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Children's Ages


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I finally read Laurent' s supports with his father, explaining how messed up Time Travel is.

And he also explained how, they also arrived in Chrom' s era at different times.. meaning different ages.. how he was older than Lucina by three years..

So.. how old do you think each child is?

They all must be in their teens, I mean.. they can't be too young..

I always thought Lucina was.. maybe 13 or 14..

And Kjelle was either 16 or 17..

How old do you think the children are?

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In my head all the kids are around 16-19 cause that works best for me if I make stories about them & if they include marriage etc, but guessing there actual ages in the game I honestly wouldn't know how old any of them are.

Edited by Shelie
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Uh, Laurent is not older than Lucina by three years. He's older by at most one, because he was conceived (probably alongside the other kids) after the two-year time-skip. Then time travel happened and Laurent's age went up by five while Lucina's went up by two, but since Laurent's two years younger, then...

But with regards to the topic, I think Lucina's 18-20, Laurent's about the same age, and most of the other kids are 16-18ish, with Morgan a year or two younger than their sibling if they have one.

Edited by Canto
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Most likely Late teens for a good deal of them, ergo, roughly the same age as the parent characters, if not older in some cases (Child of Donnel, Owain, Laurent). Morgan's probably about 11 or something though.

There's a rather groundless theory that Lucina's 23 though. (well, it's got a reason. That'd put her at the exact age as the series. Still groundless though.)

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I think they are in a range of 16-19

Something like:

Laurent: 21 Maybe? Because of time travel failure, 17-18 in Future Past

Inigo, Gerome, Yarne, Severa, Brady, Owain, Kjelle and Noire: Around 17-18

Lucina: Around 19

Cynthia, Nah, Morgan: Around 16-17, because they look younger than the others... And Nah need to be in an age near of Inigo because of what she say in the support

This is wrong I'm sure, but that's how I think it is, they need to be in an age near of marriage after all...

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This is wrong I'm sure, but that's how I think it is, they need to be in an age near of marriage after all...

Eh not really, Lissa can get married when she's 14, and Donnel is said to be younger than her

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This is wrong I'm sure, but that's how I think it is, they need to be in an age near of marriage after all...

You do realize that the 'age of marriage' changes depending on where you live, right?

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Most likely Late teens for a good deal of them, ergo, roughly the same age as the parent characters, if not older in some cases (Child of Donnel, Owain, Laurent). Morgan's probably about 11 or something though.

I don't think Morgan can be that much younger than the others. Morgan/Nah's Harvest Scramble convo says they're about the same age, and Nah's the same age as Inigo per their B-support. Though MU!Inigo will still call Olivia!Morgan his 'kid sister' in the same timeline...

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Age Predictions Based on Personality on other factors:
I don't think anyone is over 20. Lucina is the first born in both timelines. She is a baby in the second timeline, indicating she was probably born recently within that two year time frame. Also I think due to the possibility of marrying Olivia, I would say that Lucina doesn't get conceived until at least after the first year. I assume also that both timelines share around the same approximate births, aside from Morgan. My guess is the latter half of the game takes place over the course of a year, meaning that any of Lucina's potential siblings would be born later than everyone else.
18 or 17 is the standard age of coming of age heroes. Lucina fits that mold as a protagonist like her father, so my guess is she would be that age. She could lean younger, but as the oldest I think she be on the older side. Being 18 were also explain her maturity.
19 -Laurent (due to early arrival)

18 - Lucina

17 - Gerome (I think Gerome is the next oldest)

17 - Noire (Seems older biologically)

17 - Severa (Severa strikes me as a late teen rebellion}
16 - Owain (His mom should be 14 at the start of the game, and plus 2 year time skip. I'm thinking that none of the children are actually older than their mothers)

16 - Yarne (Physiology different as half taguel, so hard to determine. But cowardliness makes me want to lean younger)

16 - Nah (same age as Morgan. Her maturity towards her mother serves as a contrast because of her younger age.)

All need to be younger than Lucina because she is the first born.

16 - Inigo

16 - Cynthia
16 - Kjelle

16 - Brady

15 - Morgan (Assuming same age regardless of parentage. Looks younger than the rest.)

I think being the same age can mean being in the same rough age group. So Inigo and Morgan are both around 15/16, so they are around the same age.

Edit: Canto's point noted

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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Nah and Yarne have got to be at least a year older than Morgan, though. Nah was born on March 29th, and there's not a time gap possible for a sibling Morgan to also be born in the same year, assuming 9-month pregnancy, since s/he's born on May 5th. Same logic with Yarne, since he's born on March 14th.

This is of course, assuming that Morgan's age doesn't change between timelines.

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Nah and Yarne have got to be at least a year older than Morgan, though. Nah was born on March 29th, and there's not a time gap possible for a sibling Morgan to also be born in the same year, assuming 9-month pregnancy, since s/he's born on May 5th. Same logic with Yarne, since he's born on March 14th.

This is of course, assuming that Morgan's age doesn't change between timelines.

my logic is that their relative appearance and most conversations doesn't change between timelines, so neither does their age.

Awakening appears to subscribe to what I call a collapsing timeline as opposed to butterfly timeline. Rather than having Lucina's appearance radically shift the timeline (i.e. changing the first key events should prevent any of the other key events occurring), Lucina's effects have an only short range effect relative to other time travel fiction. So Lucina and the other children only change things that happen around them, rather shifting the entire landscape of the game. Lucina's birth still happened at the same time. So the same occurred with the rest of the other children besides Morgan.

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Well.. she doesn't seem to be that old..

Her pouty face reminds of a younger child.. And her attitude, I would expect to come from someone younger.

Her attitude is the main thing that makes me think she's older. It really reminds me the type of fights you have with your parents when you're older. She's not just angry at her mom; she's rebelling against her and her way of life. That is why she is a mercenary rather than a pegasus knight.

And I don't really see the face thing because it corresponds with her personality.

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You do realize that the 'age of marriage' changes depending on where you live, right?

Actually nop, I didn't know, thanks for the data

Eh not really, Lissa can get married when she's 14, and Donnel is said to be younger than her

Ouch! I forget about her, Donny and Ricken :>_<:

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Her attitude is the main thing that makes me think she's older. It really reminds me the type of fights you have with your parents when you're older. She's not just angry at her mom; she's rebelling against her and her way of life. That is why she is a mercenary rather than a pegasus knight.

And I don't really see the face thing because it corresponds with her personality.

Her attitude is what makes me think she's younger. Few people older than 16 act so childish. She reminds me of my sister (who's 15)

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Her attitude is what makes me think she's younger. Feel people older than 16 act so childish. She reminds me of my sister (who's 15)

You have lived a blessed existence if you've never seen someone older than 16 act childishly. Or maybe because I've grown up in a college-town (university-town), I get to see people at their worst a lot more than others would.

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Her attitude is what makes me think she's younger. Feel people older than 16 act so childish. She reminds me of my sister (who's 15)

My sister's 14, and acts like that.

She's like "Get me this! Get me that! Why didn't you get me my @#$%ING RAINBOW LOOMS ALREADY?!?!"

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You have lived a blessed existence if you've never seen someone older than 16 act childishly. Or maybe because I've grown up in a college-town (university-town), I get to see people at their worst a lot more than others would.

I've seen many people older than 16 act childish, but not the way Severa do. It's typical of early teens (13~16)

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I've seen many people older than 16 act childish, but not the way Severa do. It's typical of early teens (13~16)

...Again, blessed existence. My cousin is 23 and she acts as a less-nice Severa. Or, rather, Severa without the A/S supports.

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Morgan-15 or 16


Laurent- Pre. Time Skip-18 After-21



It more depends on who the parent is. I doubt every father is gonna want a baby at the same time as another with the mother. Adds to the Headcanonness of the game. Then you have to think that some of the mothers were already pregnant.

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