. I knew that seemed a little too easy. lol

Nice. I take it that's the first secret that you've found? Both New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U do a really good job at hiding secret areas in general. I remember getting frustrated in New Super Mario Bros. U since I only found my first secret in the 3rd World. It turns out that the secret exits are ridiculously well hidden and you need check some really weird places and do random things to find a lot of them (crouch sliding into a solid wall comes to mind for one of them). Are you going to try to complete New Super Luigi U 100% Anacybele? I should warn you, some of the post game levels are beyond ridiculous (9-2 and 9-6 definitely come to mind).

Also, could you try to find me on Miiverse and friend me? Player¼ is the nickname for my account (it uses the ¼ symbol, so it's one character), while Fidesio is the real name I use (that isn't actually my real name, by the way). I tried to search for your account, but names under 6 characters can't be searched for.

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Besides the secret required to get through the Soda Jungle, yes, it's the first secret exit I've found. And yeah, I did notice that secret exits in the recent NSMB games are a lot harder to find than the ones in Super Mario World (I found every single one up to castle 6, which I could never beat). o.o

And I'd like to complete the game as much as I can, but I doubt I could ever 100% it. Some of those star coins are in crazy places. And thanks for telling me. lol

Sure, I'll look you up! ^^

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Besides the secret required to get through the Soda Jungle, yes, it's the first secret exit I've found. And yeah, I did notice that secret exits in the recent NSMB games are a lot harder to find than the ones in Super Mario World (I found every single one up to castle 6, which I could never beat). o.o

And I'd like to complete the game as much as I can, but I doubt I could ever 100% it. Some of those star coins are in crazy places. And thanks for telling me. lol

Sure, I'll look you up! ^^

Since you probably want to find the secret exits yourself, do you at least want hints, like things you should look out for when finding secret exits? I mean, I never would've found most of those secret exits if I didn't know what levels to look for them in.

Finding the hidden star coins can be really hard to find in New Super Luigi U (almost as hard as finding secret exits, since some are hidden in really obscure places like invisible beanstock blocks or floors that can be ground pounded to reveal secret areas). But for the hard to reach Star Coins, using Boost Mode solo is usually an option:


Thanks. I'll be looking for your friend request on Miiverse

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Boost mode is the mode where you can make platforms by touching the Gamepad screen. You'll need to play using the Wii Remote in order to leave the Gamepad able to use boost mode. Traditionally, one person is suppose to control Mario/Luigi/Toad, while the other controls boost mode, but some people (including myself) have actually learned to control both the character and boost mode at the same time using the setup shown in the picture I posted (though I prefer using the pointer finger instead of the middle finger). Since my younger siblings gave up on trying to do Boost Mode Challenges with me, I had to learn to use both for the hardest of the boost mode challenges such as this one:


Having to focus on controlling Mario, making platforms, scaring off pirahna plants, and dousing fireballs at the same time was beyond ridiculous, and took a lot of tries for gold. That's probably the most intense Mario challenge I've ever done.

You don't need to do multitasking that's that crazy, though. You can use it just to make platforms that'll make it easier to reach hard to reach coins or secrets. You can also use it to stun or destroy frozen enemies just by tapping on them or slow down moving blocks and floors. To some people, trying to use both the Wii Remote and Boost Mode may be too difficult and more trouble than it's worth, but it's always an option to try out.

Did you have trouble finding me on Miiverse? I didn't receive any friend requests yesterday.

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Oh, I see now! Yeah, it sounds like that would be easier to pull off if you had someone to play with.

And I apologize! I haven't been on the Wii U lately cause work and I really wanted to get something else out of the way. >_< But all that's taken care of, so I'll hop on in a bit! :)

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Well, you can always just focus fully on Mario/Luigi and the Wii Remote until a hard to reach star coin/secret comes up, then use the Game Pad to make platforms to reach the star coin/secret.

Alright. I'll check my Wii U later for your friend request.

I hope this isn't too off topic, but today I've finally gotten gold medals on all 80 challenges in challenge mode!! The time challenges were the last ones I needed to get gold on, but after a lot of tries, restarts, and referencing the NewMarioUEN channel, I finally did it. And to think I've been trying those challenges ever since I got my Wii U and New Super Mario Bros. U at launch...

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Oh wow, nice. :o

The only game I've gotten an achievement like that on is Mario Kart Wii lol. Got gold trophies in every tournament for all three categories. :D

But to get back on topic, after dozens of attempts, I finally took down Bowser Jr. for the second time! But damn, he was HARD. And I thought he was tough in the Galaxy games. o.o

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Oh wow, nice. :o

The only game I've gotten an achievement like that on is Mario Kart Wii lol. Got gold trophies in every tournament for all three categories. :D

But to get back on topic, after dozens of attempts, I finally took down Bowser Jr. for the second time! But damn, he was HARD. And I thought he was tough in the Galaxy games. o.o

Thanks. It definitely wasn't an easy feat, seeing how a good chunk of the challenges require pixel prefection when it comes to maneuvering and the gold medal requirements leave little leeway for error.

Yeah, without the Squirrel suit, that Bowser Jr. battle is quite tough since you need to keep dodging his attacks for quite a while until he makes himself vulnerable.

The next world will be quite ridiculous with loads of lava, raining fireballs, fatal smoke clouds, and other crazy hazards. All I can tell you is keep a sharp eye out for all the hazards on screen, since you may get hit by one when paying too much attention to another hazard.

Also, I got you friended on Miiverse, and I have to say I really like your drawings. They're a lot fancier than mine, that's for sure (I hope you check out my drawings, regardless).

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Yeah, I bet it wasn't easy!

Unfortunately, I had trouble even making it to Bowser Jr. without losing the squirrel suit. xP

I figured there would be lava and stuff, but geez. Thanks for giving me a heads up.

And thanks a bunch! I'm still getting the hang of drawing on the gamepad, but I'll keep at it. ^^

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